Hudson River Sloop Clearwater: Environmental Action Director
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Clearwater is currently seeking a full time Environmental Action Director to join our fast-paced, environmentally minded team. Clearwater’s Environmental Action Director will identify major environmental issues related to Clearwater’s mission to protect the ecology of the Hudson River and the quality of life of people living in the Hudson River Valley. They will develop strategies, position statements, campaigns, education materials, and programs that assure maximum public outreach and effective action to attain these goals.
Hudsonia: Field Biology Technician
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Hudsonia Ltd, a small, nonprofit, scientific research and education institute based at a college field station in Red Hook, New York (12571), seeks a Field Biology Technician. Candidate must have experience with northeastern U.S. botany, data management and analysis, GIS, and technical writing. Other field biology knowledge (e.g., birds, herpetofauna, invertebrates, bryophytes) is a plus. Responsibilities include radio-tracking wildlife, assisting with field surveys, ecological and natural history data management and analysis, literature surveys, curating and cataloguing biological specimens, and archiving data, photographs, and specimens. Minimum qualification is a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field and two years’ experience. Compensation is $15-17/hour annualized plus benefits, based on experience.
Hudsonia: Director of the Biodiversity Resources Center
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Hudsonia seeks to hire a Director of the Biodiversity Resources Center to conduct ecological research, perform biodiversity assessments, speak and write for both scientific and educated lay audiences, and lead an education program for municipal agencies, land trusts, and others involved in decision-making about land use and conservation. The ideal applicant should have: graduate degree; good knowledge of northeastern US flora and fauna and principles of conservation science; at least five years of field experience; strong communication skills, both verbal and written; proficiency with ArcGIS or similar software; and desire to work in a small nonprofit organization and interact closely with a variety of scientists, students, collaborators, environmental professionals, and lay people. This is a full-time position with an annual starting salary in the vicinity of $50,000 plus benefits. It is expected that the successful candidate will live in the Mid-Hudson region of New York, and be able to travel frequently throughout the ten-county region.
The Land Trust Alliance: New York Program Coordinator
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The New York Program Coordinator position offers an exciting opportunity to provide program and administrative coordination and assistance to help ensure the delivery of quality programs for the land trust community. This position will help land trusts access technical expertise and trainings to ensure their capacity grows as they meet the rigor required for significant growth in land conservation and develop a robust commitment to community engagement and face the challenges of perpetuity. The program coordinator supports the New York program manager in coordinating and implementing the New York Program and its service center role, especially focused on trainings and convenings, the annual state conference and state policy. The budgeted salary range for this position is $47,000 – $57,000, and a comprehensive benefits package that includes, but is not limited to, medical, dental, vision, and other health coverage; life and disability insurance; paid vacation, personal, sick and holiday leave; and 403(b) retirement benefits.
New York Sea Grant: Water Quality Extension Specialist
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The Water Quality Extension Specialist will serve as a primary resource for New York City area residents, businesses, non-profit organizations, environmental justice communities, and agencies on anthropogenic sources of water pollution, specifically microplastics, emerging contaminants, and marine debris. Develop extension, outreach, and educational materials and training programs to support a vibrant, resilient, and sustainable urban coastal environment and related research plan for New York State.
New York Restoration Project: Seasonal Engagement and Programming Assistant
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As a part of the Engagement and Programming Department (E+P), the Engagement and Programming (E+P) Seasonal Assistant will work directly with E+P Manager(s) to build the capacity of community garden groups through community organizing, the provision of information, and event support. In addition to working with community garden groups, the E+P Assistants will support NYRP public programming across the city, particularly in NYRP gardens. The E+P Assistants will have the opportunity to work alongside all divisions within the E+P department including Public Programming and Urban Agriculture. The E+P Assistants will be responsible for a specific NYRP catchment area and/or designated to special projects throughout the season, serving as an ambassador for NYRP.
New York Restoration Project: Seasonal Park Stewardship Assistant
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The Park Stewardship Assistant supports the general maintenance and horticulture of parkland in Northern Manhattan, including Sherman Creek Park, Highbridge Park, and the Harlem River Greenway. The Park Stewardship Assistant works in a variety of landscapes including forest, wetlands, gardens, and a small urban farm. The Park Stewardship Assistant will join an experienced operations team that works toward a more equitable and sustainable urban landscape, through park maintenance, restoration, and public engagement. Ideal candidates will demonstrate a strong work ethic, an interest in ecological management practices, comfort interacting with the public and enthusiasm for NYRP’s mission.
