A Unitarian Universalist Church | 1800 Bell Ave. Des Moines, IA 50315
P: 515-244-8603
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This Sunday, May 21, 2023 | |
Coming of Age Service
with the Coming of Age Youth & Kathryn Sutton
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Celebrant: COA Youth
Chalice Lighters: COA Youth
Pianist: Bruce Martin
Director of Choirs: Karen Kraemer
Music: Bell Ave. Ringers
Song Leader: Barb Martin
A/V volunteer: Bill Allen
Pastoral Care: Barb Glass
Hospitality Coordinator: Terry Meek
Join the live service on Zoom!
Zoom Passcode: Safford
(Please mute your mic before the service begins!)
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No Forum! Big Tent II is This Sunday!
It's going to be a beautiful day in the park. We will be gathering from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Pete Crivaro Park. Burgers and hotdogs (meatless options too) will be served around noon. Beverages provided. Bring a dish to share, your table service (we will have extra), and something to take home leftovers if you like. There is always so much amazing food when we get together!
See you there!
When: 11 am - 2 pm on May 21
Where: Pete Crivaro Park
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Joys & Concerns for Sunday should be submitted by noon on Friday.
Click on the Caring Community webpage for the following options:
- Caring Ministry – for temporary assistance, such as meals or rides, or to volunteer
Please note: the Caring Ministry phone number is now
- 515-244-8603 ext. 108
- Pastoral Care – for support through a difficult time
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Barb Glass is the Pastoral Care Associate available for this service time. Please email pastoralcareteam@ucdsm.org for assistance during the week. | |
This section holds events happening this week, as well as articles submitted in the past 7 days. Be sure to continue scrolling to read about other upcoming events, church news, and social justice efforts!g
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Annual Meeting
of First Unitarian Church
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The Annual Meeting of First Unitarian Church of Des Moines will take place on Sunday, June 4 at 11:00 a.m. in the Auditorium and on Zoom. All are encouraged to attend and participate; members are urged to attend, participate and vote. At this meeting, the congregation will hear the report of the president; elect members of the Board of Trustees and Endowment Committee; approve an operating budget for FY2024; consider a bylaw change concerning Membership; celebrate this year's "Unsung UU," choose Faith in Action partners for 2023-24; and conduct other business. The Annual Meeting packet will be available on Realm on May 21; paper copies will be available by calling the church office, or at the Meeting itself. With questions, contact our President, Reba Eagles; our Minister, Victoria Safford; or the Director of Finance and Administration, Alice Stewart. | |
Faith In Action Nominees 2023-24 | |
Al Exito
Champion: Dave Witke, Gene McCracken
Al Éxito serves 6th grade - college-aged youth in over 18 communities across Iowa. Facilitators are contracted, trained, and paid to run the programs at each site. Parent programs, entitled Padres Unidos, were developed to better inform and equip Spanish-speaking partners to help their students succeed in school. Al Éxito advances the success of Latinx youth through programs that focus on college preparation, career development, civic engagement, family support, and celebration of culture. By gaining knowledge, skills, opportunities, and support, our young leaders achieve higher education and career goals, engage in leadership and civic activities that build equitable Latinx representation in our communities and nurture well-being through cultural identity development. First Unitarian Church has had been active in supporting Al Exito in the past and would like to support them again this year. https://www.alexitoiowa.org
Clive Community Services
Champion: Jack Hacket
Clive Community Services (CCS) offers a Food Pantry, a Clothing Closet, a Free Medical Clinic and Educational Services. We began operation in 2016 through the leadership of local citizens who were concerned about the growing level of need in the neighborhood near Crestview School of Inquiry. Our offices are located within walking distance of many apartments and the Crestview School of Inquiry which provides convenience and familiarity to those seeking services. In addition to serving immigrant populations, it should be noted that CCS maintains a commitment to all low-income families in the area who are seeking food, other support services, and stability in their lives. Besides a paid director, we are entirely volunteer-run. Volunteer opportunities of all types are available. Donations of all kinds accepted. www.clivecommunityservices.com
Family Promise
Champion: Elaine Imlau
