Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... In the U.S. alone, 22 million parents are being "erased" from their children’s lives. In her new documentary Erasing Family, filmmaker Ginger Gentile, who is also the deputy executive director of the National Parents Organization (NPO), set out to tell the stories of several parents and children who were torn apart as a result of a desperately broken family court system. ..."
"... Co-parenting can be difficult, but one woman's photo showing her ex-partner and fiancé has gone viral, showing it is possible to put aside their differences for the sake of their children. ..."
"... The authors wrote: ‘Children of divorced parents are more likely to be exposed to manipulative behaviour of one parent towards the other and to internalise that lying is acceptable if it helps promote their interests. ..."
"... While almost two-thirds (62 per cent) agreed to it at the start, only 42 per cent had stuck to the arrangement with busy lives and new relationships topping the list of reasons why. ..."
By Christian Paasch - The Virginian-Pilot
"... There is no substantive reason to oppose shared parenting. It improves children’s lives, decreases stress for children and parents, and can do so without putting anyone at risk of domestic abuse. ..."
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