Dear Octet,
On Easter Sunday, the course of humanity and the world changed. Jesus's resurrection ushered in a new creation on that eighth day as foretold by Old Testament practices like circumcision and the day of rest. The eighth day marks the beginning of personal transformation and earthly renewal, all made possible through Christ's redemptive act. Octet's name references this eighth day and it is with renewed energy and passion that we engage the work God has called us to at MIT. Please join us as we promote human flourishing through sabbath rest, vocation, hospitality, and care for the whole person. The new creation is now.

With blessings,

Mia Chung-Yee

Executive Director

  • Read Park Street Church Minister Mark Booker's 2023 Easter sermon.
  • Listen to a conversation between Susan Park, Regional Director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at MIT, and Nathan Barczi, Octet Senior Theologian.
  • Listen to Nii Addy's presentation on mental health, neuroscience and faith from Octet's Intellectual Hospitality event on April 12th.

God's Prevailing Power

Mark Booker, Senior Minister of Park Street Church in Boston, shares his 2023 Easter sermon.

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Recap of Diálogos: Mental Health, Neuroscience & Faith with Nii Addy

On April 12, the Octet Collaborative hosted its fourth and final intellectual hospitality event of the academic year with Nii Addy, Albert E. Kent Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology at Yale School of Medicine. More than 30 MIT faculty, staff and alumni enjoyed Addy's lecture, dinner, an engaging discussion and a musical performance by Thatcher Harrison.

2023-2024 Diálogos Events

The Octet Collaborative will host four Diálogos Intellectual Hospitality events next academic year under the theme of The Role of the University. Stay tuned for more information on dates, speaker lineup and event topics.

Pi Day Update

Thank you for your generous support of the Octet Collaborative on Pi Day, March 14th! Because of your faithful investment in Octet, we raised $4,200 and secured the $1,000 matching gift, bringing the total to $5,200.

We are grateful for your partnership that has better equipped Octet to serve MIT staff, students and faculty.

Join Octet's Circle of Contributors (C²)

The Octet Collaborative's programs and events are made possible through your partnership. When you set up a monthly gift, you'll join Octet's Circle of Contributors, a group of supporters who are critical to the sustainability and future of Octet's mission to promote human flourishing.

With your monthly gift of $50 or more, you'll receive an Octet-branded Vidl Life water bottle as a small token of our appreciation. We hope it will serve as a tangible reminder of your impact on the MIT faith community.

Give Now

Susan Park

Associate Regional Director for Graduate & Faculty Ministries at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

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Scholarly News

Cullen Buie spoke at a Veritas Forum in Taiwan last month and discussed how truth impacts his work.

Mingda Li was awarded the Junior Bose Award for excellence in teaching.

Rosalind Picard moderated a conversation between Tyler VanderWeele and Steven Pinker at a MIT Veritas Forum in March. In this clip, VanderWeele and Pinker answer the question, "What does it mean to flourish?"

Loza Tadesse contributed to a study to develop new ways to identify bacteria in fluids.

Danielle Wood spoke with NPR about a vision of sustainability in space.

Nii Addy's Diálogos Presentation

Nii Addy, Albert E. Kent Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology at Yale School of Medicine, presented on mental health, neuroscience and faith at Octet's fourth Diálogos Intellectual Hospitality event on April 12th.

Listen Now
  • The first lecture and conversation of the "Dialogues Across Difference" series was held in March, featuring John Tomasi, President of the Heterodox Academy.
  • The Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing (SERC) hosted a daylong symposium on April 18th that covered emerging challenges and opportunities in the field of computing. Learn more about the symposium here.

Ministry News & Events

  • MIT Cru hosted Nii Addy, Octet's fourth Diálogos presenter, to speak on the topic of mental health, faith and God for a student audience.
  • Last weekend MIT InterVarsity hosted a church search for students interested in learning more about local congregations.
  • The MIT Tech Catholic Community is hosting an educational talk given by Chris Baglow titled, "Extraterrestrial Life and Catholic Theology" on April 23 at 6 pm.
  • RUF MIT is hosting an end of the year party for students on May 9 at 7 pm in W11-190.

Easter Reflection

The Octet Collaborative seeks to serve the MIT community and will gratefully consider featuring your event, news, and work. If you'd like to feature something within the A View from the Dome, please reach out to the appropriate contact below. 

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