March 21, 2025

Congratulations to our St. Peter Dodgeball Team who finished in 2nd place in the TCLL Dodgeball Tournament with a 10-3 record on the day.

Upcoming Events at St. Peter Lutheran

March 21: End of 3rd Quarter

March 21: Last Day for PTL Auction Donations

March 22: 5:00pm Worship Service

March 23: 9:30am Worship Service

March 24-28: Spring Break - No School - School Office Closed

March 31: Last Day to Purchase Tickets/Tables for Annual PTL Auction

April 2: 8:05am Chapel - Mr. Wolter

April 2: 5:00pm Lenten Supper (Fellowship Hall)

April 2: 6:30pm Lenten Worship Service

April 4: Report Cards Available on FACTS

April 5: 5:00pm Worship Service

April 5: 6:00pm Annual PTL Auction at Swan Valley Banquet Center (doors open and silent auction begin @ 5:00pm)

April 6: 9:30am Worship Service - Seraphim Choir Sings (grade 5-8)

April 15: Summer SPLASH Enrollment Open to Public

April 18: No School - No Child Care - Good Friday

More Upcoming Events

Redeemed: We are redeemed because of what Jesus has done for us. During this Lenten season, may we continue to focus on the One who has forgiven and redeemed us. This is a wonderful prayer in the January-March 2025 edition of Portals of Prayer which helps us to keep our eyes fixed on Christ, "Lord Jesus, it was out of love for me that you endured Your suffering and death. Thank You for that love. I confess that I daily sin against You and need Your forgiveness. Send your Holy Spirit to help me recognize my sins and turn from them in repentance so that my life can better please You. Have mercy upon me. In Your precious name I pray. Amen."

Serving in Worship: The Seraphim choir (grades 5-8) will be singing in church on Sunday, April 6. Please have your child(ren) in the music room to warm up at 9:10am. Thank you!

Our Condolences: Our prayers are with Samantha McKenzie and her family upon the death of her grandfather, Connor, Wade and Eve's great-grandfather, Don Anger Sr. May God give comfort and peace to their family. Click anywhere in this article to view Don's obituary.

St. Peter Chapel Offerings

Third Quarter Chapel Offerings: MOST Ministries makes and distributes "Witness Bracelets" as an evangelism tool while in the mission field. The bracelets have 7 different colored beads that all have a different meaning to help explain the Gospel message. To learn more about what each bead represents, click anywhere in this article.

Weekly Lunch Menu

Lunch Menu for the Week of March 31:

  • Monday, March 31: Chicken Gravy & Mashed Potatoes, Corn and Mandarin Oranges.
  • Tuesday, April 1: Homemade Macaroni & Cheese, Broccoli and Applesauce.
  • Wednesday, April 2: Cheese Quesadilla, Refried Beans and Diced Pears.
  • Thursday, April 3: Hot Dog on a Bun, Baked Beans and Pineapple Tidbits.
  • Friday, April 4: Bosco Sticks w/Pizza Sauce, Green Beans and Diced Peaches.
Spectacular Students

Green Day: There was lots of green throughout the school on Monday for St. Patrick's Day!

Crazy Socks: On Tuesday, we had Crazy Socks Day for our Reading Month spirit day. We also had a school-wide escape room on Tuesday which was a lot of fun!

Colorful Spirit Day: We concluded our month long celebration of our March Reading Month with a spirit day and we will have an assembly this afternoon. Students wore as many colors as they could for today's spirit day.

20th Annual PTL Auction

Time is Almost Up! The deadline to buy tickets and tables is March 31. Please email Alyssa Shirely ASAP if you would still like tickets for this year's auction ( as the school office will be closed next week for spring break. Tickets will not be sold at the door! Here are the details:

NOTE: If you have already purchased tickets or plan to, you will need to register on Bidding Owl to pay for your items. This will be the only payment method. You can find instructions for that by clicking anywhere in this article. This will be an in-person only event.

View Auction Items
St. Peter PTL: Parent Tip Line!

