January 2025

God Shows Up in the Mess

Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

On Christmas Eve, at the end of worship, we sang with one voice, the beautiful line, “Love’s pure light.” It is a line from the sweet carol, Silent Night. It is a reminder of God’s precious love given to the world. One of the amazing aspects of this story of God showing up in a feeding trough in the middle of nowhere, witnessed only by shepherds, is the good news that maybe God will show up in your life too. 

Later in Jesus’ ministry, he will teach us that we can never predict when or where God will show up. Jesus says, “No one knows.” Later we hear that “God comes like a thief in the night. Sometimes, God shows up when we are completely unprepared and uncertain of what to do. Reread the gospel stories of Joseph and Mary and what they experienced when they learned about the baby Jesus coming along. Their first reactions were not, “Oh good, Joy to the World!” Instead, it was the announcement of a huge change in their lives. Their entire way of being with each other and their families was about to be disturbed.

I’m writing about this because there was a theological view in Jesus’ day, which declared, “Where the Messiah is, there is no misery.” Many believed that they had to get their lives together before God would show up. You know what that is like: “When we finally understand all of the answers to the deep questions, when I lose 20 pounds, when I finally get my sock drawer organized, THEN the Messiah will show up.” It was a theology that said before God came to us, we had to have everything put right in the world. No mess, and then God shows up.

The message given to the shepherds and us on Christmas Eve is this: “You’ll find love’s pure light, the child of God, in the midst of the mess.” Think about it: a stable, a barn, or a cave is not a clean and pleasant place. It’s messy. It’s ugly. But that was where God would be found! The old theology was turned upside down: Where there is a mess, where there is misery, there is God.

Are there big changes happening to you and your life right now? Is your new year full of unanswered questions? Do you feel like you are in free fall, out of control, uncertain about what to do next in your marriage, family, or career? I can’t say for sure, but maybe that’s good. Maybe you’re about to be invaded by God; perhaps God is about to intrude in your life in a way that you would never plan on but desperately need.

There are no easy answers. There are no gentle ways through the trials and tribulations we all face, but the promise of the child in the manger is the simple word that God will be with us through it all.

New Sermon Series Begins January 12

Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

Starting January 12, I invite you to be part of an inspiring new sermon series centered around the beloved gospel hit "Through It All" by Andraé Crouch. Each of the weekly sermon titles is taken from a line in the song. In this series, we will explore the profound message of faith, perseverance, and the unwavering presence of God in every season of our lives.

Life is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and often we find ourselves navigating challenging circumstances that can feel overwhelming. But through it all—the joys, the trials, the moments of uncertainty—this series will remind us that God is steadfast, guiding us and holding us close.

Each week, I will delve into powerful biblical stories and principles that illustrate how we can lean on our faith, find strength in adversity, and experience God’s love and grace in ways we never expected. Join me each Sunday in January as we explore how the message of "Through It All" resonates deeply in our daily lives.

January 12, 2025

Through It All

Part 1 - "God Gave Me Blessed Consolation"

Romans 8: 26-27

January 19, 2025

Through It All

Part 2 - "I've Learned to Trust in Jesus"

Matthew 5: 1-12

January 26, 2025

Through It All

Part 3 - "I've Learned to Trust in God"

1 John 4: 16b-18

Welcome New Members

First Community welcomed 19 new members in December!

(left to right): Rob Cannell, Kevin Hunt, Emily Hunt, Carol Claussen, Chad Claussen, Nick Hoppel, Naomi Hoppel, Amy Wood, Sherri Higgins, Warren Stephenson

(left to right): Susan Meyer, Vicky Lizka


Not pictured: Sarah Patton, Ben Porschart, Sharon Seckel, Tom and Joan Wilson

Coffee with Glen

Interested in membership at First Community? Join Senior Minister Glen Miles and Director of Membership Engagement Kristy Glaser on Saturday, January 18, at 9:30 am, FC North, to learn more! Email Kristy Glaser at to register.

The Gathering Returns January 8

We’re thrilled to announce that The Gathering will resume on January 8 at 5:30 pm in Grace Hall! If you haven’t had the chance to attend The Gathering before, the new year is the perfect opportunity to step in and join us for an evening of community, worship, and learning.