Family Promise of Greater Des Moines strives to create a safe, stable and nurturing environment for the children as well as to support the efforts of their parents in securing employment and housing. We partner with 14 host congregations, volunteers and donors to help homeless families with children find steady income and stable housing. At First Unitarian, as a host congregation, we flip classrooms into bedrooms and offer overnight shelter, evening meals and transportation for up to 3 families for one week every season. https://www.familypromisedm.org/welcome.html
Champion: Mike Smith
The FreeStore is an all-volunteer organization supporting children and families who have escaped domestic violence and those suffering from other forms of trauma including natural disasters and criminal assault. We provide donated furniture and household goods as these families begin new lives in a safe environment. FreeStore volunteers collect gently used furniture and furnishings from homes in the Des Moines metro area. We collaborate with other non-profits and social-service agencies. Their advocates make appointments for their clients to select furniture and furnishings from our warehouse and we deliver it to their new home. https://thefreestore.org
Iowa Trans Mutual Aid Fund
Champion: Doug Aupperle
The Iowa Trans Mutual Aid Fund's goal is to provide financial assistance to transgender, non-binary and other gender diverse individuals in the state of Iowa to assist in accessing gender-affirming healthcare. This includes trans minors and their families now forced to seek gender-affirming healthcare out of state due to recent changes in Iowa law. https://iowamutualaid.org/iowa-trans-mutual-aid
Just Voices
Champion: Harvey Harrison
Just Voices mission is to work to build a platform that educates, advocates, and collaborates to end racially biased policing in Iowa. Just Voices envisions a society free from racial oppression. It is the hope that a partnership with First UU will continue the growth and impact of our programs. That this partnership will offer opportunities for education in our congregation, communicate our values to the greater community and create a forum for face-to-face engagement. We will also seek to reach out to other local churches in an effort to broaden the base for our work. https://justvoicesia.org
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A Letter from Rev. Victoria | |
My ministry at First Unitarian Church of Des Moines is drawing to a close, and I am writing with sadness and confident hope as you carry forward the beautiful work of this congregation: to grow your souls in community and serve the world in love.
Read more
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Survey: Children & Youth Faith Formation 2023-24 | |
Dear First Unitarian Families,
Our current church year has been a year of trying new things, including moving all children & youth programming to Sunday mornings after service. With nearly a whole programming year over, we know this works well for some families and less-well for others. We'd like to know what works best for you and your family, so please take the time to fill out this survey by June 30.
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Progressive Voices:
Last Concert of 2023 Season!
Saturday, May 20, 2023, 7:30 p.m.
First Unitarian Church Auditorium
Tickets: $22 Advance /$27 Door, available after Sunday services in the gathering area, or online.
There’s just something about Ellis Delaney. At once funny and wise, thoughtful and uninhibited, with a captivating voice that is matched by tender, sometimes funny, uplifting lyrics. If you looked up the definition of open-hearted in the dictionary, you just might find a photo of Ellis there. Their performances are transformational; leaving audiences feeling better, with softened edges & opened hearts.
A limited number of complimentary tickets for this concert are available for those otherwise unable to afford to attend. Please speak confidentially with our minister, Victoria Safford, to obtain them.
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March with First Unitarian
at Capital City Pride!
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Help First Unitarian Church maintain its proud tradition of support for the LGBTQ+ community by marching with your fellow UU's in the Capital City Pride Parade on Sunday, June 12! We invite all church members, both LGBTQ+ and straight/cisgender allies, and including adults, teens, and children, to meet in the parking lot of the Lucas Building at 321 E.12th St. (on the EAST side of the State Capital Building) between 11 and 11:30 a.m. The parade starts promptly at 12:00 p.m., so give yourself ample time to get there and park. Parking will be available in the visitor lots just south of East Walnut & E. 12th Streets and also in the Judicial Branch lot at East 12th St. & East Court Ave. The parade route is about a mile on level and downhill streets.
