Trinity Tidings
The Second Sunday After the Epiphany
January 19, 2025
Click link for the Sunday Morning Scripture Readings
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This Sunday! January 19
ONE Worship Service at 10am
Annual Parish Meeting begins immediately after worship
All members are encouraged to participate in our Annual Parish Meeting, held every January. We have several main items of business: elect new Vestry members, thank outgoing Vestry, and approve the 2025 Budget. Following several months of work by the Finance Committee, the Vestry is recommending a Budget for approval at Sunday's meeting. In addition, we will hear from clergy & lay leaders and receive written reports from Committee Chairs. Come and join the conversation!
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Vestry Nominees
The Nominating Committee, consisting of outgoing Vestry members, plus the Sr. Warden & Interim Priest, is pleased to present this Slate of Nominees for Vestry. They all meet the qualifications of the Episcopal Church to serve, and we are so grateful for their willingness to engage this ministry of leadership. Please see the Nominees bio's below.
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David W. Hinton
I have been attending Trinity since July 2023 and was confirmed October 2023 by the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan. Trinity is like a family to me, and I am glad to be part of it. I am currently involved in: Search Committee, EfM, Men’s Bible Study, serve as an Acolyte, and 5th Sunday musician. My current passion is developing a senior and music ministry. And lastly, I am serving as the “Bell Committee” and assistant groundskeeper (including taking care of the Ash Garden & Columbarium) with Rod Miller
Karen McRight
I started worship at Trinity online in 2020. My first Sunday worshiping in person at Trinity was Palm Sunday 2021. Pam and I were married by Nan Kennedy in October 2021, and the following day Pam was confirmed and I reaffirmed my Baptismal vows, and we became members of Trinity. I am currently involved in EfM, Women’s book study, and Tuesday morning worship. Since that first Sunday, I have met many people at Trinity who through their lives of service have encouraged and challenged me to deepen my Christian Faith and to have a better understanding of how to live out my faith in a challenging world. Furthermore, I enjoy the vibrant and diverse personalities of the Trinity family.
Peggy Russell
I’ve been worshiping at Trinity since Christmas Eve 2019. The ministries I’m involved in are Ministry & Outreach, Worship (serving as lector), and music.
I am part of the Faith Community at Trinity because of the significance of the worship services (Mass and Tuesday morning prayer), and the simple and profoundly sincere ways in which our congregation support the community as well as our fellow congregants.
Sunday Schedule
9:45am . . Nursery Opens
10:00am . . Holy Eucharist Rite II
Weekday Schedule
Monday 9am - EfM
Tuesday 9am - Worship in the Courtyard
Tuesday Noon - Women's Bible/Book
Study (1st & 3rd Tuesdays)
Wednesday 9am - Men's Bible Study
On Line Services
This Sunday, we will livestream the service of Holy Eucharist. It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 9:50am. Anytime after 9:50am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes.
Click link for the livestream bulletin.
Women's Bible/Book Study
Tuesday, Jan. 21
Parish Hall Classroom
The discussion based on the book The Measure, continues. What was left in Pandora's box after she snapped the lid shut? How does this weave into our life & faith? Please read up through page 150. Bring your lunch, if you like. See you soon. Sally
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Wildfire Response Fund
Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) is the compassionate response agency of The Episcopal Church. ERD responds to human suffering nationally and around the world, and they are collecting funds to support relief efforts in Los Angeles. Many of those whose lives have been devastated are ordinary people of limited means. You may make your donation here: LINK
Bishop Doyle offers these words penned by Frank Graeff in 1901 as a prayer:
Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
too deeply for mirth or song,
as the burdens press,
and the cares distress,
and the way grows weary and long?
O yes, He cares, I know He cares,
His heart is touched with my grief;
when the days are weary,
the long night dreary,
I know my Savior cares.
Community Wide Drum Circle - INDOORS
Join us once again for a community wide Drum Circle. The event will be January 18th at 6:00pm. Due to possible cold weather, our friends at Trinity Episcopal Church have invited us into their parish hall at 909 Ave D, Marble Falls. We'll be playing drums and other percussion instruments together in a circle creating a group rhythm. Our friend Kevin Cooley will guide us through rhythms and activities while we work together building our own unique experience. The event is hosted by Hill Country United Methodist Church.
See our website for more information.
The Drum Circle is open to people of all ages. Musical talent is not needed.
Starting Jan. 26th Sunday Adult Education
9:15am - Parish Hall Classroom
Jan. 26—Celebrating Holy Days!
Feb. 2—Celebrating Holy Days!
A holy day is any day set apart for special observance because of its significance for faith. The BCP Calendar of the church year (BCP, pp. 15-18), specifically lists as holy days the Feasts of our Lord, and other major feasts and fasts. Join us with BCP readings for all holy days.
Beginning Feb. 16—Surprised by Hope
We will explore the content within Surprised by Hope, written by N. T. Wright, about Christian assumptions about the afterlife, the resurrection, and the mission of the church.
Save the Date
Sunday, Jan. 19 ... ONE WORSHIP at 10 AM followed by the Annual Parish Meeting
Recommended Names for Rector Search
Please click here for form LINK.
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Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Rev. Claire Field, Interim Rector
The Rev. Robert Chambers, Assisting Supply Priest
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Protect yourself from phishing. Trinity's clergy and staff will never ask for an urgent favor, the purchase of gift cards, or other financial instruments, or your personal information via email or text. Please delete these emails and texts without responding. Thank you. | | | | |