Sunday Worship

March 23, 2025

10:00 am

This Week:

03/20 - 3:30 pm One Community Art Show

03/20 - 5 pm Angel Choir Rehearsal #2

03/20 - 5 pm Joyful Noise Choir Rehearsal #2

03/20 - 7 pm Choir

03/20 - 7 pm Church Council

03/22 - 9-10 am Once-a-Month Playgroup

03/23 - 10 am Worship

03/23 - 10 am Church School

03/23 - 10 am Confirmation Begins in Worship

03/23 - 10 am Children's Choirs Sing in Worship

03/23 - 10 am Celebrate Catherine Curtis's 20th Year

03/23 - 10 am 4th Grade Bible Sunday with Cookie Reception

03/23 - 11:15 am Heart-to-Heart After Service Reflection

03/23 - 1 pm Green Team Hike

03/23 - 5:00 pm Jr Hi Fellowship

03/23 - 6:30 Sr Hi Fellowship

03/24 - 7 pm Bible Study

03/25 - 11 am Senior Social Group

03/25 - 7 pm Service and Justice

03/25 - 7:30 pm Finance (Off-site)

03/25 - 7:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal

03/26 - 9 am Sisters on a Sojourn

03/26 - Noon Prayer

--------> Looking for something? <--------

Check out our "Quick Links" at the bottom of every enewsletter or go to for complete information.

Come, Celebrate!

Catherine Curtis Celebrates 20 Years on

Christian Education Staff

and 15 Years as Director at FCCGE

March 23rd

We are excited to invite you to celebrate Catherine’s 20th year on our Christian Education Staff and 15th year as Director of Christian Education at FCCGE on Education Sunday, March 23rd. This milestone marks two decades of unwavering dedication, love, and commitment that Catherine has shown in shaping the spiritual lives of countless young people in our community.

To honor her incredible contribution, Michele Hecht, Director of Music, has thoughtfully created two beautiful picture books for Catherine. The books will be available for signing in the Atrium on March 23rd, so don’t miss your chance to express your gratitude! Cookie reception to follow worship.



"I was moved to tears!" "You brought The Light into my world this morning!" Our Cantata on Sunday was nothing short of illuminating. The swells of powerful, soothing, and uplifting music filled our sanctuary and the hearts of all who listened. Click below or the image above to listen to Elaine Hagenberg's masterwork and elevate your day and your mood.

Hear "Illuminare" Here!


Lenten 2025 Devotional

Available Now Online

Our Lenten Devotional is now available online and in print. Click below or pick up your copy in the Narthex of the sanctuary anytime!

Lenten Devotional 2025

Everything [in] Between:

Meeting God in the Midst of Extremes

Lenten Sermon Series

Now - April 20

"This series (created by A Sanctified Art) is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. Each weekly sub-theme explores two supposed binaries, like 'faith & works' or 'rest & growth,' or 'grief & hope.' We often consider these ideas to be opposing. However, as we explore these concepts within the scriptures, we find nuance and complexity. We find that these dichotomies are false. We might begin to see a full spectrum instead of black and white. We might find that God is present in between." ~A Sanctified Art

Easter Lilies

11 Left

Get Them While You Can!

This year, we hope to flood the front of the Sanctuary with waves of white lilies on Easter morning, ushering in the joy and celebration that Easter brings so we have extended the deadline. The lilies will be used at our Easter services, April 20th at 9 and 10:30 am, then you may take them home. Click the button below to access the order form. Thank you so much for making our sanctuary even more beautiful. Contact Susan Dudish-Poulsen.​

Order Easter Lilies Here

Neighbor Helping Neighbor

Furniture Drive

Many Items Needed!

First Congregational has a long history in supporting Bridge Communities clients as they work to establish independent and stable living arrangements. Part of our commitment is to provide household goods and furnishings. Furniture and lamps are top priority, however, smaller items are welcome. Smaller/carry items can be brought to FCCGE and out on the assigned table in the atrium. Please click the button below to view what is needed.

