January 2024

Issue No. 9

Events and Announcements

Solutions Strategist and Data Detective

Working Session for Schools

Image: Maine Township High School, 2022-2023 Recognition Honoree

Join the Efficient and Healthy Schools Program on January 30th at 11am PT/2pm ET to receive support and guidance for the 2023-2024 Recognition Program. This informative call will focus on two recognition categories: Solutions Strategist & Data Detective. We'll also discuss key resources provided, including technical assistance offerings.

Solutions Strategist: Schools and districts that have developed plans and created goals to advance district initiatives that achieve sustained and long-term improvements of their school buildings.

Data Detective: Schools and districts that demonstrate best practices to assess, benchmark, and utilize building data to prioritize school improvements.

Register for the Working Session

Sign up for Free Building Efficiency and Automation System Hands-on Training!

Do you want to operate HVAC systems at your schools more efficiently and reduce energy bills? Berkeley Lab and the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center are partnering to offer free multi-day training to building operators and facility managers on troubleshooting HVAC and building automation system problems.

Online training sessions are scheduled to start spring 2024. Additionally, in-person training for operators and technicians is being planned for early May and mid-June.

More detailed sign-up information will be available soon. Reach out to to indicate interest!

Attend the Green Schools Conference!

The Center for Green Schools and Green Schools National Network announced that the 2024 Green Schools Conference will be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 5–7, 2024. The Green Schools Conference brings together all who create and advocate for green schools, with a focus on those leading their schools and school systems toward whole-school sustainability. Join us and attend this three-day event to inspire and facilitate progress of the green schools movement.

Safe, Healthy, Environmentally Just Schools Awards

On November 17, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education awarded approximately $47 million in new funds over the next five years for the first-ever Supporting America’s School Infrastructure (SASI) program and the new National Center on School Infrastructure (NCSI) program. Together, these awards seek to increase the capacity of states to support high-need local education agencies (LEAs) and schools in leveraging available resources to improve school facilities and environments and ensure that their public school facilities are safe, healthy, sustainable, and equitable learning environments for all students. For more information about the awards, please visit the Department’s School Infrastructure Program site.

Supporter Corner

Help us Forge the Way to Efficient

and Healthy Schools

Image: Newark Board of Education, 2021-2022 Recognition Honoree

Join the Efficient and Healthy Schools Program on January 16th at 11am PT/2pm ET to learn how industry partners and organizations can take part to assist schools in their journey toward improving their facilities. Speakers include U.S. Department of Energy Office of State and Community Energy Programs, ASHRAE, and Rockingham County Schools who will discuss the need to improve energy efficiency, health, and resilience in K-12 schools and how supporters can not only meet existing demands but also proactively help schools better prepare for the future.

Register for the Webinar

Opportunities for Schools

U.S. EPA Climate Resilient Schools Program

Deadline - January 19th!

EPA is now accepting letters of interest to the 2024 Climate Resilient Schools program. EPA and a contractor will provide technical assistance for up to four school districts to support climate-resilient school buildings. Whether your community is impacted by hurricanes, floods, or other climate risks, Climate Resilient Schools will help school districts gather feedback, identify needs and gaps, and create a plan to target and prioritize school infrastructure upgrades – all to help schools stay open safely – or re-open quickly and safely – despite increasing climate events.

Resources for Schools

School Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Research Summit Report

The Center for Green Schools released a report on the recent School IAQ Research Summit that was hosted in Washington, DC in fall 2023. The goal of the summit was to build a shared understanding about the research needed to support healthy indoor air for students and teachers. The main takeaway was that an essential research question for the field revolves around defining “good” or “better” IAQ in schools. Read more about the summit's discussions and recommendations.

Climate Action Toolkit for School Board Members

The new School Board Member Climate Action Toolkit, developed by Undaunted K12, This is Planet Ed, and School Board Partners, helps school board members understand their role in driving meaningful climate solutions. The toolkit offers sample school district commitments for climate resilience and sustainability, sample school board climate action resolutions and policies, and key milestones for action.

Roadmap to Identify Federal

Funding Opportunities

The BlueGreen Alliance released a roadmap to identify the federal funding opportunities available through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and, in the case of schools, the American Rescue Plan, that can be used to upgrade Municipal, University, School, and Hospital (MUSH) buildings. Also, check out their fact sheet that goes deeper for K-12 public schools and lists the broad range of programs now available to cut energy costs, reduce climate impacts, and ensure safe and healthy learning environments.

Newly Released Building Electrification Technology Roadmap for Schools

Discover the Building Electrification Technology Roadmap (BETR) for Schools report by New Buildings Institute! It equips K-12 leaders with the ultimate roadmap and decision-making tools to electrify their school buildings. Learn strategies designed for K-12 schools to effectively reduce carbon emissions from water heating, HVAC, charging infrastructure, and other technologies that power classrooms and educational facilities.


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