We also invite everyone to again wear your favorite First Unitarian Pride or Standing on the Side of Love t-shirt. (Don't have one yet? Some are available for purchase in self-serve kiosk in the gathering area after services on Sundays.)
Some signs, banners, and flags will be available for you to carry in the parade if you wish, or you are welcome to make your own. We are especially encouraging people to make and bring signs that focus on transgender rights, supporting trans-affirming healthcare for youth, DO say gay/trans in schools, NOT banning LGBTQ+ books, etc. Contact tag@ucdsm.org with questions and for more information.
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Rev. Victoria's Spring Calendar | Friends, you may always reach me at vsafford@ucdsm.org or at 612-405-3318 (a cell number dedicated to church work). We can schedule a Zoom appointment when I am working remotely from St. Paul, or we can meet at church or in your home when I’m here in Des Moines, or simply talk by phone. If you’d like to meet in person during an upcoming visit, please reach out to schedule an appointment! reach out to schedule an appointment. Weekends remaining for in-person visits: May 5-7, June 2-4, June 9-12. You can view my calendar here. | |
Submissions to the Intercom Weekly are due on Wednesday at 12 noon. Submissions after the deadline cannot be guaranteed a spot in that week's newsletter.
Want to publicize your church event? We have a form for that!
Visit our "Our Events" page to fill out the form.
Email communications@ucdsm.org with any questions.
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Book Group
The Humanist book group meets at noon on the first and third Sunday of each month, both in person at the church (right after the forum) and via Zoom. The next meeting will be on May 21, when we will finish discussing Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution. We will begin The Big Picture by Sean Carroll on June 4.
Watch Party
The Watch Party format will resume on Sunday, May 28 Join us at 1:00 PM at the Stine Barn in West Des Moines to watch and discuss a lecture by J. Anderson Thomson called Why We Believe in Gods. Email humanistsocietyofiowa.org if you have any questions or suggestions for future programs.
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Iowa Secular Summit
Plan to join us on Saturday, June 10, when the Humanist Society of Iowa and the Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers will host the Iowa Secular Summit. Doors open at noon with the first speaker starting at 1:00 PM. This will be an afternoon of discussion followed by a catered dinner. Community leaders will discuss the importance of human rights, separation of church and state, and education. Speakers will include Mary Jane Cobb, ISEA President; Iowa State Senators Claire Celsi and Sarah Trone-Garriott; and Hemet Mehta, the Friendly Atheist. Click on IowaSecularSummit.org for more information and to purchase tickets.
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Women's Wednesdays – May 31 | |
Topics chosen by women, about women, discussed by women.
Meets the last Wednesday of every month from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. in the Peace Library.
1:30-2 p.m: General meet and greet, catch-up.
2 p.m. – 3 p.m: Discussion
This month's topic: "Fairy Tales"
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Ceremony of Dedication
for Older Children
& Those with New Names
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Our service on Sunday, June 4, will include a Child Dedication Ceremony. Most often we hold Dedications for families with infants and toddlers, but this time we’re extending the invitation to children of all ages, right up through high school. Some families arrive at the congregation long after their children are little; others, for lots of reasons, choose not to have a dedication when their kids are small, or didn’t get around to it in the bustle of those early years. For others, this can be a welcome opportunity to mark and celebrate a new name for their child (perhaps one the child has chosen for themself as they’ve come into new and truer identity). If you’d like your family to be included in this special dedication, or just want to know more, send me a note at vsafford@ucdsm.org. (And of course: if your child is an infant and you’d like to take part, we’ll welcome them too, with joy, on this day! | |
Grounds Work
Saturday, June 10, 9 am — 12 pm
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Mark your calendar! Grounds Work Day is Saturday, June 10, from 9 am to 12 pm. Come help beautify the exterior of the church!
