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3 Week Charlotte Street Outlook

Week of May 24

Working: Estes to Greeley

Due to weather and wet conditions, crews were delayed in completing some of the water works improvements. Late last week they were able to finish installing the water main. The water main is now in the testing period which includes pressure testing, chlorine, and Bac T sampling which should be completed on Tuesday of this week. Following approval of the new water main, the lateral tie-ins to Freemont and Charlotte as well as Greeley and Charlotte will be completed during this week. During these tie-ins there will be a water outage which should last about 2 hours time. Reinforced Concrete Pipe for the storm water started last week and should be completed this week as well. Xcel will be installing the gas main this week too and hopefully finish the main this week - this will be a 2 week project.

Week of May 1

Working: Estes to Greeley

Residential services will be replaced during this week and possibly the final part of the previous week pending progress. As part of the water residential services, customers will see water interruptions. Customers will be notified 48 hours in advance of the service interruptions. Upon connection of the new service, residents are encouraged to run the outside house spigot or a tub faucet to flush out the water that might run through from the service line. It is highly suggested not to use a spigot that has a screen on it.


Gas service lines to the home will also be installed this week to complete the connections for residential services following the main installation.

Week of May 8

Working: Estes to Greeley

All underground infrastructure should be completed. Crews will be working to bring up and prepare the subgrade and for paving. Curb and gutter will begin and should be completed this week as well for paving next week.

During construction in this segment, the contractor will be moving trash cans to a location for the solid waste trucks to pick up all of the trash and recycling for the residents and then moving the cans back to their home locations. Access is accommodated through the alleyways behind the homes. 

Crews will be working occasionally on Saturdays from 8 am - 4 pm to help with catch up from the snow days and delays that have occurred.

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