Mission Africa empowers families in Washington State and in villages in Africa through three focus areas: education, healthcare, & poverty alleviation

Bountiful Harvest for Mission Africa in Nigeria!

While in the news we are all hearing about the massive flooding that has hit Nigeria, in other parts of Nigeria, especially at Mission Africa's farms the harvest season has been bountiful and we could not help but share the news with you but also remind you to keep everyone impacted by the flooding in your thoughts and prayers.

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Smiles at Christmas

"My son, Joshua and I have been volunteering these past 9 years at Smiles at Christmas because we believe in giving back to our community. As a single mother, it was organizations like, Mission Africa, that made it possible for me to have Christmas with my child when we were in a time of need. We felt that the best way to say thank you, was to volunteer and give our time and talents to the community. We love seeing all of the smiles from the children, and the gratitude of the parents as they are able to have a Christmas without worry or stress where they are going to get presents for their children.  Smiles at Christmas is such a joyful and needed community event." - Naomi Sadler Click here to register to volunteer at Smiles at Christmas 

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