Mid-Week Devotional


by Rev. Lauren Parliament

“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament grows, and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Ephesians 4:15-16

In Ephesians 4, Paul talks about the unity of the body of Christ. Each of us has an important part to play to support and challenge one another. One of the hardest tasks as a friend is speaking the truth in love; often, we tend to hold back the truth, so we don’t hurt the relationship or the person. Or we do the opposite and speak in unloving ways. To build one another up a good practice is accountability. Accountability is best done when we can speak honestly with one another to build one another up. Love is the main component of accountability. Accountability is loving someone to be the best person of themselves, and accountability must have challenge and support. 

One of the best pictures of this is a challenge at a summer camp known as Jacob’s Ladder. This challenge is for high school campers. All the High School Campers have an opportunity to experience this challenge. Jacob’s Ladder gives the campers a hands-on experience of supporting and challenging one another to reach new heights. Each camper conquers Jacob’s Ladder with a partner. This gives the campers more strength, support, and encouragement because they are not doing it alone.

As you can see, they help one another to reach as far as they are able. This experience could be compared to the friendships they have back home. We challenge the campers to think about their friendships. Are their friends supporting them when needed and challenging them to be a better person and grow?

So I ask you, are you part of a community supporting and challenging you to be a better person and draw closer to the Lord? If your answer to that question is no, you may need to think about finding another support system.


Reflecting on Ephesians 4, we realize we are to love and support one another in friendships and maturity in Christ. Each individual must bring their best and worst to the table to be challenged and supported to grow. We need to be honest and open with one another to have accountability. If we are not honest, how can we be accountable to one another? We all need to be checked on in life. If we don't hold one another accountable in love, how will we push each other to be loved and known? If we don’t, many will struggle alone! We are called to be there for one another through the love and work of Christ.


My challenge to you this week is:

What is a challenge in your life right now? How can another support you in that? Go and find that accountability!


Lord, open our eyes to those who will push us to Your truth and assure us of Your love. Please help us be open and honest with one another. Open our hearts to those who will love and challenge us to be more like you. Lord, show us how to walk in truth and love and demonstrate that love and truth to others.