January Highlights

Jan. 1 —Church Office Closed, New Year’s Day

Jan. 16—Prime Time Luncheon

Jan. 18—Annual Deacon Retreat

Jan. 19—Deacon Ordination

Jan. 20—Church Office Closed, MLK

Jan. 26—Quarterly Business Meeting


A Message from our Senior Pastor, Dr. Rodney Navey

2025 is here!


Christmas is great! We celebrated well as a church family, and I’m grateful to serve as one of your Pastors through another Christmas season. We decorated, served, gathered, worshiped, ate, greeted, witnessed, loved, sung, studied, blessed, cried, laughed . . . I’m sure there are a few other verbs to add to the list!


Now as we move into 2025, have you picked out your Bible reading plan for 2025? So many options, and most of them are good. I would encourage you to read along with the church family. We will be reading through the Old Testament; checklists are available in the lobby or online. A read through the entire Bible plan will also be available, but throughout the year, we will mention primarily what part of the OT annual plan we are focusing on.


I can’t think of a better way to grow in your faith in 2025 than to regularly be in God’s Word. We hear it, read it, study it, memorize it, and meditate on it. Reading is learning how to listen to God. He spoke the words of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21) and has given us access to His thoughts, His heart, and His will. To me, reading is saying, “I really want to get to know God.”


If you don’t already have someone you talk to about your daily reading, ask God to give you that person and then start looking. Having another person go along with you provides encouragement when the reading is tough or the emotions are low. By the way, the other person probably needs the encouragement too!


Please do also have a reliable source to read overviews of each book. I would encourage an online tool like They provide good background information and helpful insights to better understand what the author intended. A good study Bible or Bible Handbook can do the same.


A last bit of advice is to journal throughout 2025. Sure, you can journal big events, accomplishments, etc, but most importantly, journal something about what you read each day from your Bible reading. God’s Word is living and active. He knows what you need and when you need it. After you read your assigned portion, look back over the text and pick out the best thing you read. Once you have it, write down in your journal the reference and why it was the best thing. Then, talk to God about what He said to you through His Word.


From the pulpit, we kick 2025 off with a sermon series called “The Disciples Path.” As you know, one of our Core Values is a Discipleship Culture. Jesus told us to make disciples (Matt 28:18-20). If we are not leading people to follow Christ and helping them grow up in Christ, we are not very good servants. Our students have been following a path that gives some concrete ways to think of discipleship. The path will form our series:

- Jan. 5 Reach the Lost (Matt 28:18-20)

- Jan. 12 Connect with the Church (Acts 2:42-47)

- Jan. 19 Learn the Bible (2 Tim 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:16-21)

- Jan. 26 Grow in Discipleship (2 Tim 2:2)

- Feb. 2 Serve in Ministry (Eph 4:11-13)

I’m looking forward to making disciples with you in 2025!


Pastor On Call: 336-580-3214

Dec. 30—Jan. 5, Nathan Morrison

Jan. 6—12, Luke Earwood

Jan. 13—19, Noah Darnell

Jan. 20—26, Jimmy Jackson

Jan. 27—Feb. 3, Dr. Rodney Navey


   If no one answers immediately, please leave a message with a contact number

and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Next Generations

Dr. Zach McCraw, Next Gen & Student Pastor (

Abby Miller, Children’s Director (

Abby LaMachio, Children & Special Needs Assistant Director (

Hannah Blackmore, Sports Director (

Kelly Larrimore, Children’s Admin (

Lori Eanes, Students, College, and Young Adults Admin (

“Making disciples who make disciples all for the glory of God.”
The Disciple’s Path: Reach the Lost. Connect with the Church. Learn the Bible. Grow in Discipleship. Serve in Ministry.

To get our most up-to-date, email newsletters please contact the appropriate admin to be added. (Students – Lori Eanes, Children – Kelly Larrimore)


Next Gen & Family Equipping Events: 


  • 1/8       Wednesday Nights Start Back
  • 1/8       Olympians & Gopher Buddies Resume
  • 1/12     LSM Spring Ministry Meeting (Chapel 11am)
  • 1/19     Milestones – Parents of 5th Graders (Room 310, 11am)



Hannah Blackmore, Sports Director,

Above the Rim: Our upcoming K-12 basketball league begins in January. Please join us in praying that God will work in and through the athletes and their families this season. If you would like to learn about some volunteer opportunities, please email Hannah Blackmore.


Luke Earwood, College & Connections Pastor,

Happy New Year! Lawndale College wants to welcome back all of the students from Christmas break as well as send those back to school with prayer and support! We are looking forward to what God has planned for us this coming semester! 


Here are a few upcoming dates: 


  • January 12 - Home Group Kick-off, 5pm, House C 
  • January 15 On Campus Bible Studies Kickoff @ UNCG
  • January 19- Home Group/ Hangout at 5pm- House C


Attention!!! Remember that if your address is changing for the Spring Semester, please let us know! Thanks!


To keep up to date, Follow us on Instagram- @LawndaleCollege, or sign up for the Remind- Text @lc27408 to 81010. 

Join the GroupMe- @lawndalecollege. 


