
Volume 6, Issue 11

November 2024

Message from Mark Denzin

Texas Ramp Project Executive Director

As I reflect on my first few months with the Texas Ramp Project, one thing stands out above all else: the incredible spirit and dedication of our volunteer team.


When I first joined TRP, I knew I was stepping into a community committed to making a difference. But what I’ve experienced has exceeded my expectations. Watching you in action—your passion, generosity and willingness to help your neighbors gain access and independence—has been nothing short of inspiring.


Your work doesn't just drive our mission forward; it creates real, lasting impact for those we serve. And, truthfully, it’s been a gift to me. I’ve learned a great deal from each of you, not just about building a ramp, but about the power of a caring community. Thank you for doing what you do to “build” a pathway for those individuals challenged with access barriers.


As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to thank you for the passion, time and heart you’ve put into our Texas Ramp Project. Because of the support and work you (and others before you) have delivered, our organization has a strong foundation. Your contributions have had an incredible impact, but as you know, our work is far from over.


The Texas Ramp Project was built on the belief that strong mission delivery requires persistence, heart, and the willingness to adapt in a changing landscape. Because of this willingness to overcome the challenges presented, our organization has grown from the Kiwanis Club of Richardson, building its first ramp in 1985, to an organization that will build over 2,500 ramps statewide this year. Through it all, what has remained unchanged is that commitment to helping a neighbor.


Next year marks an extraordinary milestone for the TRP: our 40th anniversary! For four decades, the Texas Ramp Project has been improving the quality of life for individuals, their family members and care providers. This legacy is built on the shoulders of volunteers like you who believe in the power of service and the change it brings.


So, in 2025, we’ll celebrate not just where we’ve been, but also where we’re headed. I’m excited and honored to be a part of this amazing organization and look forward to working together as we map our strategy for delivering more access and independence throughout Texas!


I hope you and yours have a wonderful and joyful Thanksgiving.


Mark Denzin

Executive Director

Volunteer of the Month: Thomas Davis,

Austin South

How many TRP region coordinators do you know who juggle ramp building with a four-month-old baby? Yes, it is most unusual, but Thomas Davis of the Austin South region is doing just that.


Thomas, who has been a ramp builder for two years and a coordinator for one, had to miss TRP’s conference in August because of the imminent arrival of Caroline Grace. While busier than ever, he still has time to organize teams behind the scenes, meet new volunteers, and get out to build at least once a month. His region, which comprises Hays and Caldwell counties, has provided 58 ramps so far this year. Two years ago that figure stood at 39.


Thomas got involved by meeting some guys working at the Hays County warehouse, located at Rock River Church. “I learned about the mission and became passionate about the cause,” Thomas says, “as it is an ideal fit for both my Christian beliefs of serving and loving people in need as well as one of my hobbies, which is working with my hands doing construction.”


Finding dedicated volunteers is one of Thomas’s biggest challenges, “especially engaging other young people that are closer to my age (20s/30s).” But he loves hearing back from clients and social workers about the life-changing ramps he and his crews build.


Thomas is a registered professional land surveyor working in marine consulting along the Texas/Louisiana Gulf Coast. A Corpus Christi native, Thomas earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in geospatial survey engineering at Texas A&M in Corpus. An avid outdoorsman, Thomas loves bird hunting and saltwater fishing. He was recently bird hunting in Argentina and Canada. He has traveled to every continent except Antarctica.


Thomas and his wife, Jordan, have been married about 18 months and live in San Marcos, where they attend The Well Community Church. His church encourages mission, and Thomas has found his. “TRP has strengthened my relationship with God,” he says, “and has allowed me to engage in my local community and help those who I call my neighbor.”

Repair or Replace?


Will Reese of Hunt County went out to do a survey for a recent referral. The initial estimate for a ramp was over 50 feet. However, the referral stated that there was a wheelchair lift that was not functioning properly, so he asked the client’s mother what the problem was. After looking it over, Will and his crew were able to tighten up a sensing wheel and also brace a support for the door, restoring the lift to full functionality. “A good afternoon's work,” says Will. He estimates the simple repairs saved TRP over 30 manhours and $1,000+ in material had the ramp been built.