The evening will kick off with a complimentary dinner served at 5:30 pm—an excellent time to gather with friends and make new connections. At 5:45 pm, we’ll transition into a short worship service, followed by engaging programming for both adults and children/youth starting at 6 pm.

This week, we are excited to have Glen Miles as the guest on the Not So Late Show! You'll get to hear insights and stories from Glen that are sure to inspire and encourage you.

Looking ahead, starting the following week, Glen will lead a new study entitled Jesus for Everyone, based on Amy-Jill Levine's thought-provoking book of the same title. This study promises to offer fresh perspectives on Jesus’ teachings and how they apply to all of us, regardless of our backgrounds or circumstances.

We invite you to mark your calendars and join us for what promises to be a wonderful start to the year. Whether you’re a longtime attendee or new to The Gathering, you’ll find a warm welcome and a place to belong. We can’t wait to see you there!

This Week in K-5

Midweek Missions

K-8th graders are invited to join us at Midweek Missions

The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve. – Albert Schweitzer 

As Christians we are called to use our hearts and hands to do God’s work. On Wednesday evenings during the school year, K-8th grade children are invited to gather to do service projects that benefit our congregation and community. Midweek Missions (MWM) is a service-learning program that works in coordination with children’s choir. MWM allows children to make new friends and learn the importance of service by doing real projects to care for our friends and neighbors. 

Midweek Missions and Children’s Choir will return on Wednesday, January 8 at 6 pm at First Community North. Children and families are invited to join us at The Gathering on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm for dinner and a short devotion before the children are released to go to their activities. 

Although we like seeing the children each week, they can participate in MWM as their schedule allows.  

Sunday School

This Sunday we will learn about and celebrate Epiphany. It is the day we remember the Magi arriving from afar to honor baby Jesus. All classes will hear a version of the Epiphany story.

CCM Chamber Choir in Concert

at First Community

Click here to read about CCM Chamber Choir and their tour.
Governing Board Update

by April Howe, Governing Board Chair

Greetings First Community,

Happy New Year! I hope you were able to attend/watch one (or more!) of the 5 Christmas Eve services at First Community. I attended the 10 pm service and read the first lesson ~ The Prince of Peace is Born. At first, standing at the lectern is scary, as is looking out at the crowd. Still, after a few short breaths, I can find many familiar faces smiling back at me, and I can enjoy the beauty of the sanctuary from a different perspective. Let His light shine on us as we enter a new year of beginnings and endings.

Now, down to business. The full Governing Board did not meet in December; however, several meetings and discussions took place in our Committees and task Forces. The next full Governing Board meeting is scheduled for January 22nd, 7 pm, at FC North, room 102.

1. The Executive Committee met on December 19th for a brief meeting before year-end. Our next meeting is on January 7th to prepare for a busy month, including the annual meeting and the transition to the incoming Board.

2. The South Facilities Review Task Force met on December 2nd and 16th. The next meeting is on January 6th. The Communications Committee will present an update at the annual meeting.

3.  Board Treasurer Ginny Barney and the Executive Committee are working with Liz and Glen to finalize the 2025 budget. The Finance Committee will review the year-end reports and budget before presenting them to the full Board for a vote.

4.  First Community’s annual all-church meeting will be held on the evening of January 29th at 6 pm. Come at 5:30 pm for supper! Stay tuned for more details.

This is my last letter to you all as FC Governing Board Chair. I want to thank you all for the love and support you have given me, and I want to thank all who sent me emails filled with passion for our church community. I’m so grateful to have served this past year as chair with so many wonderful fellow Board members, and I look forward to the new group who will be joining us soon.

Register for the Annual Meeting Here

First Community Foundation Update

2024 was a huge year of impact for the Foundation! Throughout the year, grants were awarded totaling $899,158.42 in support of ministries and programs of First Community and other non-profit programs in the community. On behalf of the Foundation Board of Trustees I would like to thank our fund owners, Donor Advisors, and donors for their generosity and deep commitment to having a positive impact in the world, our community, and our church.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our Foundation Board of Trustees for their tireless diligence in successfully fulfilling their fiduciary responsibility on behalf of the Foundation and its donors while facilitating significant financial support of the ministries of First Community. It has been a pleasure and an honor serving with this board throughout 2024.