Contact grounds@ucdsm.org with any questions.
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General Assembly (GA) 2023
from Linda Lemons
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General Assembly (GA) 2023 "Faithfully Becoming" will be held in Pittsburgh, PA, from June 21-25, 2023 in-person or virtually as best meets your needs. Delegates will be voting on Article II, and deciding whether it is time to add values and new covenants. The UUA Board of Trustees is receiving feedback from all UUs, regarding Article II through the end of the month. Please click here to share your thoughts. A presentation of the Article II Study Commission submitting their Proposed Article II to the UUA Board can be found here.
Please click here to register to hear Sofice Betancourt, candidate for UUA President. I think you will be impressed.
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For a full list of upcoming meetings and events, please visit our church calendar. | |
We wanted to give you a quick update on where we are in the Interim process. First and foremost, thank you to everyone that provided feedback during the forum or via email on two of the key questions in the interim packet. The portal opened on April 6th and our was submitted by the 8th (one of the first four to submit.) We have been in the waiting period the last couple weeks but things are about to heat up. In fact, May 1 is when the names of the interim ministers interested in our opening will be released to us. Then we will have a flurry of interviews with those interested. Our next deadline is May 15 that is when we have to let the UUA Transition office now for each candidate whether we consider them a ‘Yes’, ‘Maybe’, or ‘No’ regarding their perceived fit. Then based on those pairings offers are extended on May 17. So if all goes to plan we should be able to announce our new interim minister by May 19 or sooner.
If you have any questions let us know. Thanks for all you do!
Scott Emison Clair, Shelly Kaldenberg, Doug Aupperle, Crystal Loving, Steven Herwig, and Elliott Nassif
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Spring & Summer Programming:
Closer Than You Think!
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Warm weather is approaching, and the Adult Programming Committee has lined up some great classes for these Spring and Summer months! Some of these groups begin meeting this month, so sign up today!
May 15 – September 11
Facing Death with Life
This is a facilitated process of personal reflection, learning, and spiritual growth focused on death and dying, helping participants move from viewing death as an abstract concept to developing a personal recognition of its meaning in their lives.
This free course meets in person for 8 ninety-minute workshops. Meets from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on the first and third Mondays of the month, starting May 15, and ending September 11.
Read more
Led by Hilary Hippen-Leek and Elliot Nassif.
Register here
Mistakes and Miracles
"UU Common Read" book discusses the joy, disappointment, and growth of multiculturalism and anti-racism work in our congregations and movement. The UUA common read is titled Mistakes and Miracles by Palmer and Lin.
Please sign up for a free 90-minute Zoom session in late May. We will watch a 45-minute video overview of the book that includes the two authors and two UU ministers. Then, we will discuss next steps.
Wednesday, May 24 at 2:00 pm
Thursday, May 25 at 6:30 pm.
You can sign up for either; a Zoom link will be forthcoming.
Read more
Led by Gene McCracken
Register here
Hindsight, Humor, and Hope: Who, Me, an Elder?
Helps participants design their later years through reflection, discernment, soul stretching, and exploration of new life possibilities.
This free course meets for 6 two-hour workshops on Tuesdays, starting August 22 and ending September 26. Meets 1:30–3:30 pm in-person at First Unitarian Church.
Read more
Led by Barbara Royal and Dagny Fidler.
Register here
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Sacred Bridges CUUPS is looking for people to be a part of our Pagan Jubilee: Beltane May 4, 2024 committee. We are going to be planning a huge festival for next years Beltane Celebration. We are hoping to have vendors, food, speakers, drum makers, and lots of fun.
To join the committee, please send us an email at sacredbridgescuups@gmail.com.
