The Sixth Week After the Epiphany
15 February 2023
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
21 February
6:30-8:00 pm
Join us for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper hosted by the EYC, our parish youth group. We'll have the traditional pancakes, bacon, fruit, and all the tasty sides that help us to 'shrive off' the excesses of our pantry as we plan to take on the simpleness of the Lenten season. There will be pancake races, bingo, and more.

Bring in your palms from last Ash Wednesday between now and the 21st. We'll burn those palms to make the ashes for our Ash Wednesday liturgies.
Ash Wednesday
22 February
7a + 12n + 7p
We will have three liturgies on Ash Wednesday. 7.00 am will be a short service (25 min or so) with the imposition of ashes, but no Mass. 12.00 noon will be Low Mass with sermon and the imposition of ashes, but no music. 7.00 pm will be a Choral Mass with sermon and the imposition of ashes. Opportunity to make your confession will be available after the 7am and 12n Masses in the Lady Chapel.
Parish News
3rd Sunday Parish Breakfast
19 February | 8.30-11am
Join us this Sunday for our 3rd Sunday Parish Breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columba! They'll be serving a delicious breakfast from 8.30-11.00am. The cost is only $3 per person; $10max per family. As per our custom, Sunday school will not meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
Attention All Youth:
Shrove Tuesday Is Near
All middle and high school youth are asked to help with Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Bingo, and Pancake Races. We are asking youth to arrive at 5pm to help set up and begin cooking for the Pancake Supper (6.30-8.00pm). Volunteer stations include: set up; cooking; serving; leading bingo; leading the pancake races; and of course clean up ('cause "if you got time to lean ...." ). Come for as much of the evening as your schedule allows. Shrove Tuesday is sponsored by the EYC. Contact Father Tripp for more details.
Wednesday Night Series Concludes
Sing to the Lord A New Song
Join us this Wednesday night (6.30pm) as we conclude our series, "Sing to the Lord a New Song: What Anglican Hymnody Teaches Us About God." Dinner is provided! Come for all three segments of the evening or just a portion - whatever your schedule allows. All are welcome.
Chalice Bearers Needed
We need chalice bearers for both the 8.30 and the 11.00 Sunday Masses. No experience necessary - all high school youth and adults are welcome to serve. If you'd like to learn more, speak with our verger, Jerry Adams, or a member of the clergy. You serve as often as you'd like by signing up using the online rota for the Mass at which you'd like to serve.
Coffee Hosts Needed
The coffee guild is in need of additional help on Sunday mornings. We provide the coffee, pastries, juice and other goodies that we all enjoy so much before and after each of the services. We have teams on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month that divide up the duties in whatever way best works for their team. The greatest need is help on the 1st Sunday of the month, but we can use help any Sunday morning. Please speak with Wendy Lambert or with Laura Dillon for more information or to sign up.
Lenten Program
March 8 - April 5
Wednesday Evenings
  • 6.30 - Stations of the Cross
  • 7.15 - Dinner and Program
  • 8.15 - Sung Compline

Lent is that 40-day journey preparing us for our celebration of Easter, and the season begins Ash Wednesday. The three hallmark disciplines of Lent are prayer, fasting (self-denial), and almsgiving. How can this Lent be more intentional for you? How might you grow your faith in new and refreshing ways? What might you give up this season that will help you focus on your life of prayer, devotion, and service in Jesus' name? Perhaps part of your Lenten journey can include our Wednesday evening program. We'll begin each Wednesday by walking the Stations of the Cross and then gather in the Narthex for a light meal (soup and salad) and our lenten program, "Angels: Finding Grace, Beauty & Meaning thru the Messengers of God." The evening concludes with a candlelight sung Compline. All are welcome; the program is designed so that each week stands on its own - attend as your schedule allows.

Note: We begin on March 8th. March 1st is the date set for Mother Melanie's Installation as the Rector of the Church of Our Saviour, so we'll suspend our Wednesday program so those who are able can attend the service in Atlanta.
Sunday Mornings During Lent
February 26 - April 2
"Basics of Believing: In Depth"
Sundays, 9:30 - 10:30 am
Our Sunday morning forum this Lent will look at what Christians believe about God, the Incarnation, Resurrection, Scripture, Miracles, Sacraments, and Community. This class will be a great program for anyone new to the church, new to the parish, or preparing for confirmation. The adult forum meets in the narthex. Grab a cup of coffee and bring your Prayer Book and favorite Bible.
St Columba's Church | Www.SaintColumba.Net | 770 888 4464