Based on recommendations from the NOAA, recent regional projections show sea levels in Southwest Florida will rise between .39 feet (on the low end) and 1.15 feet (on the high end) by 2030. By the year 2060, these forecasts show a sea level rise between 0.82 and 3.8 feet.
Enter the ACUNE Tool (Adaptation of Coastal Urban And Natural Econsystems). The ACUNE Tool was developed by scientists at the University of Florida and FGCU using money from NOAA to predict levels of storm surge and nuisance flooding along coastal Collier County from 2020 to 2100. It can be used in resiliency planning as well as in planning response to major storm events.
We are pleased to have Dr. Judith Hushon share insights into the sea level rise trajectory for SWFL, and how this important tool is already helping in Collier County. The presentation will share how the model can be used to predict storm surge from tropical storms and nuisance flooding along with sea level rise based from 2020 to 2100 along Collier County's coast.
Hushon has supported the ACUNE Tool development and training since 2017. She has over 40 years of experience in consulting, research, and management of health and environmental risk assessments for a wide variety of clients in the oil and gas, chemical, dry cleaning, metal finishing, wood treating, battery recycling, and military activities.
Dr. Hushon has lived in Naples, Florida since 2002 and has been actively supporting the Conservancy of SWFL and the League of Women Voters’ Environmental and Government Committees in establishing environmental policies.