This Week:
03/20 - 3:30 pm One Community Art Show
03/20 - 5 pm Angel Choir Rehearsal #2
03/20 - 5 pm Joyful Noise Choir Rehearsal #2
03/20 - 7 pm Choir
03/20 - 7 pm Church Council
03/22 - 9-10 am Once-a-Month Playgroup
03/23 - 10 am Worship
03/23 - 10 am Church School
03/23 - 10 am Confirmation Begins in Worship
03/23 - 10 am Children's Choirs Sing in Worship
03/23 - 10 am Celebrate Catherine Curtis's 20th Year
03/23 - 10 am 4th Grade Bible Sunday with Cookie Reception
03/23 - 11:15 am Heart-to-Heart After Service Reflection
03/23 - 1 pm Green Team Hike
03/23 - 5:00 pm Jr Hi Fellowship
03/23 - 6:30 Sr Hi Fellowship
03/24 - 7 pm Bible Study
03/25 - 11 am Senior Social Group
03/25 - 7 pm Service and Justice
03/25 - 7:30 pm Finance (Off-site)
03/25 - 7:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal
03/26 - 9 am Sisters on a Sojourn
03/26 - Noon Prayer
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