New York Restoration Project: Community Outreach Manager
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As a member of NYRP’s Engagement and Programming team, the Community Outreach Manager will design and implement an outreach plan as part of NYRP’s New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA) Greening Connections Initiative. The Fund for Public Housing, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, in partnership with NYCHA and the Design Trust for Public Space, is administering a 3-year grant that will develop and activate greenspace using engagement principles of NYCHA’s Connected Communities’ Guide. The grant term runs from January 2023 through July 2025. The project will be informed by an in-depth participatory design process that engages NYCHA residents in collaboration with greenspace and community partners. The Community Outreach Manager will work closely with residents from the Marlboro and Roosevelt Houses in Brooklyn, NY, as part of this initiative. This position will work closely with and report to the Senior Director of Engagement and Programming.
Riverkeeper: Science Director
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Riverkeeper is seeking an experienced scientist with vision to fill the role of Science Director, a new position that will redesign Riverkeeper’s water quality monitoring programs, and oversee its Habitat Restoration Program. A member of Riverkeeper’s management team, the Science Director will have a high-profile voice on water quality issues, including climate impacts, affecting the Hudson River and its tributaries, and associated drinking water supplies. In addition to demonstrated water quality science knowledge, the position requires strong strategic planning, stakeholder and partner collaboration, management, and data communications skills. The position requires a command of scientific issues related to recreational and drinking water quality, as well as fluency with related regulatory and policy issues. The position requires extensive and effective collaboration with Riverkeeper’s Community Science Manager, its Habitat Restoration Team, its President, and with its legal, advocacy, communications and development teams.
Riverkeeper: Director of Communications and Marketing
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We are seeking a Director of Communications and Marketing who has extensive experience in environmental campaigns, preferably in the water protection space. The Director must be innovative, creative, and collaborative. This is a hands-on position where the Director will be responsible for strategic advances as well as substantial contributions to written materials, social media postings and keeping website content up to date. The successful applicant will be a dynamic leader who will create and implement a vision for Communications and Marketing that will elevate Riverkeeper’s voice, brand, and platform in order to engage key stakeholders and reach new audiences. We are looking for someone who can help us drive digital marketing and help strengthen our online and social media communications while managing a fast-paced daily flow of communications outputs. This role will also have oversight of Riverkeeper’s website redesign, which will include a data-driven water quality mapping portal as a part of the envisioned strategy.
Vassar College: Assistant Dean of Strategic Planning & Director of the Office of Sustainability
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Reporting to the Dean of Strategic Planning and Academic Resources, the Assistant Dean for Strategic Planning & Director of the Office of Sustainability is responsible for supporting the development and execution of campus-level planning efforts and leading operational and strategic initiatives that further the College’s environmental and social responsibility performance. The Assistant Dean will engage campus stakeholders and partner with relevant administrative offices and faculty to innovate, implement, and steward strategic initiatives for the College. Emphasis on sustainability efforts as a balance of environmental, social, and financial responsibilities is paramount. The Assistant Dean will provide support and guidance for long-term planning initiatives as well as leadership and vision for environmental and related social responsibility concerns.
Land Trust Alliance: Forest Conservation Easements for Land Trusts Program
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Pre-applications are due by May 11, 2023
The Land Trust Alliance (Alliance), with support from Governor Kathy Hochul, the New York State Legislature, and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), is pleased to announce a second round of competitive land trust grants through the Forest Conservation Easements for Land Trust Program (FCELT). This new public-private partnership is funded through the state Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) and administered by the Alliance, in coordination with the DEC. The purpose of the Forest Conservation Easements for Land Trusts Program is to provide grants of up to $350,000 to fund the acquisition of conservation easements by land trusts accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission on forestland in New York State that increase the pace of forested land conservation to combat climate changes.
Land and Water Conservation Fund: Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Grants Program
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Deadline: May 31, 2023
ORLP is a nationally competitive program targeting grant assistance to help economically disadvantaged urban communities with no, or almost no, access to publicly available, close-by, outdoor recreation. Funds can be used for the acquisition and/or development of, or to substantially renovate obsolete, public parks and other outdoor recreation spaces. Projects are selected for funding by the Director of the NPS. Matching grants (1:1) are available to help acquire and/or develop public land for all manner of outdoor recreation activities such as hiking, camping, unstructured play, picnicking, cycling, field and court sports, fishing, bird watching, swimming, paddling, and skating. Funds can be used for directly recreational facilities as well as some supporting facilities and infrastructure such as restrooms/bathhouses, cabins, pool houses, lighting, parking areas, etc. when part of a larger project to develop recreation facilities.
New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program: Building Community Capacity for Climate Resiliency Request for Proposals
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A total of $400,000 is available under this request for proposals (RFP). HEP anticipates distributing funds through four to eight grants for projects that can be completed no later than June 30, 2025. Grant recipients must be a local government or non-profit organizations located in and/or serving disadvantaged communities as defined by HEP using criteria set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the states of New York or New Jersey, and/or HEP’s 2017 - 2025 Action Agenda.
Hudson Valley Greenway: Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Program
Deadlines: May 5, September 1, November 3
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The Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Program provides matching grants to Greenway Communities and Compact Communities. Greenway Communities are eligible to receive up to $10,000 to develop plans or projects consistent with the five Greenway criteria: natural and cultural resource protection, economic development, public access, regional planning, and heritage and environmental education. Higher amounts are awarded for intermunicipal projects.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Urban and Community Forestry Grants
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Approximately $3 million in Urban and Community Forestry (UCF) grants is available from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund for tree inventories, community forest management plans, tree planting and tree maintenance. The Request for Applications (RFA) (PDF) outlines deadlines, eligible applicants and projects, application scoring, and a list of local DEC urban foresters who can provide technical assistance to applicants. Eligible Urban and Community Forest (UCF) grant applicants are communities with populations greater than 65,000. Applicants may apply for up to $100,000 to fund tree inventory, community forest management planning, tree planting, or tree maintenance projects. Applicants in smaller communities may apply for up to $75,000.
EPA Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Program (Rolling)
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EPA announced $6.5 Billion in New Funding Available for Water Infrastructure Projects and released notices of funding availability for the agency’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program and the State Infrastructure Financing Authority WIFIA (SWIFIA) program. Letters of interest will be accepted on a rolling basis until all funds are expended. If you're interested in scheduling a one-on-one meeting with the WIFIA program to explore this funding opportunity, please reach out to Visit the WIFIA website to learn more about the WIFIA program's eligibility requirements, and benefits, application process, and portfolio. Also, check out the WIFIA Fund Facts Dashboard.
River Network: Community Leadership Programs for Climate Resilience
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River Network is looking to launch 5-7 NEW Community-Led Research (CLR) projects and Leadership Development (LD) programs in partnership with local organizations. Selected organizations receive up to $8,000 in funding and direct technical assistance to advance their project. We are particularly interested in partnering with organizations that are: 1. working to advance climate resilience, 2. focused on equitable outcomes and a credible stakeholder with communities that are at greatest risk, and 3. able to leverage or contribute to existing climate resilience initiatives.
New York State Departments of Environmental Conservation and Health: Applications for Free Technical Assistance for Municipalities on Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) (rolling)
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The Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) is a state-run program created to assist municipalities with proactively protecting their drinking water sources. The goal is to help municipalities develop and implement their own unique drinking water source protection plan for the source(s) of their drinking water. In order to do so, the State is looking for communities to work with a technical assistance provider (TA provider), free of charge, to develop a DWSP2 Plan for their source of drinking water. TA providers will work with the community every step of the way, using the DWSP2 Framework, to develop a community specific DWSP2 Plan. As a result of this program, participating municipalities can use their newly developed DWSP2 plan to start implementing protection measures.
NYS DEC: Climate Smart Communities Coordinators Technical Assistance
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Climate Smart Communities Coordinators are available to provide free support services to municipalities across the state as part of the Climate Smart Communities program. Coordinators will assist and support local governments in taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change through outreach, planning, education, and capacity building. Coordinators will also engage communities in participatory climate future scenario planning, developing climate change adaptation and resilience plans, and convening climate and transportation listening sessions to inform sustainable and low-carbon transportation policies. Capital District Regional Planning Commission will lead the multi-region Climate Smart Communities Coordinators teams for the eastern territory (Mid-Hudson, Capital Region, Mohawk Valley, and North Country). Program partners include the Adirondack North Country Association, the Hudson Valley Regional Council, Mohawk Valley EDGE, Planning4Places, Inc, and Climate Action Associates.
Assistance from EPA’s Municipal Ombudsman
The Office of the Municipal Ombudsman provides a unique service specifically for utilities/municipalities in identifying technical assistance opportunities, brainstorming federal funding options (BIL and more!), clean water act flexibilities, integrated planning assistance, and more. Please reach out to or 202-564-1709 to discuss your projects, permits, or other clean water concerns today.