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December 2024


Lighting the Candles of Joy

The holiday season calls us to celebrate joy, but what does joy truly mean? Unlike happiness, which ebbs and flows with our circumstances, joy is a deep, abiding presence within us. Rooted in relationship and nurtured by experience, joy is not easily taken away—it must be surrendered to fade. Even when it feels as though it has slipped away, joy is often only forgotten, waiting patiently to be rediscovered. 


Howard Thurman's poignant poem, "I Will Light Candles This Christmas," paints a vivid picture of joy as an act of resilience and hope: 


I will light candles this Christmas. 

Candles of joy, despite all the sadness. 

Candles of hope where despair keeps watch. 

Candles of courage where fear is ever present. 

Candles of peace for tempest-tossed days. 

Candles of grace to ease heavy burdens. 

Candles of love to inspire all of my living. 

Candles that will burn all the year long. 


Thurman's words invite us to embrace joy not as a fleeting emotion but as a bold declaration of trust and defiance in the face of hardship. Joy is not something we conjure through sheer willpower or personal fortitude. Instead, it is a gift of faith—a light that shines within and through us, even in the darkest times. 


The story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, illustrates this beautifully in her song, the Magnificat: "My soul magnifies the Lord, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant" (Luke 1:46-55). Despite the uncertainty and challenges of her journey, Mary's faith anchored her joy and magnified her hope. 


In a sermon I preached years ago, The Scandal of Christmas, I reflected on the struggles Mary must have faced as whispers of doubt swirled in her community. "Why this one? Isn't she a nobody? Can you believe the story she is telling—visitation from an angel? Can you imagine Joseph standing by her? It doesn't take much to imagine what Mary endured before the nation would call her 'blessed.'" 


The prophet Isaiah centers joy and hope in God's steadfast presence: 


Surely God is my salvation; 

I will trust and not be afraid, 

for the LORD GOD is my strength and my might; 

He has become my salvation. 

With joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation. (Isaiah 12:2-6) 


This season, I am leaning on these truths in a deeply personal way. Last year, my family experienced the profound loss of our daughter-in-law in a tragic accident. As the anniversary of her passing approaches, I find myself needing to practice what I preach—to rediscover joy, to light candles of hope and courage, even amidst sorrow. 


The holiday season often amplifies grief, disappointment, and fear, but it is also a time for reflection and renewal. When we pause to light candles of joy, hope, courage, and love, we resist the weight of despair and affirm God's enduring presence in our lives. As we move through this season, let us pray for those who are grieving, struggling, or afraid. Let us extend love and support to those around us, shining as beacons of God's light in the world. 


The year's closing brings challenges and opportunities, but it also offers us a chance to step forward with hope. There is a time and a season for everything under the sun—a time to laugh and a time to dance. May you experience both this holiday season. This Christmas, may we light candles of joy that burn brightly, not just for the season, but all year long. 


God's peace and joy be with you now and always. 

Rev. Ashley and Family 

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Upcoming Events

January 7, 2025

Immigration Concerns and Sanctuary Congregations

March 14, 2025

Connection to Transformation: Creating a Partnership Culture in Faith Communities

March 17, 2025

Pathways to Mid Council Leadership: Foundations for Emerging Leaders

View All Events

Upcoming Grants/Aid

Innovation Grant

Application Open January 15, 2025

Application Due

February 15, 2025

Learn How To Use Our Grant Platform (Click Here)

Around the Synod

Check out the latest events & job postings from ministries across the Synod.


The Synod has compiled a Gun Violence Prevention Toolkit. Please take a few moments to look over these resources and share them with your community..


Matthew 25 In Action: Giving Back This Christmas Season

The Christmas season is a time to reflect on the blessings we’ve received and to share those blessings with others. Rooted in the teachings of Matthew 25:31-46, the call to serve "the least of these" is especially resonant during the holidays. Here are five ways you can give back to your community this Christmas season, each aligning with the goals of the Matthew 25 Initiative.

