TCNA Meetup
Thursday, February 6
We are done with Zoom!
Your neighbors want to see you in the flesh!
Please join us and shake off the doldrums of winter on February 6. We have so many wonderful neighbors and these connections build a strong community.
On the fence? We've brought a few neighbors back from the dead to convince you! Check it out
Special thanks to Josh Cohen for creating this amazing video.
February 6, 6:00 - 7:30
Ambassador Dining Room
3811 Canterbury Road
Reduced price drinks (Cash or credit cards)
$5 beer (vs. the usual $8.95)
$10 cocktails (vs. $17-18)
$8 wine (vs. $12-14)
Mini-buffet and Snacks
The mini-buffet will be provided and the cost will be paid with your kind donations. TCNA board members made contributions to jump start the return of neighbors gathering for drinks and discourse.
A donation box will be on location if you want to make an offering for future Thursday Meetups. Checks to TCNA should include Meetup on the comment line so a separate TCNA social fund can be created for this purpose.