

Dear Friends, 


Grace and peace to you in our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. 


Thanks be to God for this first day of Spring! 


From last Sunday’s worship our weekly faith-to-application homework includes the “footprint” we received. On March 16, the sermon focused on the healing ministry of Jesus. This week on our footprint, write about a healing we have experienced personally or observed within another. So that our experiences remain anonymous, please do not sign our names. Return the footprint to Calvary placing it in the green rectangular basket in the foyer. At Easter, our collective footprints of faith will represent our walking with Jesus this 2025 Lenten season. 


A Lenten book and Bible study based on The Way by Adam Hamilton continues during Lent. I’m leading the evening study on Monday nights at 6:30 PM in the parlor. Nancy Mills leads the daytime study on Wednesdays in Room 114 at

10 AM. Books are provided. All are welcome to join at any time. 


This Sunday, we’ll continue with week three of our Lenten worship series Walking With Jesus: Proclaiming the Kingdom. We’ll consider teachings from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). 


I feel so blessed to be your appointed pastor at Calvary. See you in worship! 


Grace & Peace, 

Pastor Linda 

Children are invited to come forward for a special message. Afterwards, all children (K-5th grade) are dismissed to Sunday School in Room 214/216 with Ms. Kathryn where parents may pick them up after worship. Middle & High school youth are invited to join Ms. Nancy for a small group gathering in Room 217. For families with infants through 4-years-old , the Childs Chapel is available (located at the back of the sanctuary) so that families may worship together comfortably to God’s glory.

Interfaith Day of Action

Calvary will be the gathering hub for the 2025 Interfaith Day of Action this Monday, March 24, beginning at 4:30 PM in support of CASA’s (Court Appointed Special Advocates) 2025 Immigrant Justice Package with Faith leaders, lay and clergy, and community leaders. On this day, we will call upon the Maryland General Assembly to protect the vulnerable and ensure that our places of worship and other sensitive locations remain safe and welcoming to everyone.

After gathering in the Fellowship Hall and then praying in the Sanctuary, we will march downtown to the Rally on Lawyer’s Mall, then visit Legislators’ offices, and afterward watch floor proceedings of the House and Senate

from the Gallery.

For more information, contact Julie Taylor, Community Outreach and Congregational Care, at 410-703-3575 or

VBS Volunteer Kick-Off Meeting/Training:

April 6, 11:30am-12:30pm  Room 119 (lunch provided!)

We are still looking for more volunteers to help with our Road Trip VBS! Use the registration link below to sign up as a volunteer, and please make every effort to attend our VBS Volunteer Kick-Off Meeting April 6! I will be providing an overview of this year's theme, reviewing mandatory safe sanctuary procedures and required paperwork, finalizing volunteer positions, and answering any questions you might have. Volunteer training is required, but if you are unable to attend in person, an online make-up session will be provided

April 27, 8PM via Zoom.

VBS Registration:  Kids ages 4 through rising 5th grade can register for our

FREE summer VBS "Road Trip"! Don't delay-use the button below to sign-up today and invite a friend! 

VBS Questions?  Contact Kathryn Longabaugh (


Save the Date May 3, 2025 

We plan to prepare at least 20,000 meals for people who may not know when or if they will have another meal.  We need your help.

 This is an intergenerational event which is fun for all ages. Please use the QR code in this week's bulletin or in the weekly E-news.

 Please use it to sign-up or contact Bill Lovelace at for help or questions. 


We have two opportunities to attend a Lenten Study using The Way by Adam Hamilton. This study focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus and draws from the history, archaeology and geography of the Holy Land. Pastor Linda offers this study at 6:30 PM on Mondays in the parlor and Nancy Mills offers the study at 10:00 AM on Wednesdays in Room 114.


Dates, Times and Locations: 

Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM on March 26; April 2, 9, 16 with Nancy Mills in Room 114

Monday evenings at 6:30 PM on March 24, 31; April 7,14 with

Pastor Linda in the Parlor.