Please contact Tom Drouin

(312.543.9025) to arrange for pick up or with questions.

List of Items Needed

One Community Art Show

FCCGE March 20th

3:30-5:30 pm

Join us to view the deeply inspiring works of art created by local immigrant high school student artists. One Community is an initiative to embrace our community’s diversity, and to raise awareness, acceptance, and involvement of neighbors of all backgrounds. We strive to strengthen the bonds of understanding and friendship across community members, and support policies and programs that promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Read More about One Community

Green Team

Green Team Hike

Sunday, March 23rd at 1 pm

We had fun hiking at the work-in-progress prairie around Herrick Lake in February, and are going to stay local this month. We're going to meet Sunday March 23 at 1:00 at the far east end of the Glen Ellyn train station parking lot where northbound Montclair Avenue ends. We'll hike East where we can take a look at the surprisingly secluded glacial ridge area, proceed towards Lombard and then loop our way back. Any questions please contact Tom Rausch

Open and Affirming

Transgender Day of Visibility

Interfaith Worship Service a FCCGE

March 31st, 7 pm


Each year on March 31, we honor International Transgender Day of Visibility. There are over 1.6 million trans, non-binary and gender-expansive youth (age 13+) and adults across the United States. Trans parents and family members. Trans coworkers, neighbors, and friends. The transgender community is diverse, representing all racial and ethnic backgrounds as well as all faith traditions. While we have made significant progress in recent years with more visibility than ever before, we are still fighting for acceptance and many basic human rights for the community. Today and every day, we must celebrate all trans and non-binary people everywhere and combat disinformation, discrimination and hate impacting our community.


Please join us Monday, March 31st at 7 pm, for an interfaith celebration of

Transgender Visibility.

Reception to follow and we need folks to bring treats so please sign up below!

Sign Up to Bring Treats to Our TDoV Worship


Save the Date!

Wednesday, May 21st at 7:30 pm

Our choir is headed to Ireland in June and will be delighting us with a concert of their music on May 21st. But that's not all! We will be featuring professional Irish musicians who will deliver rollicking traditional Irish music. It'll be the craic!

Joyful Noise Choir

2nd - 5th Grade

Angel Choir

4 years old - 1st Grade

Children's Choirs Perform Sunday, March 23rd!

Rehearsal #2 Happens TONIGHT!!!

Join in the friendship and music that only a choir can bring! Our performance date is Sunday, March 23rd in 10 am worship. Rehearsal is tonight at 5 pm. JN will meet in the Choir Room and AC will meet in the All Purpose Room.

Children and Youth

Once-a-Month Playgroup

Saturday, March 22, 9:00-10:00 am

Frank Johnson Center Playground

Our next playgroup will be Saturday, March 22nd 9:00-10:00 am at the Frank Johnson Center Playground 490 Kenilworth Ave, Glen Ellyn. Looking forward to having lots of fun together- hope to see you there! Jessi Fleming (602-820-6450).

2025 Children  and Youth Events Activities

Communication News

Your Ministry Has News to Share

Who to Contact

When your ministry has info to share, please write a short article, with dates and deadlines and contact information, then email to both Sherry Flugel for the eblast and Jackie Chaon for the bulletin.

Thanks so much!!

Quick Links

VBS 2025 Participant and Volunteer Registration

Family/Church School Registration Form

FCCGE YouTube Channel

Give (Tithely Link)

FCCGE Website

Donate Altar Flowers

Give to Annual Fund 2025

Noon Prayer

Access to Directory (Members and

Active Non-Members Only)

Registration OPEN for

Summer UCC Camps

All Church Tower Hill Weekend

Children's Egg Hunt: Saturday, April 12th at 10 am

Palm Sunday: Sunday April 13th

Maundy Thursday Worship: April 17th at 7 pm

Good Friday Worship: April 18th at Noon

Easter Sunday: Worship at 9 and 10:30 am

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