Young Adults

Dr. Curt Dean, Lawndale Campus Pastor,

Check out our Instagram and Facebook posts on social media for upcoming events, or text @lya2024 to 81010 to receive text updates! 


LYA Fall Retreat to Fort Caswell, August 29 – September 1 (Labor Day weekend) – Early bird registration at a reduced rate ends on March 1. Sign up online.


LYA Ladies' Bible Studies: Thursdays at 6:30pm. "Behold: A Bible Study of the New Testament," with 52 weeks of sessions, starting on January 9. A group of ladies meets in room 310 at the church, and another group meets at a rotating location in High Point. Contact Brooke for more information at


Guys' Bible Studies: Tuesdays at 6:30pm in room 310 with David; Wednesdays at 7am at the Battleground Ave. Biscuitville with Chase; and Wednesdays at 6:30pm in room 312 with Nathan. Contact David for more information at


Join us in Fellowship Hall on Sundays on the first floor of the church for our weekly Life Journey Group, starting after service at 11am.  

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Barry Owen, Discipleship Pastor,

Happy New Year! I am looking forward to 2025. God has afforded us the opportunity to teach the Bible and welcome new people into their groups. We look forward to new opportunities like this in 2025.


Life Journey Groups Coordinators/Teachers Meeting—Sunday, January 12. Let’s kick off the new year with lunch and training. We will meet in the CLC for a great meal and training for the new year. Beverly will be sending out an invitation email, so please RSVP.


Deacons’ and Wives’ Retreat will be Saturday, January 18 (8:30-1:00pm). We will begin with a breakfast in the Christian Life Center at 8:30am. We will be training our new deacons, getting our new notebooks with our families, meeting with Pastors, sending out notecards, discussing the Deacon Ordination and much more. An invite will be sent out on December 30, so please RSVP by January 15.


Deacon Ordination—Sunday, January 19 at 5pm in the Worship Center. Church family, please join us for the Deacon Ordination. We have four men who will be ordained. We will have a reception for these men in the CLC directly following.


New D-Groups starting in 2025: D-Groups are small groups of 3-8 people who meet weekly for accountability, prayer and reading the Bible daily. Each year D-Groups read through the New Testament or Old Testament. Contact Beverly Black or call the church office to find a group near you. A new group for men starts January 8, on Wednesdays at Panera Bread (6:15pm). A new study for men & women starts in January—call for more info.

Senior Adults

Dr. Jon Boling, Senior Adults Pastor,

A brand new year! Only the Lord knows what is in store for us – and that’s as it should be, because it calls us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. So, in all our ways we will acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. Ministry is such a blessing. Working with the men, women, boys and girls of our congregation is a true joy. So as we approach 2025, let the joy of the Lord be our strength. Highlights for January:


The Voices of Experience will begin rehearsing again on Wednesday, January 15 at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. This will give the choir a nice and well-deserved break from the rigors of rehearsal and just putting up with me! If you like to sing and enjoyed the music of our last program – then come join in.


Prime Time Luncheon – Thursday, January 16 at noon in the CLC. Fran Garner is going to serve us home made Beef Stew, Rice, Veggies, Bread, Dessert and Beverages ($5). I will be speaking from the Scriptures on the topic: “A New Year! Looking Back as we Look Ahead.” This will be light-hearted and inspirational; like a warm blanket on a cold winter’s day. Please RSVP at 336.288.3824.


NOTE: Senior Adult Ministry Inclement Weather Policy: If the Guilford County Schools do not have a FULL DAY of classes, then our SAM events will be cancelled. 


Outreach & Local Missions

Nathan Morrison, Outreach & Local Missions Director,

Shepherd's Shelf (food pantry) - We just had our last Shepherd's Shelf for 2024. We served 24 families as we handed out our holiday bags. Shepherd's Shelf will be closed December 24 and 31 for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. With much help from the Motivated by Grace women's mission group, over 200 Christmas cards were mailed to the families who visited in 2024. We continue to be grateful to the Lord for all He does to provide for this ministry, including help and support from so many of you. For January, we're still requesting food items for our "pick one" table. We have a table with a variety of food items, and our families are able to pick one item to add to their food bag. The items on the "pick one" table are different from what is in the food bag. Examples you might bring: crackers, nuts, canned vegetables, cocoa mix, baked beans, condiments .... just about anything you can think of that a family on a budget might like, but can't afford. Non-perishable, of course! Thank you church, for all you've done to provide for Shepherd's Shelf.  


Pray on the Way - Pray for our new government—state and local. Pray for salvations, God's wisdom for leaders, and godly counselors surrounding them. 


Prayer Meeting - Please join us on Tuesdays from 8:30-9:15am in the WC and Sundays from 8-8:20am in the WC. 


Lilies of the Field - We are resuming January 5 (thanks for holding donations during our time off). We could use: Bedding (all sizes) and Winter clothing, especially plus sizes. Donation bins are located on the back deck of House B. 


Weekday School

Martha Stone, Weekday Director,, 336-282-4177

Happy New Year from the Weekday Preschool!