Interview for Wichita Falls Team Leader


A Wichita Falls TRP volunteer was interviewed last week on Texoma’s Cory Curtis, Vernon area team leader, explained how TRP gets referrals from health care providers for people who need help getting out of their homes. “It has been really rewarding to be involved with it,” he said as he invited other volunteers to join in.


Cory was accompanied by Caitlin Mannon, a physical therapist who had been a TRP volunteer in the Abilene region. Since moving to Vernon, she makes referrals for her patients. “As a PT, that’s really important to me,” she said, “because a lot of the goals I have for my patients involve being able to access their community better.”


See the interview at

IMPORTANT REMINDER as We Close Out the Year

Please remember that we need all 2024 expense receipts and donations submitted by January 8, 2025. Our auditors require that all expenses and income be booked in the proper year before the accounting books can be closed.


  • Send credit card receipts by email to Marge Oberg (
  • Send expense receipts for reimbursement to Donna Burton (
  • Send checks for deposit to Texas Ramp Project, P.O. Box 832065, Richardson, TX 75083-2065


If you are holding year-end inventory, please send your completed inventory form to Donna Burton at the above address by January 8. You will be receiving the inventory instructions and form in early December. For questions, please contact Donna at


Thanks so much for your help as we close out 2024!

Distant Survey? Make It Remote

TRP’s Amarillo region comprises nearly 26,000 square miles and contains 26 counties. Coordinator Henry Wyckoff’s volunteers have built 237 ramps in 19 or these counties so far this year, many a great distance from where he lives in Amarillo. Obviously, it is not practical to train a surveyor in every county. So here’s what he does.

The team leader closest to the referral site visits the home and talks to the client. They decide the entry where the ramp will be built. Then the team leader takes photos, measures the height of the threshold, and notes any elements of the property, such as slope, driveway location or other ramp terminus.

Photos and measurements are texted to Henry. Then he or another experienced surveyor can design the ramp in the comfort of home, order the lumber, and the ramp is ready to go. Saves time, saves miles, and another client is served—even one hundreds of miles away. Way to go, Henry!

Recent Grants and Donations

TRP has received a grant from Create Healthy, a spinoff from The Foundation for Hill Country Memorial. Create Healthy supports the work of a Wellness Center and Thrift Store and invests in other healthcare priorities that impact Blanco, Llano and Gillespie counties and the city of Comfort in Kendall County. Many thanks to Don Barlow of Austin West for helping secure this grant.


Grants and donations received in the past month include the following:

  • $10,000 for San Antonio Central from Mays Foundation.
  • $10,000 for Amarillo from Louise Bowers Slentz Foundation.
  • $10,000 for Statewide from Impact San Antonio.
  • $10,000 for Austin West and San Antonio Northeast from Create Healthy.
  • $7,500 for East Texas Van Zandt from TVEC Charitable Foundation.
  • $5,000 for Bryan/College Station from St. Paul’s ELCA Ramp Ministry.
  • $5,000 for Bryan-College Station from Eugene Edge III Charitable Trust.
  • $5,000 for Abilene Brown County from The E.P. Woodruff Trust.
  • $4,500 for San Antonio from St. Luke’s Lutheran Health Ministries.
  • $3,000 for Waco North from HILCO Electric Trust.
  • $3,000 for Dallas and Houston from Wesco Distribution, Inc.
  • $2,500 for Statewide from Experian.
  • $2,500 for Dallas from Numotion Foundation.
  • $2,500 for Houston North from Magnolia Hardware & Supply LLC.
  • $2,167 for Waco South from Waco Habitat for Humanity.
  • $2,000 for Austin East from Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, La Grange.
  • $1,654 for Houston from Good Shepherd Church Cypress.
  • $1,500 for San Antonio South from Rise Broadband.
  • $1,200 for Dallas from Richardson Women’s Club Charitable.
  • $1,200 for Austin East from Oviedo Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge-RAM-Fiat-GMC.
  • $1,140 for Houston North from Montgomery County Habitat for Humanity.
  • $1,000 for Amarillo from Amarillo National Bank.
  • $1,000 for San Antonio Northeast from St. John’s Episcopal Church, New Braunfels.
  • $1,000 for Abilene Scurry County from Snyder Lions Club.
  • $1,000 for Houston North from Wildwood UMC Magnolia.
  • $566 for Bryan-College Station from State Employees Charitable Campaign.
  • $539 for Austin West from The Church at Horseshoe Bay.
  • $500 for San Antonio Northeast from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.
  • $350 for Austin West from Hill Country Fellowship.
  • $283 for Austin North from Christ Lutheran Church.
  • $256 for NCT East from Golden K Kiwanis Club.
  • $232 for San Antonio Northwest from First UMC Boerne.
  • $200 for East Texas Jacksonville from Cherokee County Democratic Party.
  • $100 for East Texas Jacksonville from Rusk Lions Club.
  • $100 for East Texas Tyler from Langen/Wink Bible Class.
  • $40 for East Texas Tyler from Garden Valley Baptist Church.
  • $25 for NCT East from Northeast Texas Region of AACA.
  • $25 for East Texas Jacksonville from First UMC Jacksonville.

