January-February 2025 Joy Connection

From left to right: Mary Fagnano, Amy Godinez, Channon Essex, and April Sabral

Meaningful Connections at RetailROI's SuperSaturday in NYC

This year marked Thrive in Joy’s 11th year participating in Retail Orphan Initiative’s (RetailROI) SuperSaturday event in New York City on January 11th. Representing our team were Mary Fagnano, Executive Director and Co-Founder; Amy Godinez, C11 Program Coordinator; and Elizabeth Rojas, Board Chair. Together, we made numerous meaningful connections with event attendees, further advancing our mission to inspire and empower underserved communities. Read More >

Calling All College Students, Friends, and Family: Join Us in the DR from March 15-21!

Applications are now open for our Spring Dominican Republic mission trip from March 15-21. Join up to 14 team members for a transformative week of service in the Dominican Republic. Participants will spend each day bringing joy where it’s needed most and engaging in projects that will have lasting impact. Applications are due by February 10. Click HERE for more information!

From Kindergarten Through High School, an Enduring Story of Thrive in Joy’s Impact

St. Brendan Grade School alumna and gifted writer, Carla Lothian, reflects on the impact of Nick’s legacy on her life now as student at Mayfield High School. Read More >

We did it—together! Not only did we reach our 2024 year-end fundraising goal of $164,821, we exceeded it with a total of $164,828! From the bottom of our hearts—thank you for being part of this mission! Because of you, the ripple effect of Nick’s life continues to grow.


From Mary Fagnano, Nick's mom, Thrive in Joy Co-Founder and Executive Director

Possibly living in Los Angeles makes this more evident, but it seems we’re in a very emotional season. Because of the fires, we all know people experiencing the overwhelming loss of homes and possessions connected to cherished memories. For many, the sense of community and stability that tied generations together has been turned to ashes. At the same time, another sense of stability is being challenged as our country faces new leadership and strong emotions are making it difficult to find common ground.

This Sunday as Jay and I walked into Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral in downtown LA, we were handed a thin, tapered candle. When we entered the main church, it was filled with lighted candles being held by the congregation. There was a profound sense of unity. I felt like something that has been missing lately was restored.

Following Mass, we stopped at the café in the courtyard to get a bite to eat. A helicopter circled overhead. I walked over to the wall of glass windows etched with angels that look down upon the 101 Freeway. From there I could see the northbound lanes of the 101 were void of cars. Traffic southbound was stopped by people walking through the lanes of cars with protest signs.  

Once again, I was brought back to the emotions and the challenges we face. We’ve been through a lot already this decade and, at this half-way point, I feel the need—more than ever—for more light, unity, joy, and peace to make its way into this world. 

Who are the voices you are listening to that give you inspiration? Is there something you did in January that made you feel you made a difference? Email me at and let’s all bring some of that light to each other in February. Next month I’d love to share what our readers’ are doing along with what our students are doing for their Entrepreneurial Social Impact Projects. As we begin Black History Month as well as the month we reflect on the meaning of love, let’s remember the words of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."



Mary Fagnano, Executive Director

Email: | Phone: 213.220.4686

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