Remember that you can participate in the important work of First Community Foundation in support of the ministries of First Community through a gift of any size. You can make a gift to an existing fund or establish a new named fund. Speak with your financial advisor to see how your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) might be leveraged to add impact to your charitable giving.

Please remember the Foundation in your estate planning, will, obituary, and 401(k) benefits. Planned giving is a wonderful way to support those ministries of First Community that you feel most passionate about for decades to come. Not only are your planned gifts vitally important in the support of the ministries of First Community, but there may also be tax advantages available to you now and/or to your loved ones in the disposition of your estate.

First Community Foundation was established in 1961 to support the future of First Community Church’s programs and ministries. The Foundation is supported by immediate and/or planned gifts from those with a focus on the future of First Community and leaving a family legacy. The Foundation provides full assurance that donors' wishes for their legacy gift will be honored and benefit the church.

The impact areas supported by the First Community Foundation include:

  • Camp Akita
  • Facilities, landscape, and maintenance
  • First Community Village
  • Missions
  • Worship & Arts
  • Youth Programs

Please contact Rev. Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation, to explore your planned giving options. Seth can be reached by email at or by phone at (614) 488-0681.

Camp Akita News

Camp Akita Summer 2025

First Community Members can register for Camp Akita’s summer 2025 programs starting on January 11 at 9 am, also including Family Camp and 1,2,3…Akita!. A camper is a member if their parent, guardian, or grandparent is a member of First Community. Take this opportunity to register early! Member priority registration ends at 4 pm on Friday, January 24.

Most First Community Members get into their first-choice sessions if they register during the two-week Member Registration period. We cannot make that guarantee during Open Registration—sessions will fill as soon as Open Registration begins on January 25, so don't wait!

Find session dates and registration details at For more information, email the Columbus Akita Offices or call (614) 488-0681 ext. 113.

Visit our Website to View 2025 Schedule

Legacy of Joy: Celebrating 75 Years of Camp Akita

On Sunday, September 29, we kicked off a year-long celebration of Camp Akita's 75th Anniversary! A part of our year-long commemoration are Celebration Sundays at Camp Akita, with the second event coming up on Sunday, February 2. Activities will be led by current Camp Akita staff and local experts. Activities are at no charge, but registration is requested to help plan supplies and staffing.

Winter Celebration Sunday

February 2

1 - 5 pm at Camp Akita


  • Maple Syrup Tapping: Get some hands-on instructions to learn techniques of maple sap tapping, and how to make that into maple syrup! Assistant Summer Camp Director, Andy Frick, will lead this activity. Dress appropriately for this outdoor activity. All ages welcome, but young children should be supervised by an adult.
  • Winter Crafts: Have some indoor fun making winter crafts in the Lodge! Something to try for all ages!
  • Cookie Decorating: Use your craft skills to decorate cookies…to eat and take some home! Top it off with a delicious cup of hot chocolate!
  • Sledding (weather permitting): Bring your own sledding equipment and enjoy some outdoor Akita sledding! (Fingers crossed for snow!)

Click here to register for February 2 Celebration Sunday.

For questions or additional information, please contact the Columbus Akita Offices or call (614) 488-0681.

Gift Bibles for Third Graders

by Julie Richards

Each year First Community is pleased to present our third graders with their very own Bible. The gift of a Bible is a symbolic milestone in a child’s faith development. Bibles will be presented on January 26, 2025, during the 10 am South and 11 am North worship services.


To reserve a Bible for your third grader, click here. Children in 4th and 5th grade who did not receive a Bible previously are welcome to participate. For your child’s Bible to be personalized with their name, your registration must be submitted by January 12, 2025. Details about the Bible presentation ceremony will be sent to participants in an email the week before the event.

For more information, please contact Julie Richards  

Spiritual Life & Learning Center

Spiritual Searcher Weekend with Jim Wallis

February 1-2, 2025

Saturday, February 1


Presentation by Jim Wallis

Short Break

Q/A Session

Book Signing Opportunity

Sunday, February 2

Preaching all 3 Services

Join us as we welcome our first Spiritual Searcher of 2025, Jim Wallis.

