November 2024

Upcoming Events

Conference Registration Now Open!

The 2025 Arkansas Grown Conference & Expo will be held at the Hot Springs Convention Center, January 30 to February 1, 2025.

Join us at the third annual conference focusing on the state’s largest industry-Agriculture! Early registration discounts through December 21.

Register Here

High Tunnel Construction Field Day + Workshop

Wednesday, November 20

9:30 am - 3:00 pm (lunch provided)

St. Joseph Farmstead

6800 Camp Robinson Rd, North Little Rock

Workshop Agenda:

9:30-10:00am Registration

10:00am High Tunnel Construction

11:00am Panel Discussion

12:00noon Lunch

1:00pm Construction Tools + Tips

2:00-3:00pm Hands-on Demonstration

Register Here

Webinar: Gloves Off - Exposing Contamination Threats + Cutting-Edge Solutions!

Tuesday, December 10th 10 am - 11 am CST

Join Dr. Darin Detwiler, food safety icon, for a unique glove safety session combining more than 30 years of food safety knowledge and passion. Highlighting newly published research in the Journal of Food Protection, Dr. Detwiler will focus on microbial, chemical, and physical glove contamination sources and risks, with solutions to enhance your company’s food safety and quality assurance practices. Join us for an engaging and informative presentation with key takeaways for immediate implementation in your food safety programs.

Register Here

Funding Opportunities

Approximately $1 million in funding is available from the People's Garden Initiative through USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production, in partnership with The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s (NFWF) 2025 Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration program. Funded projects will support community-based gardens that promote sustainable agriculture practices that benefit people and wildlife. Per the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, gardens of different sizes and types, including school gardens, community gardens, urban farms, and small-scale agriculture projects in rural and urban areas, can be recognized as a People’s Garden.

These funds will support projects nationwide. Special priority will be provided to projects in the Little Rock U.S. Census statistical area (see map here). Applications will be accepted until January 30, 2025.

Learn More 

Danone Institute North America announces two requests for proposals, the Sustainable Food Systems Initiative and the SFSI Focus on Food, which is co-funded by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR).

The DINA Sustainable Food Systems Initiative (SFSI) is a competitive program that will select and fund up to five transdisciplinary teams in 2025 to design, implement and evaluate actionable community-based projects on community-based food systems that contribute to the nutritional health of populations.

The DINA Sustainable Food Systems Initiative (SFSI) Focus on Food is a competitive program co-funded by the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) that will select and fund up to three US or Canadian-based transdisciplinary teams in 2025 to support innovative, actionable North America-focused food supply initiatives to promote food systems that reflect the interconnectivity of community, health of people, and health of the planet.

The proposal period for 2025-2027 will be open until February 14, 2025.

Learn More

Produce Safety

FDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals, + Safety Alerts

With the holiday season upon us, remember to keep up with any food recalls and safety alerts as we gather and enjoy food with friends + family. This page of press releases from the FDA is a useful tool!

Overview of FSMA PSR Revised Subpart E: Agricultural Water

Dr. Elizabeth Bihn, Director of the Produce Safety Alliance, Dept. of Food Science, Cornell University, released a useful informational video with an overview of FSMA PSR Revised Subpart E: Agricultural Water.

If you need assistance navigating agricultural water requirements on your farm, contact Dr. Amanda Philyaw Perez.

Local Foods

USDA Seeks Urban Producer for Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production

The Urban Agriculture + Innovative Production committee advises the Secretary of Agriculture on the development of policies and outreach relating to urban, indoor, and other emerging agricultural production practices as well as identify any barriers to urban agriculture. Applications are due November 29.

Learn more about the application process here

Learn more in this new report:

Farm to Food Assistance: A Model for Values-Based, Equity Centered Approaches to Transforming the Food System

Farm to Food Assistance (F2FA)

Farm to food assistance value chains connect regional farms with food assistance programs, such as food banks, food pantries, and grassroots programs that provide food to people experiencing hunger and food insecurity. These value chains typically include farmers, food hubs, food banks and community organizations working together to ensure that food reaches those who need it most, while paying farmers fair prices for their products.

The Wallace Center has been working to better understand and support the people and organizations implementing values-based, equity-centered Farm to Food Assistance (F2FA) programs

They explore how values-based, equity-centered Farm to Food Assistance reveals and works to overcome the contradictions inherent in the food banking economy, and delineate the core values and strategies that move the food assistance system from charity to justice.

Urban Agriculture & Community Garden Resource Manual 

The Urban Agriculture + Community Garden Resource Manual was produced as part of the 2024 Urban Agriculture Outreach and Education Project through a partnership between the Pulaski Conservation District and the University of Arkansas, Little Rock.

This manual provides urban agriculture producers and landowners managing backyard gardens and community gardens with links to free online information and education resources on many topics of interest. The focus is on central Arkansas and surrounding areas, but we believe it will be of interest to anyone who owns or manages a garden or urban farm. The aim of this guide is to provide landowners with easily accessible information about sustainable agricultural practices with the goal of promoting a thriving local food economy. 

Check out the manual from the Pulaski County Conservation District here.


Center for Food Safety

Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of working closely with our colleagues in the Food Science Department, forming strong partnerships to advance our shared goals. We are proud to be part of the outstanding team at the UA Center for Food Safety. Click here to learn more about our faculty, staff, and programs.

A video describing the offerings of the Arkansas Food Innovation Center.

Arkansas Food Innovation Center (AFIC)

The Arkansas Food Innovation Center (AFIC) provides scientific knowledge, technical expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and training opportunities to assist entrepreneurs and agricultural producers in Arkansas and in the region in launching new food processing businesses. Watch the video or visit the AFIC website to learn more about the services available to food businesses.

LRSF Team Contact

David Hill

Program Associate

Home + Commercial Value-Added

(501) 671-2048

Sarah Bakker

Program Associate

Produce Safety + Infrastructure

(501) 671-2012

Evan Ware

Program Associate

Local Food Systems

(501) 671-2166

Thank you for reading our newsletter! Please reach out if you have any questions or need support with your local food efforts!


Amanda Philyaw Perez, DrPH, MPH

Associate Professor,

Food Systems and Food Safety Specialist

Department of Horticulture, 

Cooperative Extension Service

University of Arkansas System,

Division of Agriculture

2301 S. University Ave, Little Rock AR 72204

Office: 501.671.2228 | Email:

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