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Making Tracks

The Newsletter of the Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Joyfully Connecting our Community with the Wonder of the Refuge


The parking lot at Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge will expand to add additional parking spaces and sidewalk access to trails. The expansion is currently delayed because of the weather but is expected to continue for approximately six months. This project will add about 50 new parking spaces. Access to trails and the Visitor Center is not expected to be impacted, though portions of the parking lot may be temporarily closed.

Please click the link provided to read about all of the details. If you have any additional questions please contact the Refuge office directly at (503) 625-5944.

Link to the news release:


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President's Perch

by Cheryl Hart, President

Public Lands Alliance will be holding their annual conference in Portland this year. One of the events being offered to participants is a fieldtrip to Tualatin River NWR on Sunday February 26th. The fieldtrip is SOLD OUT and there are over 50 people from across the US coming to see and learn about our Chicken Creek project and the cooperative partnerships we have here in Washington County. Some of our partners including Friends, Clean Water Services and Metro will be joining refuge manager Rebecca Chuck to tell the story of this extensive project. Each of the partners have a significant story to tell about how their organization works towards conservation and protecting public lands. We are excited to share this project with other public lands entities across the country to let them know about our strong partnerships and the active role that Friends played in making it happen.

Tualatin River NWR and the Chicken Creek project are an example of "what if..." and I

know it will inspire our guests to work with partners to accomplish their mission.

If you haven’t visited the refuge lately, you will hardly recognize it with all the restoration that has happened in the past couple of years. You will be able to enjoy the new meandering Chicken Creek when the seasonal trail opens the first of May. Second Saturday work parties and

other special plantings have been staffed by volunteers from Friends and many organizations such as Oregon Chinese Coalition and Sherwood Rotary. It is so encouraging to see the love and enjoyment of the refuge that these volunteers show.

Also, our refuge parking lot is being expanded to accommodate more visitors at a time. The crew doing the construction is finding ways to do the work without having to close the parking

lot or drive in from the main entrance. The year-round trail is still accessible so come out and enjoy the refuge!

Our refuge will also be hosting a Climate Summit on April 15 that is being put together by

students from Sherwood, Beaverton, and Jesuit High Schools. These youth will be our environmental leaders in the years to come and we are looking forward to giving them an opportunity to see the refuge, learn about the work we do here, and become even more motivated to launch careers in conservation fields.

See you at the Refuge!

Cheryl Hart

Focus on Friends

by Bonnie Anderson, ED

One of my favorite quotes is "Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless but because they are priceless" Volunteers are the reason the Friends and the Refuge can achieve so many amazing accomplishments.

In order for us to emerge from the pandemic and get back to a place of routinely connecting with our community, we needed to have our dedicated volunteers back. I have enjoyed reconnecting with each of you. I have also had the opportunity to meet so many new Friends members that have jumped in and filled the volunteer needs. Each of the contributions these volunteers make ensure an excellent experience when the public is visiting our two refuges. Volunteers have made our restoration work parties, and educational outreach programs impactful. The store volunteers and Trail Rovers ensure that every visitor has a friendly encounter at the Refuge! The volunteer maintenance crew literally move the earth to maintain our beautiful complex. Thank you!

Another group of volunteers that I would like to emphasize is the Friends' Board of Directors. This group of 11 dedicated volunteers give so much of their time and talents to ensure the organization and the programs we support run as smoothly as possible. Have you ever thought about joining the Board? One great way to get started is to sign up and volunteer on one of the many Friends' committees. Some of our committees looking for support include Membership, Fundraising, Special Events and Grant Writing. Want to learn more? I'd love to connect.

Hope to see you on the trails!

Bonnie Anderson

We are Hiring

The Friends are now accepting applications for a new Habitat Restoration Specialist. The position description can be found here and on the Friends website. Resumes and short cover letters may be emailed to

Resumes will be accepted through March 1, 2023.

A Message from the Nature’s Overlook Store -

Show Your Volunteer Pride

A Fun Opportunity…

Buy a Tualatin River NWR Fleece Vest that announces that you’re a dedicated Volunteer! You’ll be surprised by how many people thank you for your service.

Purchase a fleece vest between Feb. 15th and Mar. 1st. Leave it with us and we’ll get the word Volunteer added just under the Logo. Vests will be available for pick up April 1st. Please pick them up no later than April 15th.

Choose: Red, Grey or Black.

