Special Events in Tuscany-Canterbury

TCNA Meetup

February 6

6:00 - 7:30

Ambassador Dining Room

3811 Canterbury Road

  • Reduced price drinks

  • Hors d’oeuvres

Hopkins Market

February 7

4:00- 7:00

This Friday, the Hopkins Market is having its first wine tasting. The selection of wines has been handpicked for Valentine's Day.

Pizza Day Special

February 11

All pizzas 30% off

TCNA Meetup

Thursday, February 6


We are done with Zoom! 

Your neighbors want to see you in the flesh! 

Please join us and shake off the doldrums of winter on February 6. We have so many wonderful neighbors and these connections build a strong community. 

On the fence? We've brought a few neighbors back from the dead to convince you! Check it out 

Special thanks to Josh Cohen for creating this amazing video.

February 6, 6:00 - 7:30

Ambassador Dining Room

3811 Canterbury Road 

Reduced price drinks (Cash or credit cards)

$5 beer (vs. the usual $8.95)

$10 cocktails (vs. $17-18)

$8 wine (vs. $12-14)

Mini-buffet and Snacks 

The mini-buffet will be provided and the cost will be paid with your kind donations. TCNA board members made contributions to jump start the return of neighbors gathering for drinks and discourse. 

A donation box will be on location if you want to make an offering for future Thursday Meetups. Checks to TCNA should include Meetup on the comment line so a separate TCNA social fund can be created for this purpose.

Hopkins Market, 110 W 39th Street

Sunday to Thursday


Friday & Saturday


Phone: 443-438-6964


Manager: Baha Hamideh

Liquor Coordinator: Soon Park


  • Breakfast sandwiches & platters such as eggs and sausage
  • Deli sandwiches and subs
  • Salads:Greek, chicken, tuna, shrimp, and green
  • Sushi
  • Pizza and wings
  • Dinner and lunch entrees
  • Wine and four draft beers by glass

Carry-out available as well as deli lunch meats and salads

There is a suggestion box. Let them know what you would like to be added.


  • Most of the common products that you need on a regular basis such as milk, eggs, and bread
  • Snacks, soft-drinks, and a variety of kinds of water
  • Frozen entrees, ice cream, and other frozen items
  • A limited amount of fresh vegetables and fruits


Beer: Local beer, imported beers, other beers (sold by 6 pack or 12 pack)

Wine: Large variety of good high-end wine and also known reasonably priced wines

Other: High end and selective liquors

Delivery & Order on-line


  • Once the website is available, orders can be placed on-line.
  • Alcohol must be delivered with food.
  • See below for additional restrictions on the delivery of alcohol.
Tuscany-Canterbury Website Page About Our Neighborhood Restaurants

TCNA Officers and Board Members 2024-2025

  • President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford, Stony Run Lane), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup, Chair Membership Committee, Member, Greens Committee
  • Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road), Public Safety Committee, Chair
  • Past President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
  • Secretary: Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Member Greens Committee

Board Members:

  • Jack Boyson (Tuscany/Lombardy)
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Newsletter Coordinator
  • Brandon Eilertson (Cloverhill Road), Chair, Streets Committee
  • Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Ridgemede Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator, Membership Committee, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Road), Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee