Beth El Life

Monthly Bulletin of Temple Beth El Congregation

March 2025 | Adar - Nissan 5785

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Birthdays & Anniversaries

March Shabbat Worship

Friday, March 7 | 6:00 pm

Shabbat Worship & Dinner

Friday, March 14 | 7:00 pm

Shabbat Purim Celebration: Wine & Cheese at 6:15 pm, Worship at 7:00 pm

Friday, March 21 | 7:00 pm

Shabbat Worship

Friday, March 28 | 7:00 pm

Shabbat Worship

Saturday, March 29 | 10:00 am

Shabbat Morning Worship and Bat Mitzvah of Diane Gup

Adult Learning Opportunities

Torah Study: Book of Numbers

Saturdays, March 1 and March 15| 9:30 am

Join us at Temple Beth El or via Zoom as we continue our study of Bamidbar - The Book of Numbers. We will explore the text with the help of both rabbinic and modern commentaries. Learners of all levels and experience are welcome. Bagels and schmear will be served. For more information, contact Rabbi Joel.

Torah on Tap

Tuesday, March 4 | 5:00 pm

Join us at Odd Colony Brewery (260 N Palafox St) for an adult beverage, lively conversation, and Jewish learning. Our topic will be: "The Command to Be Joyful.

Schmoozing starts at 5:00, learning at 5:30. For more information, contact Rabbi Joel.

Learn to Read Hebrew: Adult Beginner Hebrew Class

Sundays, March 9 and March 30 | 10:15 am

Adult Learn to Read Hebrew, taught by Andrea Fleekop, continues with sessions on February 9 and 23. The class is free and open to all Temple members. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Andrea Fleekop at

Upcoming Events

Don't miss out on Temple Beth El's Biggest fundraiser of the year!

Diane Gup Bat Mitzvah

HI! My name is Diane and my Bat Mitzvah is on March 29th.

My family is from Pensacola. In fact, my mom Jodi and Pop Alex, along with his parents, grew up at Temple Beth El. I am in 7th grade at Episcopal Day School. My favorite subject is history. I play volleyball, basketball, and la crosse; la crosse is my absolute favorite!  In my free time, I enjoy painting. I can’t leave out how much I love my 4 dogs and 2 cats, spending summers at Camp Coleman, going on trips with my mom and spending the day (and her money!) shopping together.

My Tzedakah project is collecting Prom dresses and purses for girls who cannot afford them. Everyone deserves to look fantastic and feel beautiful and confident for Prom! If you or your neighbors have extra dresses that may fit females aged 12-20, please drop them off at the Temple and I will collect them. To learn more about my project and the impact it will have on young women in our community, go to  

I am so excited to become a Bat Mitzvah and I have enjoyed (almost!) every moment of studying. I hope that you will be able to join me on my special day!

Pensacola Jewish Federation invites you to join as we begin the third season of Shtisel, which tells the story of a Haredi family living in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Jerusalem reckons with love, loss and the doldrums of daily life.

For more information contact Cindy Gross.

We Need Your Help!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 30, 2025 as we come together for our annual Temple Beth El Cemetery Cleanup from 9:00 am to 12:00pm.

This year, our focus is on monument cleaning, with a goal of refreshing approximately 100 gravesites. We'll also be doing some light landscaping, tree and bush trimming, as well as general trash pickup.

Terry Gross and Ray Engel will be coordinating our efforts, and we need all hands on deck to make this event a success. If you have work gloves and garden tools, please bring them along, though some supplies will be available.

This mitzvah is more than just tidying up; it's a wonderful opportunity to pay respects to those who have passed while connecting with fellow congregants in a meaningful way.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact:

Terry Gross at 850-449-1762 or Ray Engel at 850-516-3495.

We look forward to seeing you there!

It is with mixed emotions that we bid farewell to our beloved Office Administrator, Kathy Smith, as she retires. We’re deeply grateful for her work and commitment to Temple Beth El over her 23 years of service. Kathy’s dedication, warm smile and compassion have been staples throughout her time with us.

Beyond her professional contributions, Kathy has been a trusted friend, confidante and shining example of kindness. As she begins this new chapter, we encourage you to reach out to her via text or email to express your appreciation and best wishes. 

Thank you, Kathy, for being a blessing to our Temple community - you will be missed! 

Support our friends at B'nai Israel and enjoy a tasty,

Kosher Corned Beef Lunch for St. Patrick's Day!


Oneg Sponsors Needed

Click Here to Host an Oneg

We are continuing to host Dessert Onegs following Shabbat Services and are in urgent need of sponsors. Sponsoring an Oneg is a wonderful opportunity to honor someone's memory on their yahrzeit, celebrate an anniversary or birthdaythank someone special, or observe a special occasion that has meaning to you. 

No planning experience is required!

To sign up/inquire about available dates, contact Sydney McAbee.

Temple Gift Shop

Don't forget that our Temple Gift Shop is full of new inventory and open for all your Judaica and gift-giving needs!


Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 2:00 pm


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

A Message from the Cemetery Committee

While it can be difficult to think about the end of our lives, it is an act of kindness to our loved ones to preplan our final arrangements. The Temple Beth El Cemetery offers the pre-purchase of Perpetual Care Agreements to Temple members for $3,000.

For more information, please contact Ray Engel at 850-516-3495.

Be sure to follow Temple Beth El on Instagram for event information, updates, teachings from Rabbi Joel, and more!

Click here, or scan the QR code below:

Temple Beth El on Instagram

TBE Community Corner: Look what we've been up to!

School for Jewish Living and Tot Shabbat

Austin Bodkin Bar Mitzvah

Alex Greenhut Bar Mitzvah

Sip Into Shabbat

Sisterhood's Mahjong and Mimosas

Joel Fleekop, Rabbi

Danny Zimmern, President

Board of Directors:

Danny Zimmern, President

Brenton Goodman Vice President

Carol Rosenblatt, Treasurer

Alice Klein, Secretary

Steve Eilen, Past President

Renee Eilen, Sisterhood Co-President

Paula Vienneau, Sisterhood Co-President

Terry Gross, Brotherhood President

Andrea Fleekop, Director, School for Jewish Living

Board Members at Large:

Lewis Bear III

Ray Engel

Nichole Friedland

David Goldberg

Janet Kahn

Ryan Greenhut

John Macias

Kim Sullivan

Andrew Rothfedder

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