Sizes: SML through 2XL

Sizes and colors limited to stock on hand.

Price: SML-XLG $44.99; 2XL $46.99

Embroidery: $5.00

Friends members receive your 10% discount.

Nature’s Overlook, the Friends’ retail store in the Visitor Center, is seeking a volunteer to be the merchandise Buyer. George Burnett has been doing the buying for the store for over ten years, but is “retiring” from that role. She will provide training and share the knowledge she has learned over the years while finding wonderful products to sell in the store.

The Buyer position can be filled by one person or shared by two or even three people. One way of splitting the position would be for one person to research new products, get approval to carry them in the store, and order them, and a second person to receive the order, do the pricing and tagging, and display the items in the store. We are flexible and open to suggestions! George estimates that she spends 20 hours per month at the busiest times (such as before the holidays) but less than that during most months.

Intrigued by being able to help select the products sold in the store and display them in a way that entices customers to purchase them? The Buyer job may be perfect for you! If you would like more information and a copy of the position description, contact Sharon Miller, the Store Manager, at 503-539-8315. 

Volunteer at the Visitor Center and Friends' Nature Store

We are looking to train Friends' volunteers to greet the public, answer questions about the Refuge, and sell merchandise in the store. If you enjoy the Refuge and like talking with people, this may be the perfect volunteer opportunity for you!

No specific experience is necessary; training will be provided. To work in the store, you must be a member of the Friends of the Refuge, and we ask that you commit to working at least two three-hour shifts per month. For more information or to apply to volunteer, contact Natalie Balkam, FWS Park Ranger, at or 503-625-5944.

Friends' Membership Renewal Letter- A New Look

The Friends' Membership Committee has been busy updating and revising our written materials so you may notice that your renewal letter looks a little different.

  • The Friends are switching from expensive card stock for your renewal letter. As you know everything is more expensive and by using letter head vs the card stock, we will save a significant amount of money. Your membership fees and donations that way can be better spent on work at the Refuge.
  • You will also notice that there is not a “membership” card. The option to print your membership card is still available on our website, you will just need to log on to access to your account. Don't know or remember your password ?- no problem. The website can easily reset it for you.

In other Membership news...

The Membership Committee is developing new opportunities for enjoying the Refuge, such as our very popular “Behinds the Sign with our Wildlife Biologist” talks and walks. Continue to read the Newsletter and view our website for other opportunities. Mark your calendar for the 30th Anniversary of the Friends of TRNWRC. There will be a family friendly event on June 22. Watch in the newsletter for more information.

Rescheduled Behind the Sign Walk for Friends

Friends Members are invited to join USFWS Biologist Curt Mykut and Friends' ED Bonnie Anderson on an overview tour of Rock Creek. The tour is scheduled for February 25th at 9 AM. We will meet at the Visitor Center and carpool over to the unit. The tour will include a question and answer discussion that may take place back at the refuge, depending on the weather. Please register for the walk here. Members may register to bring one additional guest.

Youth Environmental Conservation Summit

Cheryl Hart, President and Bonnie Anderson, Executive Director of the Friends have been meeting weekly with area high school students to plan the April 15th Summit. Please feel free to share the information about this event with any high school or middle school student that may be interested in attending. This summit is free to the students. If you would like to support this event please indicate Youth Summit on your donation.

We continue to welcome donations of gently used nature related books for our Natures Overlook store. Thank you to everyone that has reached out about donating.

If you have nature related gently used books that you would like to donate to the Friends, please contact Bonnie about making donation arrangements. 

This Week at Interior- Happy Birthday to USFWS

February 10, 2023

This Week: President Biden highlights his administration's accomplishments in his State of the Union address; Interior leaders welcome Governors and Delegates from U.S. island territories to the Interagency Group on Insular Areas; Secretary Haaland travels to Pennsylvania to highlight historic investments to cap orphaned oil and gas wells; Interior announces over $24.6 million to reclaim abandoned mine lands in Indiana; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes a new rule to strengthen conservation under the Endangered Species Act; the U.S. Geological Survey will map Puerto Rico to better understand geologic hazards; construction gets underway at the Desert Quartzite solar project in California; and we're wishing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service a happy birthday with our social media Picture of the Week! Make sure you follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and You Tube!

Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

19255 SW Pacific Hwy Sherwood, Oregon 97140

503.625.5944 x 15227
