March 19, 2025

Congratulations to student artist Addie Sandifur for receiving a Gold Key in the Regional Scholastic Art Competition for her piece, The Diner! Her artwork is now advancing to New York City for national judging and is currently on display at the Indianapolis Public Library.

Important Dates!

March 21 - Trivia Night

March 23 - Dance-a-Thon

March 28 - Start of Spring Break

April 10-12 - Annie

April 19 - Easter Egg Dash

April 26 - Spring Day of Service

April 28 - Dad's Day Breakfast

Report Cards

Report cards were sent on Friday, March 14. Please contact your student's teacher with any questions.

BCHS Dance-a-Thon - This Sunday!

Dance-a-Thon takes place this Sunday from noon to 4:00 pm at Bishop Chatard High School, and benefits Peyton Manning Children's Hospital. Dance-a-Thon is open to Bishop Chatard students AND North Deanery students in grades 3-8, so spread the word to younger siblings! There is still time to sign up! Click here to register today.

Help Needed!

Volunteers are still needed to work the event and provide snack donations. Click here to sign up.

Easter Egg Dash - Saturday, April 19

Join us on Saturday, April 19, at 9:30 am for the Annual BCHS Easter Egg Dash! This fun-filled, family-friendly event is perfect for children ages 10 and under and is sure to make your Easter weekend extra special!

Admission is free and includes a visit from the Easter Bunny, coffee and donuts, face painting, crafts and more! Please click here to RSVP.

Annie Tickets - Now on Sale

Tickets for Annie on April 10, 11 & 12 are on sale now! Click here for more information and to place your order.

Ovations, Sponsors & Patrons

Support our cast/crew by placing an ovation in the playbill, or by becoming a theatre sponsor or patron. Click here for more information. Ovations and sponsor ads must be placed by March 24 to be included in the playbill.

Waffle Day! Monday Mornings

Beginning March 24, every Monday morning will be "Make Your Own Belgian Waffle Day" in the BCHS Café! Cost is $2.25 a la carte or students can make it into the Meal Deal. Start time is at 8:15 am.

Join Us for Trivia Night - This Friday, March 21

The BCHS Athletic Booster Club invites parents, alumni, and friends to Trivia Night 2025—a fun-filled evening benefiting all BCHS athletic teams! Mark your calendars for Friday, March 21, and get involved by forming a team, sponsoring a round, or involving family, friends, and fellow alumni—no matter where they live! This is an over-21 event for all players. Click here for details and to register.

Teen Trivia Night

The BCHS Athletic Booster Club also invites students to come have fun in support of BCHS Athletics! Click here for details and to sign up for Teen Trivia Night, on Friday, March 21 at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. This event is for BCHS students only.

Help Wanted!

Whether you are the trivia type or not, we could use some assistance with set-up before the event, or with event management during the event. Click here to sign up today!

Important Info for Seniors!

FAFSA Deadline

Please note that the deadline for submitting FAFSA applications or waivers is April 15, 2025. Please contact with any questions.

Senior Grandparent Mass

Senior families! Mark your calendars for the 2025 Senior Grandparent Mass, on Thursday, April 24. Mass begins at 10 am, immediately followed by a reception. Please click here to RSVP, and to learn more.

Senior Class Photo

After the Grandparent Mass reception, seniors will be asked to go to the football field for their final BCHS class photo. Students will receive more information soon.

Spring Community Day of Service - April 26

Join the Bishop Chatard community for our Spring Day of Service on Saturday, April 26. We will gather for Mass in the SBC Chapel at 8:00 am and then carpool to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at 3001 E. 30th Street. We will wrap up at the food pantry by 12:00 pm.

Please click here to RSVP by April 18. We hope to see you there! Contact Matt Hilton with any questions.

Dad's Day Breakfast - April 28

Calling all BCHS Dads! Join us on Monday, April 28 in the BCHS Cafeteria for our Dad’s Day Breakfast, sponsored by BCHS Campus Ministry! Come and enjoy breakfast, fellowship with your students, and listen to guest speaker Pete Burak, Vice President of Renewal Ministries–an organization which seeks to foster growth in holiness and evangelization with the power of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of souls. Pete will be sharing his insights on growing together as a family in prayer.

Doors open at 6:30 am 

Speaker begins at 7:00 am

Hard end at 8:15 am

We look forward to celebrating all the fathers and father figures in our students' lives, and hope this event will help strengthen their faith journey together. Please RSVP here by Thursday, April 24.

Spring Sports Yard Signs

Orders are now being taken for Spring Sports yard signs. This is an optional purchase and can be done online or by turning in a completed form with payment to the Athletic Office. Orders will be taken until Friday, April 11 to allow for the sports that start later in the season.

Summer School Course: Health - Register by March 27

BCHS will offer Health Class during the summer of 2025. One credit hour is earned for the course and the cost is $200. This course is conducted in-person at BCHS. Classes run June 2 - 20 (Monday through Friday) from 8 to 11:30 am. The deadline to register is March 27.

Technology Responsible Use Policy

Program Details and Expectations

Click here to register by Thursday, March 27. Please contact Julia Hasbrook, Director of Academics via email at or via phone at 251-1451 ext. 2280.

Class of 2028: Personal Finance Course - Register by May 2

This course runs Monday to Friday, from June 2 to June 20, 2025, from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm, and is open to students entering their sophomore year in the fall (Class of 2028). This course is conducted in-person at BCHS, and limited to 24 students. One credit hour is earned for the course and the cost is $200.

Please note:

  • Students enrolled in morning Driver’s Education should bring a sack lunch.
  • Please ensure your driving experience is not scheduled during this class time.

Please click here to register by May 2, 2025. Questions? Please contact Julia Hasbrook, Director of Academics via email at or via phone at 251-1451 ext. 2280.

Now Hiring: Trojan Tots Preschool

Trojan Tots Preschool is hiring substitute teachers from August to May, working with children of all ages. We also have a maternity leave position this school year from April to May (approximately 5 weeks) to work with our littlest Trojans.

This substitute position offers flexible hours, from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, and follows the same school calendar as Bishop Chatard High School. Our preschool serves children ages 6 weeks to 6 years old. Substitute teachers are needed to cover classrooms when teachers are absent, as well as to cover lunch breaks and prep time.

Interested candidates should email their resume to Kathryn Grose, Director of Early Childhood Education, at

Summer Camp: Spaces Still Available!

Bishop Chatard High School invites grade and middle school students to join us on campus for an exciting lineup of summer camps. Our athletic and enrichment camps offer a variety of activities designed to spark interest and engage students of all ages. Spaces are still available! Sign up now to secure your spot and take advantage of the multi-camp discount. Don’t miss out on the fun! Contact Sarah Bustamante with any questions.

Trojan Tots, Trojans for Life Magazine

Click here to read the latest issue of Trojans Today, Trojans for Life Magazine. Check out BCHS' lastest academic report card, read about unsung student heroes and much more.

5885 Crittenden Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46220

P: 317.251.1451 | F: 317.251.3648