PTL Tip of the Week: From the book Simple Habits for Effective Parenting by Randall Schroeder, there is a section on pp. 47-49 which describes the importance of mealtimes for families. "The most underrated and least talked about parenting essential is family mealtimes at the table. In my opinion, parent-child mealtimes together are probably one of the most significant influential parenting habits because eating together makes a tremendous impact on your child in so many ways."

March Reading Month

March Reading Month: Thank you to Mrs. Fehn, Mrs. Homrich, and Mr. Wolter for organizing our March Reading month. We had an assortment of activities and events to make it a fun month and promote reading. We will have one final assembly this afternoon and our book bracket winner will be announced.

St. Peter News & Notes

Thank You to The Maple Grille: We are very thankful that our 7th-8th graders were able to have a fundraiser at The Maple Grille as they donated 25% of their food sales for the Washington D.C. trip that our 7th-8th graders will be taking next month. Thank you also to those who dined in or purchased take out at The Maple Grille yesterday.

Thank You to the Teacher/Staff Appreciation Committee: For bringing in lunch from Panera along with chips, veggies and cookies last Thursday, before parent/teacher conferences. We appreciate it very much!

Retirement: Mrs. Becky Chanin, our school cook, who has been with us for 17 years, will be retiring at the end of this school year. We are so thankful for her dedicated service to our school, and we wish her well in retirement. We are currently seeking a new cook for the 25-26 school year. Please contact Mr. Eric Hagenow for more information about the position. 

Congratulations St. Peter Alumni: We had several alumni in the Hemlock High School Theatre's production of "Mary Poppins" last weekend. Samantha Hales, Fred Wedding (both in St. Peter Class of 2021), Adelia Breternitz, Vivian Ryan and Spencer Marlow (these three in St. Peter Class of 2022) were all in it, and they all did a wonderful job.

Peek at Valley: Valley Lutheran’s final ‘Peek at Valley’ for this school year will be held on Tuesday, March 25. These interactive tour experiences are for interested grade school families of any age! If you would like to attend, please schedule a time by clicking anywhere in this article.

Job Posting: "Valley Lutheran High School is in search of a foreign language teacher to start in August 2025. While Spanish is certainly preferred, we are also considering other language options (i.e. German, Latin, Sign Language, etc.). The position could be either part-time or full-time depending on the particular language or specific needs of the teacher. Salary will be commensurate with experience and degree. Candidates without a teaching certificate, but who are willing to work towards one may still apply. Please send any names of referrals along with contact information or candidate resumes and cover letters to Dr. Lisa Meyers at" -Amy Cooper, Director of Communications and Admissions

GRASP: This is a reminder that if you wish to have your child participate in GRASP this summer, the deadline to order is April 25. GRASP is a program that helps K-8th grade students review reading and math over the summer. Order forms (available below) and payment can be turned in to the school office.

GRASP Enrollment Form

Summer SPLASH 2025: It is time to think about Summer SPLASH again! Registration for our St. Peter families is now open. You can find the flyer and intended use form on our website and in the school office. Use the pulldown menu and click K-8, childcare, then Summer SPLASH. Punch cards are available for purchase in the office. Registration will be taken on a first come, first serve basis and it will be open to the GENERAL PUBLIC on April 14th. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Fehn.

Panther Athletics

Track: Track practices will begin the Monday after Spring Break, March 31. Practices will take place from 2:40-4:00pm. We will be practicing outside on our new track this season, so please dress accordingly. You can view the whole schedule below.

Track Schedule
2024-2025 St. Peter Lutheran Theme Bible Verse
Contact Information & Worship Times for St. Peter Lutheran
St. Peter Lutheran School
(989) 642-5659
2440 N. Raucholz Rd.
Hemlock, MI 48626
Sunday Morning at 9:30am and
Saturday Evenings at 5:00pm

Sunday Morning Bible Study for All Ages on Sundays at 11:00am
Mission, Vision, & Core Values