Media Attention for Guadalupe County

TRP’s work in Guadalupe County was featured in a recent edition of Seguin Today. Kay Geurin, TRP coordinator for the San Antonio Northeast region, described TRP’s work and explained that each region must have sufficient funding to build ramps. She said the many referrals her region receives attest to the great need for wheelchair ramps across Texas.

Kay’s experience provides a great example of how to use local media to reach volunteers and donors. When contacting the media, be sure to provide them with the most recent Fact Sheet, available on the TRP website: It is on the Important Documents page.

To read the article, click on picture.

End-of-Year Giving

Please remind your volunteers and participating organizations that TRP welcomes gifts and donations as part of their year-end giving. Donations that arrive in November and December help fund those first three or four months of the new year when overall giving takes a seasonal drop. Support from local churches, businesses, civic clubs and individuals constitutes about 42% of TRP’s annual revenues. It is critical to keeping our regions healthy and growing. Be sure to tell your donors to designate your region as recipient of the funds.


This is the perfect time of year to make use of TRP’s easily accessible "scan to donate" image below. Do copy and paste the link on your social media sites. You may include a message that encourages donations. This can be done by including a note outlining your personal relationship with TRP, why you think others should donate, and how TRP makes a difference in your own community. Let's spread the message of giving as we spread the holiday cheer.  

Additionally, we would love to see holiday-themed photos at build sites this time of year. Fun photos encourage online sharing as well as team building on-site. This can mean grabbing Santa hats for your team, wearing reindeer antlers or holiday sweaters, or simply dabbing a spot of red paint on the nose to look like Rudolph. The options are endless. We can't wait to see your creativity!

Christmas Spirit abounds in this photo. A new ramp blesses the volunteers as well as the ramp recipients

Ramp of the Month, Burnet County

Austin West

Penny Marr and her 66-year-old brother, John, were overjoyed at receiving a ramp for John’s use. John was a highly decorated firefighter before incurring major health issues that have greatly limited his mobility. John’s 47-foot ramp was provided by 11 Burnet team volunteers, who donated 55 hours of their time. Don Barlow, Austin West coordinator, received the following note from Penny and John when they returned home and found the ramp completed.


“Hi Don,


“OMGoodness! The ramp is gorgeous! When we came home last night he was so surprised. It moved him to tears. He cannot believe how blessed he is—it opens up his world. He walked it several times. We were watching TV when he just got up and went outside (8:00pm) then came back in, his eyes full of tears. “How do I thank them,” he asked. 


“You all will always have a place in our hearts. We cannot believe what you have accomplished so quickly. You and your group are the most generous, kind and giving people. This is life changing for my brother. He gets his freedom back….


“With deepest gratitude,

Penny and John”


(Names used with permission.)

We hope you enjoy having the newsletter sent to you directly, as it is filled with useful information, building hints and tips, data collection updates and processes, client stories, special announcements and recognitions.


The newsletter only does its job when it is dispersed and shared with all who might be interested. We encourage you to liberally pass it on to others in your region.

Also, do send email addresses of people in your region who should be receiving it, along with their name and TRP region, to Sandy Knutson at


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