Click here to learn more about our special guest.

Register HERE for Saturday’s event! All are welcome!

Click on each graphic for more information or to register.

Older Adult Ministry Team

Presents a Winter Seminar

Aging Abundantly: A Workshop on Self-Identity and

Living Fully Later in Life

Join Revs. Mary Kate Buchanan and Beth Long Higgins for a workshop on aging abundantly! This workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2025 from 10 am-3:30 pm in Wing Grace Hall, FC North. There is no charge to attend this event and lunch will be served.

We will begin with an in-depth look at our cultural language and biases towards aging. Over the course of the day, we will explore alternative ways to think about what it means to age in the 21st century using our voices of hope and faith. 

Along with your appetite, come prepared to reflect, share, and DREAM about the opportunities uniquely found in later life. 

RSVP by Friday, January 24 by clicking here, using the QR code, or contacting Jane Torbica: or (614) 488-0681, ext. 235.

This event is presented by the Older Adult Ministry Team and made possible through a grant from the First Community Foundation.


Missions Updates

Click below to read the On a Mission! monthly news. The January issue of the newsletter includes a recap of the Christmas Kindness Project, reminders for 2025, plus annual reports from all Mission Ministry Teams.

Click Here to Read On A Mission! Newsletter

by Rev. John Girard, Minister of Mission and Justice

Mission & Justice Departments Celebrate Christmas 

On December 16th, the First Community Missions Teams and Community Justice Teams met together for a fun-filled, spirited Christmas open house celebration, catered by Steven’s Catering. All who attended enjoyed an evening of hors d’oeuvres, fellowship, Christmas caroling, Bingo, prizes, and a dessert potluck. All of this was to celebrate and thank the many volunteers who give of themselves continually, to provide outreach to our neighbors and communities near and far. A special thanks to Amy Caskie, Yohan Kim, and Amanda Brofford for their dedication to the numerous ministries and outreach projects they help to support, organize, coordinate, and cheer on!

In 2025 the Mission Teams and Community Justice Teams will begin meeting together, for combined monthly meetings, sharing ministry updates, successes, challenges, and opportunities for new ministry ideas and opportunities. Prayer and fellowship will continue to be central to all the good works of both ministry groups. 

Interested in joining one of the Missions Teams, or Commuinnty Justice Teams? The 2025 monthly meetings will take place on the third Tuesday of each month, 6:30-8 pm, in Wing-Grace Hall at First Community North.  

Congregational Care Ministers

Congregational Care Ministry is Still in Full Swing!

Our 20 Congregational Care Ministers (CCM) continue to be the hands and feet of God on behalf of the Pastoral Care office! Since their first Commissioning back in the beginning of 2022, the CCMs have reached out to hundreds (if not thousands!) of members through home and hospital visits, phone calls, and cards. In addition, they are now an essential part of hosting and leading the Longest Night service during the Advent season, offering spiritual leadership and prayer support to all those in attendance. Just this year, they have teamed up with the Prayers & Squares Ministry to bring back the tying of prayer quilts during Sunday morning worship. You can see the smiling face of member, Gene Goubeaux, just one of the many recipients of those prayer quilts!

CCMs are trained to care for, listen to, pray and walk with those in our faith community going through challenging times, and also celebrating with them in times of joy. See the photo of CCM Barb Davis as she attended the 100th birthday party for long time member, Marie Jerencsik! Whether it is offering a happy birthday wish, a note of prayer and encouragement, or a small gift on behalf of the church, Care Ministers are weaving the love of God throughout this community of faith. 

