Colorado Supreme Court Ruling on Trump

On Tuesday, December 19, 2023 a Colorado Supreme Court Ruling “disqualified” Donald Trump from the Republican Party Primary ballot in Colorado. Democrat Governors of Colorado appointed all seven of the Colorado Supreme Court justices. What is surprising is that three of the justices dissented from the ruling. The justices stayed the ruling until January 4, 2024, expecting an appeal to the US Supreme Court. The deadline date for the Colorado Secretary of State to certify the ballot is January 5, 2024.

The original lawsuit in this case was brought by operatives that have named themselves “CREW.” CREW activists have been described as “a left-wing attack dog masquerading as a non-partisan watchdog.” They target Republicans and conservative leaning groups and have sued Trump and his appointees several times. They also attack “Republican members of Congress by a ratio of more than 9-to-1.” CREW’s primary donors include the Open Society Institute (George Soros Group), the Tides Foundation, and the Democracy Alliance. For more information see CREW Exposed.

This is the first time that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment has been used against a presidential candidate. It is important to understand the historical perspective of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. It was adopted “to prevent military officers, federal officers, and state officials who served in the Confederacy from serving in any future public office.”  The presidency was or is out of the scope of this amendment. 

This is an overt and blatant effort of election interference.  This ruling disenfranchises hundreds of thousands of Republican voters. Several of Trump’s Republican primary challengers have blasted the ruling. “This ruling by the very liberal [Colorado] Supreme Court is clearly biased and politically motivated” said Jeffco GOP Chair Nancy Pallozzi. In this country there is a principal of “innocent until proven guilty.” Mr. Trump has not been convicted of anything. 

The 14th Amendment has no self-executing language as inferred by Section 5 of the amendment. The decision to bar Mr. Trump “flies in the face of the due process doctrine” as noted by dissenting Colorado Supreme Court Justice Samour. Please see “The Folly Colorado’s Trump Disqualification from the Wall Street Journal.

The Colorado Republican Party has announced it will appeal this ruling to the US Supreme Court. The Republican National Committee has stated they will also intervene in the appeal. A campaign spokesperson said that Trump will also appeal this ruling.

Roger B. Rowland


Denver Republican Party


Colorado Presidential Primary Election

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Caucus and Assembly Dates

Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm - Denver Republican Caucus

A description of caucus can be found at: Denver County Caucus.

Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 9:00 am - Denver County Republican Assembly

A description of of the county assembly can be found at: Denver County Assembly.



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