Easter is coming, and you are invited to purchase flowers for the sanctuary on Easter Sunday. This year we have chosen white Martha Washington Geraniums from Egan's Gardens, and we are asking for $12 for each. After worship on April 9, you may designate it to be taken to a shut-in or take it home yourself. Special envelopes are available by the offering box in the sanctuary. We ALL want a lovely sanctuary to celebrate the Risen Lord, and you can be part of it! The deadline for purchasing this is March 30.
In preparation for the annual Easter egg hunt, we are welcoming candy donations in the narthex from 3/12-4/2. Donations should be individually wrapped and sized for stuffing into eggs. Small stuffable trinkets are also welcome!
Women's Night Out is March 13 at 6 pm at La Hacienda Real (3690 Commercial St SE). Please RSVP to Nancy Crawford (; 503-540-8770) or Sue Ray (; 503-319-0511) if you are up for an evening of fun!
Red Cross Blood Drive is March 13, 1-6 pm in Boulder Hall! We need the congregation and community to pitch in and give so that we can retain Westminster's record of being the longest continuously running church-hosted American Red Cross blood drive in Salem!! For those who want to DOUBLE their donation of red cells (and still keep all that plasma, platelets and white cells!) there are at least 8 "Double Red" appointments available throughout the day. This can truly be a life giving donation. Even if you think you may not be eligible to give blood, please call/message Bill Nelson (503-576-1278, or Pamela Garland (503-551-2998) to check. The ARC has recently relaxed some of the previous restrictions on giving blood, including restrictions on recent travel to Europe. Even if you had a poor experience in the distant past we believe that your 2023 blood giving experience will be smooth, painless and will give you the satisfaction of giving someone a gift that few can duplicate! Call Bill, Pamela, or sign up here today.
Save the Date
New Member Class: 4/30 and 5/7 following Sunday service