6th Annual MFGA Regen Ag Conference continues to put forward world-class line-up around regenerative agriculture in Manitoba, Prairies and Northern Great Plains

Winnipeg, MB – (April 11, 2023) – With one Colorado Rockey and a heavy dash of Blue Dasher Farms in the conference mix, organizers are thrilled with the quality of keynote speakers at the Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA)’s Sixth Annual Regenerative Agriculture Conference to be held November 13-15, 2023 at the Victoria Inn and Conference Centre in Brandon, Manitoba.

World-class keynotes Brendon Rockey and Dr. Jonathan Lundgren of Blue Dasher Farms/Ecdysis Foundation are locked down for the two- and half-day conference. MFGA Board members and 2023 Conference co-chairs Andrea Hamilton and Amber McNish have been working closely with Larry Wegner, past MFGA conference chair, and the 2023 conference committee members to put together a line up that will entertain, engage and educate farmers, land managers and the conservation community on at the annual event in mid-November.

“Working in the potato industry and also being a regenerative agriculture-based farmer on our family farm near Glenboro, I am so pleased to have Brendon Rockey speak at our MFGA conference this year,” said Hamilton, an agronomist/consultant at Stolon Glance Agronomy. “I heard Brendon speak recently and it was such a wonderful experience. I know there are many people in Manitoba that I communicate with that are excited that he is part of our event this year and to hear him share the management decisions that have resulted in sustained yields and improved water efficiency on the Rockey’s Colorado farm for over a decade.”

Joining Rockey as a marquee keynote will be Dr. Jonathan Lundgren, director of EcDysis Foundation and Blue Dasher Farm, at Estelline South Dakota. McNish said Blue Dasher Farm and EcDysis studies led by Lundgren, such as the 1,000 Farm Initiative, are well-regarded benchmarks to the power and potential of regenerative agriculture.

“Blue Dasher Farm combines cutting edge science with hands on experience to remove barriers to the adoption of regenerative agriculture,” said McNish, who farms with her family near Pierson, Mb when not representing Union Forage in grazing and livestock circles. “Dr Lundgren and the Blue Dasher team believe in a food system that promotes soil health, farm biodiversity, and nutrient dense food- all while benefiting the farmers who grow it. Sounds like a great fit for our conference and the attendees that will be there.”

The format will be the same as previous years with keynotes, Q&A and local producer panels. Wegner has been pushing hard with outreach to excellent speakers to support the keynotes and overall conference vibe.


“We are very pleased to have Paul Galpern of the University of Calgary to detail his work on pollinators and prairie landscapes and Ian Steppler, who many will be familiar with from his work with Manitoba Beekeepers Association to give presentations,” said Wegner, who farms with his family near Virden, MB. “And we recently locked down Derek and Tanis Axten, who we feel will be awesome speakers and valuable additions to our conference as showcased by the way they farm in Saskatchewan.”


For more info:

Duncan Morrison, MFGA Executive Director, 204.770.3548

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