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Ruth Ann's Second Newsletter, woo-hoo!

Hello Ruth,

If you're reading this, I want to thank you for subscribing and especially for not hitting that Unsubscribe link! Very few people unsubscribed and I'm really pleased by that.

What do you think of my new website? I'm very pleased with it! I'd like to give a shout-out to Shelly Berman-Rubera, the brains behind Small Business Results ,who's been advising me on my business approach the past few months and helped me determine my service focus. She steered me to Garrett Dandreo of CompeteNow, who designed the site.

I also had an opportunity for a free 5-minute website audit during an online Audit Marathon sponsored by Duda. Three experts did fast audits for about a dozen sites submitted to them. They were very complementary about my site, which had launched just a few days earlier. I've already put in a few of their recommendations and will be working on a couple of others.

If you noticed an error on the headline that appeared in your email box, for last week's email, I fixed it! Really, you'd think ConstantContact would have a little pop-up coach like like that paper clip guy Microsoft once had.

I hope you enjoy this second edition of this newsletter. Please reach out to me here or on LinkedIn to give me some feedback.


Ruth Ann Monti

PS- If you missed it, you can still read my inaugural email!

Writing Tips

Use Bullet Points for Lists. My absolutely favorite writing tip is to use bullet points when you have a list of items to emphasize. This helps each item stand out and none will get lost in the crowd.

Use Headers. My second favorite tip is to make use of H2 and even H3 headers. They break up content and search engine seem to love them.

However, this particular technique is most effective with longer blogs or articles. Otherwise, an H3 heading just looks spammy.

Frustrated boy with laptop

Do you have a writing tip to share? Email it to me (link below) and I'll use it here and on LinkedIn.

SEO structure diagram

US paper bills

SEO/Content News

I just downloaded a new (and free) e-book from Search Engine Journal about creating content for financial services. Finance is an industry SEJ notes is "notoriously slow to digitize" because of extensive due diligence and privacy requirements.

It's also an industry with segments that have little to do with one another although they often work under the same roof:

  • Banking
  • Foreign exchange
  • Insurance
  • Investment

If you're interested in seeing this e-book, shoot me an email (link below) and I'll forward the offer to you.

Random Topic:

Words of the Year

It seems like more places are highlighting their own Word of the Year. Here's a rundown of what I've found so far, with links to words the sources:

Woman reading Oxford Dictionary

"Goblin Mode?"

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