Thursday, March 23, 2023
Budget revenues

Revenue sources for city appropriations
The City Manager’s annual proposed budget provides a line item of each planned appropriation for the coming fiscal year. It also includes a line item for each of the estimated revenues. In every budget, revenues equal appropriations.

For FY2024, the estimated revenue is $183,821,915. Local property taxes make up a majority of all revenue for city appropriations. In FY2024, it accounts for 58.5% of all budgeted fund revenue. The remaining revenue categories are licenses and permit fees, intergovernmental revenue, charges for services, education, and other. The detailed report on estimated revenues for FY2024 begins on page 45 of the FY2024 Proposed Budget Book.

Licenses and permit fees make up $7,786,679, or 4.2% of revenues. This category includes revenues from fees for issuing licenses or permits to individuals and businesses, such as motor vehicle registrations and building permits. The fees collected are based upon the Fee Schedule, which the City Council approves each year as part of the budget process. Click here to view the proposed Fee Schedule for FY2024.

The intergovernmental revenue is estimated at $7,312,640 for FY2024, or 4% of all revenue. This includes all non-education revenue collected from the state or federal government, such as federal and state grants and distribution from the state’s rooms and meals tax.

The charges for services revenue category makes up the second largest revenue source. In FY2024, the estimated amount is $28,145,763, or 15.3%. Charges for Services include fees from ambulance services, recreation programs and pay-as-you-throw trash bags. This category also includes revenue from collected from water and sewer users based on usage.

The education category includes revenue collected from school tuition fees from neighboring towns, money from the school cafeteria, and federal and state grants. In FY2024, the estimated revenue from this category is $25,110,384, or 13.7% of all budgeted funds.

The last revenue category is other, which includes miscellaneous revenue, transfer from capital reserve funds and trust accounts. In FY2024, this estimated revenue line item is $6,485,359, or 3.5%.
Want to know more? In addition to the online resource for this fiscal year's budget, check out Budget Revealed for more information about the budget process, including previous budgets, insight into the budget cycle, and additional multimedia content.

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