1. Volunteer Your Time

The most precious gift you can offer is your time. Whether at a food pantry, a community center, or a local ministry, volunteering allows you to engage directly with those in need. Consider assisting with holiday meal services, wrapping gifts for children, or helping with church outreach events. Giving your time strengthens congregational vitality and builds connections that foster community well-being.

2. Donate Food to a Shelter or Pantry

Food insecurity affects countless individuals and families, especially during the holidays. By donating non-perishable food items or fresh produce to local shelters or food pantries, you can help ensure that no one goes hungry this Christmas. This act of generosity directly addresses systemic poverty, offering tangible support to those in need.

3. Donate Toys or Books to Children in Need

Christmas should be a joyful time for all children, but many families cannot afford to buy gifts. Consider donating new toys or books to local shelters, children’s hospitals, or organizations that support underserved communities. Your gift can bring joy and hope to a child, reminding them of the love and care within our faith communities.

4. Donate to a Charity

Financial contributions can have a far-reaching impact. Choose a charity that supports causes aligned with the Matthew 25 Initiative, such as organizations focused on racial justice, poverty alleviation, or community development. Every donation, no matter the size, contributes to creating a more just and equitable world.

5. Sing Songs or Donate Gifts at an Assisted Living Facility

Spread Christmas cheer by visiting an assisted living facility. Singing carols, sharing small gifts, or simply spending time with residents can brighten their holiday season. Acts of kindness like these remind us of the importance of building inclusive, caring communities where everyone feels valued and loved.

Living Out the Spirit of Matthew 25

This Christmas season, let us embody the call of Matthew 25 by extending compassion and generosity to our neighbors. Each of these actions reflects the heart of the initiative’s three focus points: fostering vibrant communities, addressing systemic inequities, and offering care to those in need.

As we celebrate the birth of Christ, may our giving not only meet material needs but also serve as a witness to God’s love and justice in the world. Together, let us make this season brighter for all.

Let us share the joy of Christmas by giving back in meaningful and impactful ways.

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WCRC Stewards

A message from Dianna Wright, Director of Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations

The World Communion of Reformed Churches will hold its 27th General Council from October 14 – 23, 2025 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We expect some 800 participants to come to Chiang Mai, Thailand for this gathering which coincides with the 150th anniversary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches.

WCRC is seeking 40 stewards — twenty from Thailand and twenty from the global membership of WCRC. We invite applications for the stewards’ programme.

Stewards will make an enormous contribution to the facilitation of the Council. The General Council will be a wonderful opportunity to share in the life and witness of the worldwide family of Reformed churches. It will be a special opportunity for the stewards to meet many other young people and church leaders from around the world.

For more information on the invitation from the Interim General Secretary, please connect with the links below. Application deadline is January 31, 2025.

·         Call for Stewards’ Programme for the 2025 General Council English; Español; 한국어

·         Application Stewards’ Programme 2025 General Council (English)

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Holiday Closing

As the holiday season draws near, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the dedication and faithfulness you’ve shown throughout the year. Your commitment to our shared mission and to building vibrant, connected communities is a true blessing.

Please note that the Synod office will be closed for the holidays beginning Wednesday, December 18, 2024, and will reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2025

We wish you and your family a blessed and peaceful holiday filled with joy, hope, and the light of Christ. May the new year bring renewed strength and opportunities to serve with grace and purpose.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

In faith and gratitude,

The Synod of the Northeast Office Staff

2025 Innovation Grant Application Due Date

The Synod of the Northeast is excited to announce that the application portal for the 2025 Innovation Grant will open on January 15th. The application deadline is February 15th. Now is the time to get your team together to produce an informative grant application. The Innovation Grant was established to fund creative new projects that emerge from and mobilize Presbyterian communities to engage with their local communities in ways that foster person-to-person relationships. 

You can preview the application questions through this link:

There, you will see the application questions provided for the 2024 competition. We expect the questions to remain the same for 2025 as they were for 2024.  To make sure you can see the questions, please fill in either the first-time applicant or the second-time application.

