- Hosted with Start Afresh -
Kiwifruit Tech Talk Breakfast:
Featuring the NIR Kiwifruit Quality Meter
Earlier this month, we hosted a tech breakfast in collaboration with Start Afresh – The Horticultural Innovators. At this event, held in Auckland, NZ, we delved into the F-751 Kiwifruit Quality Meter, which employs near-infrared (NIR) technology to enable non-destructive and rapid maturity testing.

This tech talk was an opportunity to reveal the latest results from our 3-year partnership with our New Zealand colleagues in the kiwifruit industry. We invite you to watch the video on our website to learn more about this technology and discover how the F-751 Kiwifruit Quality Meter can enhance your productivity and quality control efforts.

- Featuring the Produce Quality Meter -
Turning Trees into Fossil Fuels:
An Interview with Jonathan Cumming on Bioenergy Innovation
Our latest conversation with Jonathan Cumming, a plant physiologist from the Center for Bioenergy Innovations (CBI), reveals the latest breakthrough in sustainable biofuels. This article delves into CBI’s fascinating mission to turn lignin into aviation fuel. From genetic manipulations to selecting genotypes with beneficial traits, Jonathan shares insights into the project’s innovative approaches to optimizing native plants for fuel production.

Discover fungi’s crucial role in helping plants survive in extreme environments and the cutting-edge root imaging system used to improve resource extraction. This is a must-read for any plant researcher interested in staying current on the latest technology and advancements in the industry.

- News for Produce Quality Meters -
Is Your F-751 up to Date?

We continuously update our models for the 751 NIR product line to improve their performance and features. We are committed to providing you with the best possible product, and as part of this effort, we encourage you to download the latest models from the links below. These updates will help ensure you get the most out of your 751.

Latest Q&A
Expert Responses to the Ten Most Common Questions in Agtech

We answer common questions about agtech to help people make informed choices amidst overwhelming and fragmented information on innovative agtech development and production.
Ten Questions Plant Scientists Ask About Photosynthesis Analysis Methods

This article covers the top 10 questions plant scientists ask about photosynthesis analysis methods and tools amidst the increasing multidisciplinary research on this crucial physiological process for plants and ecosystems.
- Interview With a Researcher -
A Conversation with Forest Ecophysiologist Sybil Gotsch: Exploring Climate Change and Forest Productivity.
In this conversation between Galen George and Sybil Gotsch, a forest ecophysiologist based at the University of Kentucky, we gain insight into Gotsch's research on how plants respond to stress and how different communities of plants are impacted by climate change.

Gotsch shares her experiences leading fieldwork in Costa Rica and Georgia and her plans for a new project exploring how valley fog influences forest productivity and function in Kentucky. We learn about data collection challenges, the instrumentation used, and Gotsch's passion for climbing trees and studying epiphytes.

Latest Articles & Resources
The Role of Stomatal Conductance In the Global Carbon Cycle
The global carbon cycle supports natural ecosystems and human food chains. It also plays a vital role in industrial systems. However, anthropogenic greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane drive climate change.

Stomatal conductance and green plants' processes are central to the carbon cycle. Find out how they influence the global carbon cycle and impact us in our latest article.

How Biostimulants Improve Fruit Quality
Are you interested in enhancing the quality of your agricultural and horticultural crops? Biostimulants could be a game-changer! These products come in various categories, each offering benefits like improved fruit size, appearance, nutritional value, and sensory attributes.

However, the biostimulant's effect on fruit quality depends on factors such as its composition, dose, and application method, as well as the plant species, health, and environment. Learn more about how biostimulants can boost your crop quality in our latest article.

Providing a Holistic Picture of Plant Performance for Plant Science Research
Plant science research is crucial to meeting our growing demands for food security, medicines, ecological restoration, and more. Scientists call for advanced tools to collect detailed data on multiple features as experiments become more complex.

Discover how plant science is leading the charge in tackling climate change and biomass production in our latest article.

Ag-Tech Innovations to watch for in 2023
The demand for food and biomass continues to grow as the world faces challenges like limited land and water resources, excessive agrochemicals, and heavy farm machinery use. But new agtech innovations offer great potential to overcome these issues by increasing food production and quality with fewer resources and addressing traditional agriculture's problems.

Our latest article discusses some exciting agtech innovations that could revolutionize farming practices, from precision agriculture to vertical farming and more.

Schedule a live demo of our instruments:
Have questions about an instrument you'd like to ask our team of Application Scientists? Use the link below to schedule a live instrument demonstration!

Get an overview of functionality, see how the tool can be used in your specific application, and get your questions answered in real-time.