Contact: Pastor Linda, or

Nancy Mills,  

Have you thought about beginning or continuing to take care of you and your body? Calvary offers a gentle yoga class for all levels of abilities. Come out and try a class and join in this restorative practice as we become good stewards of the bodies that God has given us.

Classes are held on Tuesdays at 4 PM in Room 119.

For any questions contact Liza Smith at

Backpack Buddies

The children are working hard at school. Let's keep their tummies fed on the weekends. Please consider adding Backpack Buddies to your weekly shopping list. Most needed items are single serving of shelf stable milk, Microwave dinners, and Fruit cups. We also welcome financial donations and we will do the shopping for you! Contact Barbara Jedrey at for more information or you can sign-up by using the button below.


Calvary's Missions Team is looking for interested volunteers to help support

and create outreach programs at Calvary. No experience necessary. 

We meet once every other month after church on Sunday. 

Contact Julie Taylor at or 410-703-3575.

With a bit of planning, you can help us take what we do today and make it even better tomorrow. Please consider making a gift to Calvary United Methodist Church through your estate. Adding a codicil to your will is a fairly simple process. - submitted by Rev. Dr. Bob Ireland, Stewardship Chair

Join us after Worship for a coffee hour fellowship in the parlor. If you would like to help with Calvary’s Fill My Cup Café, held every Sunday after worship,

please contact Julie Taylor at

It’s fun and easy to do. Training included.

Help Children by reading to them, helping with homework, and spending time. No experience needed. Training provided. No set schedule required.

Our neighborhood children at the Stanton Center need teens and adults with a heart for sharing time and love during Homework Club

Mondays and Thursdays from 3:00PM-4:00PM.

Sign-up with Julie Taylor at or 410-703-3575.

Light House Shelter Food Pantry Cereal Drive

The Light House Shelter Food Pantry serves the hungry in our community. Each week, families in need have the opportunity to shop at The Light House Shelter’s Food Pantry for groceries. Cereal is at the top of the list of requested groceries. But all too often, the Pantry runs out. Please join Calvary’s ongoing cereal drive: It’s easy—just add 1 of these most popular cereals (Honey Nut

Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, Raisin Bran, Instant Oatmeal packets, or Fruit Loops) to your grocery list and when convenient, drop it off in the bin in Calvary’s lobby. Start today—no sign up, no commitment, no stress!

Questions? Contact Julie Taylor at or 410-703-3575.

The Bag Lunch Ministry team makes 100 bag lunches for the homeless and

underserved of Annapolis every week. The lunches are handed out daily by We Care and Friends, an organization based at the Stanton Center, that offers long and short-term counseling as well as other services to those in our community who need it the most. Join us in Fellowship Hall every Sunday after 10 AM worship. For questions contact Suzan Mabe at 410.570.2352.


Altar Flower Dedications Sign-up

Sign-up to dedicate flowers in honor of your loved one!

The dedication cost is $65 for a large floral arrangement. The flowers can go home with you after the Sunday service or can be used in our Flower ministry that sends smaller bouquets to friends/family of Calvary who could use a floral pick-me-up. For questions contact Tracy Leahy at


Worship Service March 16, 2025

Thank You!!

Well done, Calvary UMC! 

Your generosity in stocking the shelves of the Light House Community Pantry was amazing. 

On Sunday, March 16th, the Youth of Calvary delivered 745 lbs. of food to the pantry. We extend our gratitude to them. 

You helped fill the shelves that were looking quite bare. 

On March 19th, monetary donations were used to purchase and deliver these items: 

40 cans of green beans, 80 cans of tuna, 40 cans of corn, 80 cans of SPAM,

80 cans of baked beans, 120 cans of black beans, 90 cans of chicken breast,

20 containers of marinara sauce, 5 packages of spaghetti, 10 pancake mixes, 10 bottles of syrup, 32 lbs. of white rice, 16 containers of oil, 108 individual boxes of milk, 64 juice boxes, and 22 lbs. of corn flour. 

Thank you for joining the fight against food insecurity in our community!! 

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