May 7, 2020
" Good librarians are natural intelligence operatives. They possess all of the skills and characteristics required for that work: curiosity,
wide-ranging knowledge, good memories, organization
and analytical aptitude, and discretion ."

— Marilyn Johnson, author of This Book Is Overdue!:
How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All

This month, Dean Nitecki explores the importance of promoting the value of libraries, as well as what makes a library an essential and key component to a university's success.

Photo courtesy Jaci Downs Photography
The Libraries' Communications Manager recently spoke with Sam Kirk, the new Manager for Curricula Support, to discuss the brand-new position and her visions for the program, pre- and post-COVID-19.

Now more than ever, the current global health crisis has illuminated the importance of collaboration, and librarians are looking to each other – and to vendors, publishers and other organizations within the university community –
to find ways to help their clients through these challenging times.

While in-person campus operations have been suspended since mid-March, that didn't stop the Libraries from hosting its yearly staff awards event. On May 4, guests met via Zoom to commemorate, honor, and congratulate the Drexel Libraries staff and to uphold what is now over a decade-long tradition.

Dean of Libraries Danuta A. Nitecki – along with three other academic library leaders – recently participated in a virtual panel to discuss the impact COVID-19 has had on remote learning, and libraries in particular.

In Other News
Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for online events and workshops, coming this spring!