Appalachian Laboratory's


Vol 6, Issue 1/September 2024

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Watershed Moments Event in September

The Appalachian Laboratory of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science is taking the Watershed Moments series on the road! Join us in person on Tuesday, September 24, at 6:30pm for “Water, forests, and wildlife in western Maryland: Environmental Science and the Appalachian Laboratory.”

The event will feature lightning talk presentations by Appalachian Laboratory faculty members Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick, Dr. Keith Eshleman, Dr. Emily Cohen and Dr. Joely DeSimone. Be sure to read further in this newsletter for more exciting research news from Drs. Cohen and DeSimone!

This free, public event will be held in the Performing Arts Center of Garrett College in McHenry, MD.


Summer 2024 Appalachian Laboratory

Internship Program

Interns pictured front row, left to right: Juliana Schmitt, Nicolas Caceros, Madison Painter, Jaydason Miller; Back row, left to right: Kathryn (Liv) Childs, Anna Cullen, Quinton Browne, and Rob Knotts

Our latest cohort of undergraduate interns from Allegany College of Maryland and Frostburg State University recently wrapped up their 12-week experience with the Appalachian Laboratory. Following orientation in late May, interns began work on research projects, and in the case of one intern, a safety communication project. The internship experience ended with a lightning talk seminar presented by interns on August 16.

This year's program was funded in part thanks to generous support from the Western Maryland Consortium and NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) supplemental funding to Appalachian Laboratory faculty.


Faculty and Student News

A recently published paper on interspecies migratory bird interactions led by Dr. Joely DeSimone and Dr. Emily Cohen of the Animal Migration Research Group at the Appalachian Laboratory has been featured in a number of national media outlets, including National Geographic, Science Friday, and Audubon.


Sarah Endyke and Nicole Ibrahim, both graduate students at the Appalachian Laboratory, received prestigious fellowships to support their research activities and progress toward completion of their PhD degrees.


Community Awards

GaCo students, volunteers, and team leaders receiving Inspiration Award.

Appalachian Laboratory

Inspiration Award

In recognition of their twenty years of involvement in regional STEM education, FIRST Robotics Competition Team 1629 Garrett Coalition (GaCo) received the 2024 Appalachian Laboratory Inspiration Award at an event held on May 15, in the Performing Arts Center (PAC) at Garrett College. A committee of volunteers selected GaCo as the winner. Nominations for 2025 will open in October 2024.


Marie Miller, 2024 Richard Johnson Environmental Education Award winner, with the family of Dr. Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson Environmental Education Award

The Johnson Award Selection Committee met in April and after reviewing a number of highly qualified nominations, selected Marie Miller, Associate Professor and Director of the Forest Technology program at Allegany College of Maryland, as the 2024 winner. The $2500 monetary award, along with a plaque, was presented at a ceremony on August 29 at the Appalachian Laboratory.


Lab Updates

Dung Minh Hoang. Photo courtesy of Allegany County Community and Economic Development

Cleantech Grant

The first project funded under the new Cleantech Research and Development (CRD) grant program recently began. Cleantech, funded by Allegany County, offers companies up to $50,000 to cover costs incurred for research and development activities conducted in partnership with the Appalachian Laboratory. The required 1:1 or 50% match from companies brings the total available funding to $100,000.


Dr. Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm

New President Joins UMCES

Dr. Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm recently assumed the roles of president of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and vice chancellor for sustainability for the University System of Maryland. Fernando, as he prefers to be called, officially started on July 1, and has attended a number of Appalachian Laboratory events, including the Johnson Award ceremony in August. .


Big data refers to extremely large and complex data sets that require greater computational capacity to analyze. Photo by Markus Spiske:

Image of proposed solar panel placement on roof of the Appalachian Laboratory.

The Appalachian Laboratory Investor Network (TALIN)

Faculty at the Appalachian Laboratory will soon have the opportunity to pitch ideas for research projects to a group of conservation-focused donors. TALIN, which launches this October, will fund one project, up to $100,000, annually that sparks innovation and attempts to solve environmental challenges in Appalachia.

Increasing Research Capacity

Thanks to generous support from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) the Lab is currently upgrading both wired and wireless networks in the building. These much needed upgrades will allow our scientists and students to work with the big data involved in leading edge research.

New Appalachian Laboratory Faculty

Dr. Zach Zbinden will be joining the Appalachian Laboratory as an assistant professor on 10/1/24. Zach studies the ecology and evolution of fish and many other taxa using molecular tools.

Dr. Miriam Johnston will be joining the Appalachian Laboratory as an assistant professor on

10/1/25. Miriam studies ecosystem carbon, water, and energy cycling using remote sensing and flux measurements. Miriam completed an MS degree at the Appalachian Laboratory in 2014.

Sustainability at the Lab

The Appalachian Laboratory was awarded a grant by the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) to install solar panels on our roof. We expect the solar panels to offset about 18% of our annual energy consumption. Installation is expected to begin later this fall.

Help Make Science at the Appalachian Laboratory Possible

Thank You!

Are you excited about solving the greatest environmental science challenges of our time? Perhaps you are passionate about the future of STEM or concerned about whether your grandchildren will be able to enjoy the same forests and natural areas as you do today. Whatever your interests and giving goals, your gift to the Appalachian Laboratory can help you achieve the impact you seek.

To learn more about giving opportunities and the ways to make your gift to the Appalachian Laboratory, visit our giving website or use the "Make Your Gift" button below to give online today.

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