It’s time to register for the 2025/2026 school year. Registration for our weekday and church families will begin on Monday, January 27 at 9:00am. Registration will be open to the community beginning the week of February 3. Some of the age groups have limited enrollment and registration is taken on a first come first served basis, so it is advised that you register early. Registration forms will be available online as well in the Children’s Wing beginning January 15. If you have any questions or need more information, please call Martha at 336-282-4177. 


The Weekday Center will be closed for all students on Monday, January 20


Winter weather is upon us. Please be aware, in the event of bad weather, you can find our inclement weather policy on the website. Parents will be notified by email if school is cancelled or delayed due to bad weather.



Dr. Donna Navey, Women’s Director,

Psalm 90:10-12 The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away. Who considers the power of your anger, and your wrath according to the fear of you? So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.


What a sobering passage! When you consider that 2024 is now part of history, it is obvious we can't get a single do over. As children of God, we had the privilege of living with eternal purpose for His glory. Each day was a gift He gave us to do so. It is also an exciting passage! We are starting a new year of eternal purpose, and with the psalmist, we can pray "teach us to number our days." I pray your heart is filled with wisdom as you spend your days with eternity in mind! I'm looking forward to seeing all God has planned for our Lawndale family in the days of 2025!   


God bless! - Donna  


The Healing Hearts of Lawndale’s first meeting of the New Year will be on Saturday, January 11 at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us for Game Day, with lots of fun, laughter and friendly competition. We warmly invite ALL widows to come out! “A merry heart does good…” Proverbs 17:22. 


Our Wednesday Morning Ladies’ Bible Study will resume on January 8 with "The Power of God's Word", a study of Psalm 119. We meet from 9-10am in the church chapel. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us! (No cost)

MOMS (Making Our Mothering Significant) will resume February 19th. Please watch for registration details. Childcare will be provided. 


Save the Date! - On Sunday evening, February 2, we will once again enjoy a Mary and Martha Meal. We had such a beautiful time together last year with tables decorated for every kind of event you can imagine. More information will be forthcoming.


Women on Mission Groups start again in January! You’re invited to help us make a difference here at home and around the world!


  • Jan. 7, 10 am in rm 234, Joyful Missions Group. Leader is Cindy Douglas (336) 282-7637
  • Jan. 14, 2 pm in rm 216, Motivated by Grace Group. Leader is Linda Garner (717) 203-5335
  • Jan. 21, 6 pm in rm 216, New Women on Mission Group, Leader is Fran Brown (336) 292-8508

Abortion Recovery - Desert River Ministries - If you've experienced the pain of abortion and are seeking healing, you don't have to walk this journey alone. Our Abortion Recovery program offers a compassionate, confidential space where you can find support, understanding, and emotional healing. Through guided discussions and spiritual encouragement, we help you work through your feelings of regret, guilt, and shame, while fostering hope and restoration. Our caring community is here to listen without judgment, empowering you to find peace and embrace a future filled with grace. Join us for a journey of recovery, renewal, and healing – you are not alone. Upcoming recovery group date: Wednesday, January 22. Contact Amy Hord at for more information.

Music & Worship

Noah Darnell, Music & Worship Director,

Hello Lawndale family, and happy New Year!


As we step into 2025, I am excited to continue worshiping through the singing and study of the Word together!


If you are interested in joining our choir or orchestra, now is a fantastic time to start! Rehearsals for both groups happen at 6:15 on Wednesday evenings. If you would like more details, or have any questions at all, please email me at I would be happy to help get you plugged in to the Worship Ministry!


We also have a need for anyone who is interested in Tech Ministry. A lot goes into weekly services and events that would not be possible without our tech team – if you’re looking for a way to serve, this is a great place to look! Please email me if you are interested in receiving more information.

General Announcements

Lawndale Connect ClassFebruary 2, (11am-12pm) in the Christian Life Center. If you are new to Lawndale and would like to learn more about our church, its purpose, its core values, and its ministries, then join us for an hour-long Connect class! We look forward to meeting you! 

New Member Class—Sunday, January 12 (4pm-6pm) in rm 215.


Quarterly Business MeetingJanuary 26, 5pm in the Worship Center.


Flowers in the Lobby—Add beauty to our Lawndale house of worship. Choose a Sunday to provide flowers in honor of memory of a loved one. You are welcome to take the flowers home after your Sunday. Arrangements are $100. Call the church office to schedule your Sunday or you may sign up on the 2025 Flower Calendar located in the elevator lobby, 2nd floor.


DivorceCare—Sundays, beginning January 19, at 3pm in room 217. This will be a 13-week semester, ending on April 13. Register online. Childcare is available.


5:00pm Wednesday Night Meals resume in the CLC this month! Register online or by calling the office. Cost: $7/Adult - Hot Meal OR Salad Bar; $5/Children (5 and under eat FREE) Hot Meal OR Kid’s Meal.

Menus for this month (hot meal + dessert):


  • January 8—Turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes and green beans
  • January 15—Baked Spaghetti, Salad and French bread
  • January 22—Country chicken over rice and broccoli
  • January 29—Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans


Our online giving program can be found on our website:

Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.

Luke 12:23

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