Balanced in the Journey !!


"Balance is not something you find, it's something you create."

Jana Kingsford


Here we are week #5 of our Joy in the Journey!

You've got your precious cargo on board (You!) ...

Your values in tow...

Your destination locked in.

How goes your travel?

Hit any bumps in the road along the way?

Need some re-aligning?

Worry not...I've got a remedy for any surprise pot holes.

It works all the time to make your way smooth.


Let's talk about it.


Yes! Balance. I like the word "harmony" even better.

"A consistent, orderly or pleasing arrangement of parts."

Let's call it a flow of life...when we are at peace...balanced in our life fully...


Balance is crucial as we traverse on our Life's road.

Take our vehicles for instance. My Honda CRV is peppy & sturdy...a great road trip car.

However Michigan highways are notorious for potholes due to the strenuous winters we have.

Eek! Hit a pot hole & your chassis can get thrown out of whack!

Wheels can get knocked off kilter.

It's a for sure "no bueno" situation.


If we aren't aligned..just like our vehicles...we can get thrown off kilter..out of sync with the flow of Life.

Balance is vital!


We are multi-faceted beings...spirit, soul & body...each part needs to actively flow in harmony.

 I like to picture my life as a pie with each of its separate pieces...vitally united.

 When we over-indulge in one area, neglecting the other parts, we experience fatigue, lethargy, apathy, and lots of other yuck. 

We get out of sync and need immediate harmonizing!


It's a focused practice. Keep each piece of the pie equal...establish a Divine symmetry if you will


Relationships...these are priority.

Add others that are important to you.


Wow! This piece is the powerhouse.

 As we nurture our spirit, we influence ALL areas of our Life.

 It's an "inside out" thing.


"Living from the inside out is the only way to find balance & truly experience an authentic sense of happiness in our lives.

It must be grounded in a commitment to organically live from our core - that sacred space of vital energy and unlimited potential.

 We must become intimate with ourselves and be happy and in balance inside ourselves,

before we can truly experience happiness with another person, our families, or our communities."

"What is living from the inside out?" by Dr. Kathleen Hall.

See more at

Dr. Hall says a mouthful here.

The core of our being...our spiritual part is that eternal part of us that has contact with Our Creator...WOW!


Take time each morning & evening with God.

 "Be Still and Know That I am God," Psalm 46:10

Spend time in His Word...that's being with Him.

Start in the Psalms.

Talk to Him.

Practice getting quiet...What is He whispering to you? Listen! Journal your thoughts.

Creative to problems...decisions to make...all begin to bubble up as we spend quiet time with Our Creator.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking,

likened our time with God as the thermostat,

the gauge to set the "forecast" of our day.

Nurture the spiritual part of you.

It's truly our foundation!


Daily exercise...movement...activity is vital

to our multi-faceted being. 


"Daily exercise improves our mood, producing changes in the parts of the brain that monitor anxiety and stress. 

Exercise increases our energy...

strengthens our bones...

improves our skin...

helps our brain health and memory. 

Our sleep and health enhanced with physical activity."


Choose when & how long you have in your day to exercise.

Let it be a natural flow in your day...keep it simple.

Outside or what is right there for you to do!

My fave is yoga at sarabethyoga.

She's no-fluff & gives clear instruction.

. You can choose any length from 10-30 minutes.

She has practices for any of your needs too.

Check her out.

She's efficiently in your reach...on your phone!


Decide to exercise every day. Commit to it. Stick with it. And believe for superior results.

Check out my blog on "Dead Cows Spit Bullets," if you need a little "oomph" to get started.  

Daily exercise is a must!

 Let's commit to "get physical." 


Keeping this section brief for now... I encourage you to be more alert to what you eat.

The basics: avoid processed food (read labels),

eat more fruits & veggies...

Get your fiber (28 grams per day)

Get your protein (46 grams daily for women, 55 grams for men).

Stay fully hydrated! (women: 91 ounces; men: 125 oz.)

Wow! I pulled some neat research for you to delve into.

Check out the links as you can. They come from reliable sources!

In fact, save this newsletter for reference!


The mental piece of my pie is just that...engaging the brain. 

Read, do a crossword puzzle, take a class.

 It's also guarding your thoughts.

 Are you percolating with positivity

or nixed with negativity? 

We have to watch it here.

 The "negative Nancy" thoughts and impressions

can weasel their way into our thought life. 

"Finally, my friends, keep you minds on

whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, & proper.

Don't ever stop thinking

about what is truly worthwhile & worthy of praise."

Philippians 4:8-9

Contemporary English Version


Be mindful of your thoughts throughout the day.

Replace any stinkin' thinkin' ASAP with single power words!

Anxious thoughts? Decree PEACE! (outloud)!

Irritating thoughts about others or situations? Decree LOVE!

Sad or depressing thoughts? Decree JOY!

You are stopping the flow of the negative with a power word!

These power words are your arsenal.

The more you use them,

the healthier your thoughts become.


This slice can be overlooked and underestimated. I find when I'm deep in my writing, oftentimes, I don't tune into my Hubby as I should.'s back to the balance thing...keeping things in harmony. 

How 'bout you?

 Any relationships in your life that need more tending to? 

Do you have any that need to be weeded out? 

Purpose to keep this area balanced. 

Just putting it as one of my pie pieces helps me give more attention to it. 


Your emotions are your signals.

Feeling agitated, bored, irritated, crabby, overly-sensitive, moody. You get the picture.

These indicators as warnings that you are out of balance.

Check which part is out of sync...spirit, physical, mental, relationships...& get re-aligned.

Remember...balance is created.

It's our responsibility to keep aligned for ease & joy of travel on our Life's Journey.


Wow to the plethora of info here today!

What was your "AHA"?

Take it & put it into action.

Daily exercise...

balance your diet...

guard your thoughts...

keep tab on your relationships...

and above all..

Keep your foundation strong with God.

"In all your ways know & acknowledge

& recognize HIm,

And He will make your paths

straight & smooth [removing obstacles that block your way.]

Proverbs 3:6

Amplified Bible

Talk about Divine alignment!!

Continue with your affirmations too:

I am valuable & loved!

I am confident & courageous.

I have a destiny & I fulfill it.

Know you are Precious Cargo!

And remember...

We are all in this Life help & support each other!

Sunny thoughts!


P.S. Don't leave without the weekly joke!

Here goes:

Why didn't the tea introduce itself at the party?

It was a little chai !!

And hey...

if you think anyone could benefit

from this dose of inspiration,

 please send it their way!

Please share my website on "Living Life FUN, Healthy & Joyfully!

Inspiring you with "Joy on Your Journey!" as you get balanced in the journey.

"Now may the God of your hope so fill you with all JOY and peace in believing that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound and be overflowing with hope." Romans 15:13

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