Greetings Denise,

The end of the year is a critical time for the millions of people SOS serves. It's the time when we receive the donations that determine how many people we can help in the coming year.


In 2024, our mission touched more lives than ever before-- impacting hundreds of thousands of lives across the world and in our own backyard by improving their access to essential medical care.


Thanks to SOS...

  • Children like Carolina (above) receive essential mobility equipment that allow them to engage in life fully.
  • Families in rural Liberia have their first medical "container clinic" complete with labor and delivery beds (above)-- built by rural KY students and stocked by SOS in a bold new pilot program.
  • Babies and children in Kenya receive free life-changing surgeries for cleft palettes and other congenital conditions.
  • Rural communities in Uganda receive routine medical care, vaccines and medications at free pop-up clinics.
  • Tens of thousands of underserved students in Kentucky receive hands-on instruction in allied health sciences-- giving them access to bright futures in healthcare.
  •  Unhoused and housing insecure neighbors like Grace (above top left), and Dawn (below right) receive mobility aids and medical supplies that enhance their quality of life and free them from isolation.

Across the globe, we are bringing life-saving and life-changing care to the world's most underserved communities. 

We need your support now more than ever to bring the comfort and promise of reliable healthcare to those in need, near and far.

Please consider a year-end gift to SOS to help us continue to change and save lives at a time when our world desperately needs it.

With much appreciation,

The SOS Team

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Thank You For Your Support in 2024

and Beyond!

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