Welcome New Members! (current membership = 412)
NOTICE: The 2023 Membership Directory & Buyers' Guide will be published in March.
Please ensure your business listing is up-to-date. If you'd like to advertise in the annual publication, please email Kristi Meek, President | Executive Director for more information.
Member-to-Member Deals
Business savings programs are shared with many member organizations, and our Chamber is no different. Assiniboia Chamber members have the option to pass down business savings to other Assiniboia Chamber members at any time. In fact, a member can create a discount for fellow members and a separate offer for the public.

If you are interested in marketing your products and services further, contact the Chamber office by email or phone (204) 774-4154, or upload the offer through your Member Information Centre login.*

This month's spotlight offers:
Registration For Our Tour Across Tuscany is Now Open!
This stunning 09-day tour will offer you the opportunity to discover the extraordinary countryside of Tuscany. You will visit Montecatini on a guided tour with a local guide. Added to walking sessions through Medieval villages, historical towns, castles, churches and beautiful abbeys. Finally, you will taste wonderful cuisine and different specialty wines of the area.
Upcoming Chamber Events
Wednesday, March 15
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
@ Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce

Friday, March 24
8:30 am to 10:00 am
@ Smitty's Family Restaurant and Lounge

Wednesday, April 5
8:30 am to 10:00 am
@ Manoomin Restaurant
Share your event on ACC's Community Events Calendar for free! Ask us how.
McDoland's Cavalier Re-Opening
03/15/23 9:00am - 03/15/23 10:00am

Mark your calendars for March 15 @ 9 am and join us in celebrating the restaurant re-opening of Mcdonald's on Cavalier.
I'll be there!
I can't make it
Tell me more about ribbon cuttings
First 100 Days in Office
Sending our biggest congratulations to Mayor Scott Gillingham for completing his first 100 days in office. Earlier this month in partnership with the Indigenous Chamber of Commerce we discussed the successes and challenges Winnipeg has faced so far this year under the guidance of our new Mayor and fellow City Councillors.

In the News
Preliminary 2023 City budget re-invests in service, safety, economic growth, trees, and transport

Released: February 8, 2023 2:00 pm

Winnipeg, MB - Better customer service, enhanced community safety, economic growth, and transportation capacity are priorities for new investment in the City of Winnipeg’s 2023 Preliminary Budget Update, which was tabled by the Executive Policy Committee (EPC) today. This year’s budget update completes the last year of the City's first-ever multi-year (2020-23) balanced budget cycle.

“The pandemic has had a severe impact on City finances over the past three years,” said Mayor Scott Gillingham. “But now is the time to reinvest in priorities like transit capacity, road safety, tree planting and pruning, and better customer service so that together, we can build a stronger Winnipeg.”
“With a new Council, this budget is an opportunity to build collaboration between all Councillors and our federal and provincial partners to better serve our residents,” said Councillor Jeff Browaty, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Finance & Economic Development.

The budget reflects priorities shared by all members of Council, incorporating recommendations from a four-member budget working group with equal representation from EPC and non-EPC members. Council and the public will have 23 days to review the draft before committees consider potential amendments.


Manitoba Families advises that Sarah Lugtig has been selected to perform a comprehensive and mandatory review of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act.

Lugtig is a Winnipeg lawyer with a degree in social work. Prior to 2020, Lugtig worked as in-house counsel for the Manitoba Human Rights Commission and Legislative Counsel in the Manitoba government’s public service. She also worked for the Manitoba government’s Legal Services Branch for three years and functioned as the director of experiential learning with the faculty of law at the University of Manitoba. Lugtig presently does part-time work with Legislative Counsel for ongoing special projects.

Lugtig will conduct the review, report on the findings and make recommendations to the minister responsible for accessibility to improve the effectiveness of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and its regulations. The review will also include consultation with the public, particularly those with lived experiences.

The Accessibility for Manitobans Act became law in December 2013 and provides a clear and proactive process for identifying, preventing and removing barriers. Physical, communication and systemic barriers prevent a significant portion of Manitobans from fully participating in society. The act aims to eliminate barriers by developing accessibility standards for government, public and private-sector organizations including municipalities, businesses and not-for-profit organizations.

The mandatory review will focus on initiatives already taken under the act and the structures that support it. It is anticipated the review will begin in March and the final report, with recommendations, will be completed before the end of the year.

For more information on the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, visit
Community Support Spotlight: St. James Assiniboia 55+ Centre
At St James Assiniboia 55+ Centre, we value every donation we receive from our supporters. With that in mind, it’s our goal to show donors how they can make the most of their contributions by steering them toward a sponsorship package that offers valuable incentives. St James Assiniboia 55+ Centre has innovative and rewarding packages in place that offer valuable recognition and advertising for your business

If this appeals to your team, we would love to continue this conversation. Please reach out to us at 204-987-8855 or email us at