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New Grants Coordinator

The Synod is pleased to announce our new Grants Coordinator, Commissioned Lay Pastor, Michael Yeoman. Michael currently serves the First Presbyterian Church of Oneida. One of his responsibilities is to oversee grant applications and grant management. To prepare himself for this work, Michael took two semesters of Grant Writing and Management at Mohawk Valley Community College. Currently, Michael is the Moderator of the Presbytery of Utica and has served on their Committee of Ministry as well as a Commissioner for Synod Assembly for two terms. As the Synod continues to roll out the Foundant Grants Application and Management Software, Michael will provide webinars on how to write a strong grant application and how to use the software. He will also train the various Synod Commission review groups on reviewing grants within the Foundant system. Michael will begin on January 2, 2025, and will also serve as the resource person for the Synod Commission Mission Working Group who will make recommendations on Campus Ministries and Youth and Young Adult Leadership Development grants at the January 24-25 Commission Meeting. 

You may reach him at beginning on January 2nd

Welcome, Michael! We look forward to your joining the Synod Team.

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Webinar Immigration Concerns and Sanctuary Congregations

JAs immigration enforcement concerns remain a pressing reality, it is vital that we come together to support vulnerable individuals, families, and communities. We invite you to join Amanda Craft, Manager of Immigration Advocacy for the Office of the General Assembly, for a gathering addressing Post-Election Immigration Concerns and Sanctuary Congregations on January 7, 2025, 11am-12:30pm.

This will be a compassionate space for expressing concerns, sharing experiences, and building resilience. 

January 7 Webinar Highlights

  • Identifying and addressing the unique needs of your community. 
  • Advocacy actions and organizing for care and support. 
  • Developing actionable rapid response and care plans. 
  • Exploring ways the General Assembly-level Office of Immigration Issues can assist. 

Who should attend?

  • Individuals directly affected by immigration enforcement and their families. 
  • Pastors and leaders with members who may be impacted. 
  • Mid Council Leaders
  • All who are ready to stand in solidarity with immigrants in your congregations, mid councils, or communities?

These conversations are pivotal to organizing, advocating, and providing care for those most at risk. Together, we can take actionable steps to ensure our congregations and communities are sanctuaries of support and hope. 

Amanda Craft, manager of immigration advocacy in the Office of the General Assembly, will lead the discussion. As national staff, Amanda trains leaders in immigration advocacy policy efforts in their contexts through work guided by immigrant-led organizations and interfaith coalitions. She has lived and served in Central America and along the U.S.-Mexico border. Amanda lives currently with her husband and two sons in Kentucky and is completing a Doctor of Ministry program at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Register Here
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Connection to Transformation: Creating a Partnership Culture in Faith Communities

March 14 - 15, 2025

For generations, churches have served as the heart of community life, acting as catalysts for change and beacons of hope. This conference builds on that legacy, offering faith communities the empowering tools to harness their unique strengths and foster transformative partnerships.

Participants will be part of a collaborative effort, exploring strategies for engaging with local organizations, nonprofits, and community leaders to address pressing challenges and create lasting impact. Through dynamic workshops, inspiring speakers, and collaborative sessions, the event will equip church leaders, members, and organizers with actionable tools to strengthen relationships, expand their reach, and cultivate a thriving culture of partnership rooted in shared faith and a commitment to addressing common needs.


Hosting Organizations:

This event is hosted by the Synod of the Northeast in collaboration with Reverend Patrick O’Connor (First Presbyterian Church, Jamaica, New York), the Tree of Life Nonprofit, and other civic and community leaders.


Conference Themes and Goals

  • Explore the pivotal role of faith in fostering partnerships and driving community transformation, woven throughout plenary presentations, workshops, and panel discussions.
  • Learn practical strategies for engaging with community organizations and repurposing church spaces, supported by case studies of successful partnerships with nonprofits, health centers, housing initiatives, and educational institutions.
  • Simplify the process of public grant writing with accessible guidance.
  • Discover effective ways to engage with local governments, civic organizations, and interfaith partners.
  • Address challenges and opportunities in mobilizing resources and building sustainable church-community partnerships, with open discussions and shared solutions.
  • Gain actionable strategies for mobilizing missional direct services and creating meaningful community change.
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