Hostile Takeover

Mark 11:15-19

Blake Benge

Worship Times

8:40am, Fellowship Hall, Modern Service

11am, Sanctuary, Traditional Service

9:45am Sunday School

Watch Online

Jump In!

Think back to when you were a kid. Who made a lasting impact on you? Maybe it was a teacher who believed in you, a coach who encouraged you, or a family member who always had the best advice. Now imagine being that person for the next generation – someone who shows up, speaks life, and points kids to Jesus. That’s what kids' ministry is all about!

In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Jesus saw kids as a priority. He welcomed them, blessed them, and made time for them. Kids mattered to Jesus. He saw their value, their potential, and their importance in the Kingdom.

The reality is, most people who gives their lives to Christ do so at a young age. Kids are open, curious, and hungry for truth. Kids ministry is front-line Kingdom work! Children are in the most crucial years of shaping their faith. They are full of curiosity, asking big questions, and forming the foundation of their beliefs. Every week, kids come to church looking for connection, fun, and truth. Some may be hearing about Jesus for the first time, while others need to be reminded that God sees them, knows them, and has an amazing plan for their lives.

And here’s the best part: You don’t need a theology degree to make an impact. If you can listen, encourage, and share a smile, you’re already qualified. Whether it’s leading a lesson, helping with crafts, playing games, or simply welcoming kids as they arrive, there’s a place for you.

Ways you can get involved –

  • Join our Sunday School or Launchpad volunteer team! – We have volunteers who do everything from welcoming kids and helping them feel safe and excited to be at church, to bringing Scripture to life in a way they can understand. We have volunteers who lead crafts and games and volunteers who work behind the scenes.

  • Sign up to serve at our special events – Serve at the Resurrection Celebration, Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt, and VBS!

  • Pray – Ask God if He is calling you to serve in kids' ministry. Pray for the kids, their families, and our volunteer teams.

The opportunity is here, the need is great, and the impact is life-changing! Click the button below if you are ready to Jump In!

Jen Rabon

Ready to Serve!


You're invited to bring your friends and family to the Fellowship Hall for dinner and conversation on Wednesday from 4:50 - 6pm. Tomorrow, we'll be serving:

  • Regular Meal: Salad Night! Pasta Salad, Chicken Salad, Fruit Salad, Leafy Green Salad, Croissant, Strawberry Short Cake
  • Chef Salad (Pre-Made)
  • Kid Meal: Chicken Tenders, Fries, Fresh Fruit, Sweet Treat

Cost: $8 Regular meal, $8 Chef Salad, $6 Kids' meal, $30 family max.

Dinner Reservations 3.12

Snyder Kids

Vacation Bible School 2025

June 23 - 27 | 9am - Noon

We need YOU to volunteer for VBS this summer! 

On June 23 - 27, our church will be flooded with kids, and we have the wonderful opportunity to share the love of Christ with them! You can expect plenty of games, dancing, worship, and learning more about God through his Word. 

We need 150 incredible volunteers to spend the week with these kiddos, partnering with us in our mission to help kids Discover God and Develop Faith. To learn more or volunteer, head to the link below!


VBS Registration is now open!

For kids entering Kindergarten - 6th Grade in Fall 2025

Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime this summer as we set up camp and embark on an unforgettable journey to LIVE IT OUT and DISCOVER how to LOVE LIKE JESUS! From fun activities and games to interactive Bible stories and engaging worship, VBS 2025 will be an unforgettable experience for kids entering Kindergarten in the Fall through those completing 5th grade this Spring.

VBS Registration

Launchpad Mission Night!

March 16 | 4:30pm | Chapel

Missions & Outreach

Operation InAsMuch Blitz Day

Saturday, April 5

Save the date for OIAM's 30th anniversary! OIAM Blitz Day is when we all go out into the community and serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in Fayetteville!

Registration begins March 16. You can sign-up online or at the church!

Project List

We're on a mission to get our Backpack Buddies into the hands of social workers at six different schools, and we need your help!

We're looking for 12 awesome volunteers to make it happen. With a full team, each person would only need to deliver a two-week supply once a month—easy, right?

If you’re up for making a difference and helping our local schools, reach out to Susie Reeder at the Church Office or email her at

Snyder's Backpack Buddy program helps provide food for students who experience food insecurity on the weekends when they aren't at school.

Women's Ministry

Paint & Create with Sarah

Friday, March 21 | 6:30pm | Gathering Hall

Looking for a fun and creative night out? Join us for Paint & Create with Sarah – a casual, no-pressure art session where NO experience is required! 🎉 Sarah will guide you step-by-step as you unleash your inner artist and enjoy some fellowship.

Cost: $35 per person

Registration deadline: March 19


Adult Trip

Virginia Beach, Colonial Williamsburg, & Historic Norfolk

Dates: June 2 - 6

Cost: $805 per person

Deadline: March 26

Who: adults 18+

We are going to Williamsburg, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach (where we stay 4 nights)! The trip also includes 4 Breakfasts, 4 Dinners, 4 excursions, and travel! Excursions: Virginia Beach Aquarium & Marine Science Center, Colonial Williamsburg, the Mariners’ Museum & Park in Newport News, a relaxing Narrated Norfolk Naval Base Harbor Cruise, and more! Cost is $805 for everything! Deposit is $75. Register online at or in the Church Office. Final payment is due by March 26! Register below.

More Information

Hill Toppers' Luncheon

Ages 55+

Thursday, March 27 | 11:30am | Fellowship Hall

Our guest speaker is Nat Robertson, President & CEO, Fayetteville Regional Chamber. Nat is also a former Mayor of Fayetteville! Lunch is free; however, reservations are required. You can now register online by clicking the button below or by calling the church office. Registration closes Monday March 24.


Music & Worship

Sanctuary Choir Spring Concert

April 27 | 4:30 | Sanctuary

You Do Not Walk Alone

This beautiful Concert is presented by our Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, and Youth Choir and consists of a variety of music styles- truly something for everyone!

We’d love for you to sing with us! Join our "Spring Express" rehearsals on Wednesday evenings from 6:15–7:00 PM (March 2 – April 23) and be part of this special presentation. No experience needed—just a heart for music and a love for singing!

Maundy Thursday Choir

April 17 | 7pm | Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday 2025 will feature a more contemporary worship setting, led primarily by our 8:40 Worship Team. This powerful service invites us to reflect on Christ’s love and sacrifice through heartfelt music and worship.

Want to Be Part of this Special Service? 

We’re looking for passionate singers and musicians to join us in preparing for this special night! With only three rehearsals, we ask that you:

Love contemporary worship music, Can read music or learn quickly by ear, and are available for all three rehearsals:

  • March 26
  • April 9
  • April 16

Thank you for your generosity!

We are so grateful for your incredible generosity -- with your time, resources, and prayers. Let’s continue to work together to lead all people to Discover God, Develop Faith, and Display Christ-Like Love.

Weekly Financial Report

Total Budget Gifts: $83,441.90

Amount Needed: $643,084.65

Given to Date: $626,127.34

Under Budget: $16,957.31

Give to Snyder

Mission Giving Plan - February

NC Baptist State Convention: $7,667.89

NCCooperative Baptist Fellowship: $8,005.03

International Mission Partners: $16,964.57

Deacon of the Week

Jackie Nichols

(910) 584-4008

Worship Attendance 3.9.25

Total: 547

Sunday School: 427

Weekly Prayer List

Updated 3.11.25

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