April 2023
412 Members and Counting!
Watch your mailbox for our updated 2023 print directory. Looking for an extra copy? We will have some available at our AGM or ready for pick up in our office in May.

Need a member's contact information sooner? Our directory is always available online on our website and through the Members Information Centre.
Member-to-Member Deals
Business savings programs are shared with many member organizations, and our Chamber is no different. Assiniboia Chamber members have the option to pass down business savings to other Assiniboia Chamber members at any time. In fact, a member can create a discount for fellow members and a separate offer for the public.

If you are interested in marketing your products and services further, contact the Chamber office by email or phone (204) 774-4154, or upload the offer through your Member Information Centre login.*

This month's spotlight offers:
Happening at The Chamber
Welcome Varsha and Pooja

Please join us in welcoming Varsha Gopaul and Pooja Dhingra from the University of Winnipeg PACE Program who have joined our team for the next few weeks.

Varsha joins us from the Project Management program and is focusing on environmental sustainability here at The Chamber. Pooja is from the Human Resources program and is reviewing our employee manual.
The deadline to register for our AGM and awards Luncheon is quickly approaching and space is limited. Join us as we reflect on the growth and challenges of the last year, along with a glimpse of what the coming year has in store for ACC. Stick around for lunch and join us for the Business Excellence Awards as we celebrate the best in West Winnipeg Businesses.

Keep an eye on your inbox for the official AGM notification and update from Kristi.
April Member Meet-ups
We love to help our members show off, and a great way to do that is through Member Meet-up events like the two hosted by members this month.

On April 19th we celebrated Filipino Food Month with Max's Restaurant. It was an amazing evening filled with entertainment, networking and lots of Filipino food. Thank you to JR for organizing and inviting the ACC crew and members to participate.

Happening right now as this hits your inbox (April 27th) we are at Toba Centre for Children and Youth. The new location is still under construction but is set to open this spring. Stay tuned to their website and social feeds for updates and grand opening announcements.

Interested in hosting your own Member Meet-up event? Let our office know. These networking events are hosted by members and could include tours, ribbon cuttings or anything else that lets you show off your business to our community.
Member Drive Golf Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Now Available

We know it's only Spring but we are already looking forward to golf season!
Our third annual Member Drive Golf Event is scheduled for July 11th. We are currently looking for both sponsors and volunteers to help make the day a success. If your organization is interested in this opportunity to give back to the community, please email Kristi or call our office at 204-774-4154 for details.
The Chamber is headed to Italy!
Join us on our exploration of Tuscany from
October 17 - 25, 2023.

You do not need to be a Chamber member to participate in this adventure. This small and private group tour is open to the public, and we would love to get to know you! Registration deadline is in June but only 2 spots are remaining.
Upcoming Chamber Events
Monday, May 1
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
@ Atkins Business Centre

Saturday, May 6
9:00 am to 10:30 am
@ Assiniboine Park Cafe

Thursday, May 18
11:30 am to 1:30 pm
@ Holiday Inn Winnipeg Airport West

Thursday, May 24
11:30 am to 12:45 pm
@ Assiniboia Downs
Share your event on ACC's Community Events Calendar for free! Ask us how.
In the News
Winnipeg News
New Vision for Public Space at Portage & Main

The City of Winnipeg is working on a plan to replace aging infrastructure at Portage & Main and to reimagine the shared public space at the intersection.
Significant investment is needed in Portage & Main’s infrastructure. The membrane (waterproofing layer) that protects the underground concourse is nearing the end of its useable life and requires replacement; ... Read more
Manitoba News
Manitoba Opens Applications for Canada-Manitoba Job Grant

The governments of Canada and Manitoba are providing $10 million through the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant to help businesses meet their training and workforce development needs for new and existing employees, federal Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion Carla Qualtrough and Manitoba Economic Development, ...Read more
Canadian News
Strengthening Canada’s position as a
global tech leader

Fast and reliable wireless services connect us to our loved ones, help us work better, and fuel Canadian innovation in areas from smart cities and connected cars to e-health and online education. Canada is already a global leader in next-generation networks, which is driving economic growth and creating good, middle-class jobs for Canadians across the country.... Read more
Community Support Spotlight
Last Call to Sign up for Business Development Academy's Spring Cohort
The last day to register for the Spring cohort of The Selling Playbook's Business Development Academy closes Monday, May 1st with sessions beginning Tuesday, May 2nd.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to upgrade or refresh your selling skills.