Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... Last year, Kentucky passed the nation’s first complete “shared parenting law,” which was called the state’s most popular law of the year. The law created a starting point that both parents have equal child custody time if the parents are fit caregivers. ..."
By Lambeth Hochwald - NYMetroParents
"... If you’re separated or divorced, you know how important it is to make a plan for sharing time with your child. However, this isn’t always easy, and can lead to frustration or even anger when schedules don’t match, kids feel like a go-between, or parents play good-cop, bad-cop. ..."
"... Based on new understandings of how family relationships fundamentally affect child development and wellbeing, three researchers, Jennifer Jill Harman, Edward Kruk and Denise A Hines are arguing that parental alienation—a deliberate attempt to break a child-parent relationship—should be classified as child abuse. ..."
"... When parents separate or get divorced, it inevitably disrupts the lives of children, and can take a toll on their mental wellbeing. Over time, children learn to accommodate the changes – some more successfully than others. ..."
"... Jeffery Morehouse was living in Washington state, where he had won permanent custody of his son, Mochi. In June 2010, he dropped the 6-year-old off with his Japanese mother for a visit; she promptly took him to Tokyo. ..."
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