Easter Flower & Music Dedications
Click the blue button below to make an Easter lily dedication for the altar and/or a dedication for the special music on Easter Sunday. Your dedication will be listed in the Easter Sunday bulletins.
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Vacation Bible School 2025 Registration Now Open
Registration for both VBS volunteers and participants is open now. Register ASAP, we are already over 60% full for participants! VBS at St. Luke’s is June 9th – June 12th.
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Women's Quiet Day
Saturday, March 29th
9:30 AM - 2 PM
We will explore the gift of baptism and the life-long transformation that is possible through Christ’s redeeming love. Learning, listening, laughing and lively discussion are on the agenda as we explore with worship, Word, writing, praying and art. Join us, and bring a friend! Complimentary coffee and pastry at 9:30 AM, with program beginning at 10 AM. Lunch is also provided. RSVP to Robin Thomas HERE. The Quiet Day is sponsored by the Daughters of the King.
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Packing Party in the Parish Hall
Saturday, April 5th, 9 AM - 12 Noon
Every Honduras Good Works Medical Brigade mission requires extensive preparation. At the packing party we will break down bulk quantities of donated supplies into small-sized portions that need to be carefully labeled and packed in shipping crates. Many hands make light work, all ages can help!
Help Us Fulfill Our Amazon Wishlist
Honduras Good Works is once again making preparations for our summer medical brigade. We need your help in acquiring all the items for the trip! We have listed the key medical items we need now, and will be adding other non-medical items after we get these essentials. We need these items early, as the details of the medical products we are bringing must now be provided to the Honduran medical authorities months in advance. Go HERE to view our Amazon Wishlist. Thank you and bless you for your faithful support!
| | Sunday Formation Classes (aka Sunday School) | |
Sunday 9 AM Forum
Screwtape: Vice & Virtue
Join us each week as we explore the vices and virtues revealed in Lewis’ characteristic satirical style. Content for these classes will be sufficiently independent of the letters, so that those who have not read, may still participate fully. Through April 6th. Led by The Rev. Anthony Suggs-Perea and The Rev. Kathy Rock Pfister. Class recordings HERE.
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Parenting Group
Sundays at 9 AM
Riker Conference Room
For all ages of caregivers,
with all ages of children!
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Sundays at 9 AM
For 9th - 12th Graders
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Kids' Sunday School Classes
Sundays at 9 AM
- 5th - 8th Graders - Upper Riker
- K - 4th Graders - Lower Riker
- Infants - 5 Years - Nursery
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- Saturday, March 15 - Daughters of the King (DOK) meeting, 9:30 AM
- Wednesday, March 19 - Monthly Eucharist at Longhorn Village, 11:30 AM
- Sunday, March 23 - Healing Ministry training, off-site, 2 PM
- Saturday, March 29 - Women's Quiet Day sponsored by DOK, 9 AM - 2 PM
- Tuesday, April 1 - Women's Guild meeting, 10 AM
- Saturday, April 5 - Honduras Good Works Packing Party, 9 AM
- Tuesday, April 8 - Vestry meeting, 7 PM
- Saturday, April 12 - Men's chicken barbeque workday
- Sunday, April 13 - Traditional Palm Sunday service, 9 AM
- Sunday, April 13 - Journey with Jesus: campus-wide passion play with communion, 11 AM
- Wednesday, April 16 - Monthly Eucharist at Longhorn Village, 11:30 AM
- Thursday, April 17 - Maundy Thursday service, 7 PM
- Friday, April 18 - Good Friday service, 12 Noon
- Sunday, April 20 - Easter sunrise service, 7 AM
- Sunday, April 20 - Easter service: choir, organ, brass, 9 AM
- Sunday, April 20 - Egg hunt and outdoor brunch, 10:15 AM
- Sunday, April 20 - Easter service: choir, organ, brass, 11 AM
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St. Luke's Name Badges
Be sure to wear your name badge on Sundays so everyone can put names to faces! Do you need a name badge? Order one HERE, they're free!
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