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Griffin Gallery Artist May | |
Luis Guzmán Montano captivates viewers with his use of colors and mastery of oil paint. Born in El Salvador, Guzmán Montano incorporates Salvadorian and American culture in his surrealist paintings. The work shares the artist's perspective on life using symbolic images like birds, barbed wire, trees, and figures. His signature blended lines and borders can be found in all of his pieces.
-Cindy Barahona Roth – Witter Gallery. Storm Lake, IA
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If you'd like to set up a regular (weekly or monthly) contribution to our social justice activities, click here and enter the dollar amount for "Donation."
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Next Family Promise Hosting Week
July 9 – 16
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Haven’t been an evening or overnight host before, but would like to try it? Background checks must be on file to do so. Please do the following:
New hosts, please fill out this form and send to Hannah Notch at hnotch@ucdsm.org
New drivers, please review the driver information and fill out the driver application form. See the volunteer driver information and links to documents here.
Send cash donations directly to Family Promise of Greater Des Moines here:
Thanks for your involvement and support!
Contact: Elaine Imlau, Chair | familypromise@ucdsm.org
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Statement of Conscience & Reusables
from the Green Sanctuary Team
In December, Green Sanctuary requested that our Board of Trustees support this Statement of Conscience and Reusables. They were very supportive. This is an idea supported by the UUA. The Kitchen Committee included the statement in their work. Now we ask groups at First Unitarian Church to follow this Statement when using cups, plates, and utensils at church gatherings. We have a new dishwasher to help us follow our conscience.
Statement of Conscience and Reusables
The Green Sanctuary Team of First Unitarian Church of Des Moines recognizes the UUA Statement of Conscience and proposes that the church follow sustainable practices by using washable, reusable tableware for serving and consuming food on site and at events sponsored by the church. We understand there may be rare instances when washable, reusable tableware cannot be used. In those cases, we recommend the use of compostable products that congregants will compost in local bins.
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Faith in Action Partners
Hawthorn Hill | Let's Talk
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Our current partnerships run from September 2022 through August 2023. They were selected by our members at our June 2022 annual meeting. The organizations are: | |
Staff Office Hours & Contact Info | |
Rev. Victoria Safford, Transitional Contract Minister
Office phone: 515-244-8603 ext. 102
Cell: 612- 405-3318
Alice J. Stewart, Director of Finance and Administration
515-244-8603 ext. 101
Mondays: by appointment
Tuesdays – Thursdays: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Fridays: by appointment
Zoom meetings available upon request
Birch Spick, Faith Formation Coordinator
& Congregational Life Coordinator
515-244-8603 ext. 106
Off Mondays
Tuesday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Emily Petty, Communications Coordinator
515-244-8603 ext. 103
Off Mondays
Tuesday-Friday: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
To submit an item for the Intercom, email communications@ucdsm.org by Wednesday at noon.
Hannah Notch, Social Media and Executive Support Specialist
Tuesday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm
To have an event or meeting added to the church calendar, email Hannah at calendar@ucdsm.org
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Intercom Weekly Submissions
Deadline: Wednesday @ 12 noon
In the body of an email, please include a title, relevant dates and times, contact information, and a brief description of your event or announcement.
- Please proofread your article before submitting (or ask a trusted friend to proofread if you need help!) We try to check every article, but we still miss things.
- An image can help make your article stand out! Please feel free to attach an image to your email. (JPG or PNG files are preferred.) Note: images that violate copyright laws will be rejected.
- The Intercom Weekly is sent out to our mailing list on Friday at 12:00 p.m.
- We run announcements for no more than three consecutive weeks, so please plan accordingly.
- Per church policy, we do not share private email addresses or phone numbers in our communications. We will set up an @ucdsm.org email address for you as the contact person for your group which will automatically forward to your private email, so you won't have to do anything special to view it. (Please allow a few extra days for us to set up the email when you submit your announcement.)
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Text "UCDSM APP" to 77977 or toll free (833) 816-9022
to download our app
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