If you or a loved one would benefit from the support and care of a CCM or Clergy, please reach out to the Pastoral Care Office by calling (614) 488-0681, ext 235, or by emailing Jane Torbica at

First Community Congregational Care Ministers:

Carolyn Barger

Amy Baughcum

Nancy Blakeslee

Patrick Carle

Barb Davis

Nancy Evans

Kathy Glass

John Hoberg

Jenn Irwin

Ron Johnson

Tami Langen

Mandy Levell

Jodi Patton

Bruce Pontious

Paul Saltz

Sam Schaadt

Ellen Stevens

Scott Van Hooser

Liz Viering

Jeff Williams

Women's Guild Update

It has been an active year for the Women's Guild of First Community Church. In 1910, when the women of the newly formed Community Church gathered together, it was with the idea of offering them a network of support for friendship, spiritual growth, and service to the church and the community. It was a way for all the women of the church to be included and celebrated. Projects and activities were designed to promote sharing, growth, caring relationships, and a way to contribute through fund-raising and service to all. Those objectives continue to guide the ways in which the ten different Guild Groups function individually as well as collectively.

The year began with Guild Group A organizing the ever-popular Frozen Soup & Casserole Sale. All the Guild Groups contribute items for sale and the event netted over $1,200 and members throughout the church enjoyed homemade meals for several months to come.

Nothing at church could have occurred without our fantastic staff, from the ministers, the program staff, and the administrative assistants to the facilities and support staff at all levels! Because of that, the Women's Guild provided its annual "We Love You Luncheon" in February, celebrating our wonderful staff! In addition to pizza and lasagna from Paul's on Fifth, there were delicious salads and homemade desserts provided by Guild members. Each staff member left with a goodie bag, and this year, four lucky staff members each won a large raffle basket provided by Guild Group E. (Planning has already begun to provide ten raffle baskets for next year's affair.)   

The Guild sponsored the annual Women's Spring Luncheon as the year progressed. The luncheon was originally designed to reward Guild Members for their yearly contributions. Still, recently, it has been expanded to include all the congregation's women to celebrate women in general and their vital role in all aspects of church life. This year's luncheon featured Martha Livingston's scrumptious charcuterie board, delicious Italian fare from Paul's on 5th, and delectable desserts from Metro Cuisine. The delightful Mary Miller, a humorist and musical entertainer, entertained the ladies. 

The month of May brought the 2nd annual Mini-Garage Sale in conjunction with the large Grandview Community Garage Sale. While rain threatened to ruin the event, it gratefully held off until after everything was cleaned up on Saturday afternoon.  The brief one-day sale was fairly successful and brought in over $3,000. *We encourage everyone to save furniture, housewares, books, artwork, toys, sporting equipment, yard & garden stuff, etc., for 2025's sale. *

In August, Guild members, led by Membership Chair Nancy Withers, brought Cookies & Lemonade after worship to celebrate the Guilds and share information with prospective members. On August 30th, the Guild held its Annual Fall Kickoff and Installation Potluck. The new Guild Officers and Group Chairs were installed in their positions during the candlelight ceremony led by the Reverend John Girard. The HOPE Resource Center was the recipient of donations of travel-size toiletries, socks, underwear, sleeping mats, and a variety of other items needed by those who frequent the Center and often without appropriate housing.  Guild members were so generous with their donations that it took several cars to take everything out to HOPE!

Over the weekend of October 18th, 65 women gathered at Camp Akita for a Women's Retreat sponsored by the Women's Guild and open to all the women of the church and their friends. Linda Cannon was Chair and coordinated the retreat and Barb Davis was the speaker and Facilitator on the topic of "Finding Peace in These Chaotic Times." The weather was beautiful, the food delicious, the music soothing, the topic reflective, the fellowship uplifting, and the overall experience renewing!! We hope to be able to offer another Women's Retreat within the following year.

We ended the year on Election Day with the Betty O'Neill Election Day Bake Sale. The generosity of the Guild member donors of baked goods and the voters and patron buyers made the sale a great success, earning over $2,800. Thank you all!

Throughout the year, each of the Guild Groups met regularly, often hosting speakers, creating gifts for charitable groups, collecting food for Heart-to-Heart, sharing meals and lives, and, in many different ways, adding to the emotional and spiritual support of each other and the greater community.

Women's Guild Soup and Casserole Sale

Mary Evans Child Development Center Openings

Email Leigh Anne Easterling

Pre-K Sing and Play

Blood Drive

Give to First Community

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Please consider a gift in memory or an honorarium to the

Church or Foundation.

Click here to securely give online.

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