January 2024

On the Road

Did you finish all your holiday sewing? Well, moving along ... What do chocolate, a SCHMETZ collectible tin, and the love of sewing have in common? Watch for a special offer in a mid-January email. Yes, with Valentine’s Day around the corner, this is a short & SWEET tease. Thank you for being a fan of SCHMETZ home sewing needles and Grabbit® Sewing Tools.

Sew SCHMETZ & Grabbit® Too!

Needle Point


Alisha Ridley, OESD, recently shared pics of a sewing incident that no one should encounter. This is not Alisha’s finger. Rather, it belongs to a machine embroidery enthusiast. Luckily, the finger healed and is once again usable. The embroidery project was completed with a memory that is sticking around. 

Watch Rhonda on our website

live on Wednesday,

January 3, 2024, at 12:00 Noon CDT.

Facebook and YouTube accounts are no longer necessary,

but you can still watch on them if you prefer.

You can also watch on Restream using the link below.

There's a page on our website just for SCHMETZ Snippets.

Join Rhonda at:

Facebook Link

Restream Link

Who will win this awesome giveaway during the SCHMETZ Snippet Live? 

Thanks to each company for contributing to this delightful giveaway: Shannon Fabrics, Timeless Treasures, Wonderfil Specialty Threads, Mary Mulari, Quiltoni, Needle Travel Guide, Taylor Seville, Mettler, Clover USA.

Textile Talks features weekly presentations and panel discussions from the International Quilt Museum, Quilt Alliance, Studio Art Quilt Associates, and Surface Design Association. The programs are held online at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific US and Canada (GMT/UTC -5) each Wednesday and last approximately one hour.

Wednesday, January 3, 2 PM EDT

(Register now

QSOS Interview with Susan Hudson and Teresa Duryea Wong 

Presented by: Quilt Alliance

Wednesday, January 10, 2 PM EST

(Register now)

Cindy Grisdela Abstractions in Color at the Virginia Quilt Museum

Presented by: SAQA

Wednesday, January 17, 2 PM EST

(Register now)

MiKyoung Lee: Threading Memories and Weaving Connections

Presented by: Surface Design Association

Wednesday, January 24, 2 PM EST

(Register now)

World War I Quilts: The Sue Reich Collection

Presented by: International Quilt Museum

Where's Rhonda?

2024 Virtual Events & Shows


January 3 SCHMETZ Snippet Live 9 Sew Many Quilters Guild 12 Pins & Needles; Pam Damour 11th Annual Sewing Webinar 16 Ancaster Quilters Guild 20 Hudson Heritage Quilters Guild 23 MySewingShoppe 31 Be Sew Creative  

February 7 SCHMETZ Snippet Live 8 Jewel Box Quilters Guild 11 Gate City Quilt Guild 22-25 QuiltCon 

February 29 - March 3 Sewing & Stitchery Expo 

March 6 SCHMETZ Snippet Live 7-9 Original Sewing & Quilt Expo-Atlanta 

14-16 Original Sewing & Quilt Expo-Lakeland  

April 3 SCHMETZ Snippet Live 9 Fine Line Creative Arts Center 18-20 Original Sewing & Quilt Expo-Cleveland  

May 1 SCHMETZ Snippet Live 1-3 h+h Americas 16-18 Sew.Quilt.Create 

June 5 SCHMETZ Snippet Live Nebraska Quilt Company 8 ASG Cedar Rapids 

18-21 Bernina University  

July 3 SCHMETZ Snippet Live 15 Friendship Knot Quilt Guild 

18 Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild  

August 7 SCHMETZ Snippet Live  

September 4 SCHMETZ Snippet Live 5-7 Great Wisconsin Quilt Show  

October 2 SCHMETZ Snippet Live 26-28 Houston Quilt Market

October 30 - November 3 Houston Quilt Festival 

November 6 SCHMETZ Snippet Live  

December 4 SCHMETZ Snippet Live

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