Church News 3.22.23

*Prayers & Concerns: Adam Casteel, Cindy Wilbur, Fonda Monroe, Dale Hines, Tom LaMotta, John Taylor, Nancy Cagle, Matt Ward (Nancy Turner's brother), Tammy Warren (friend of BC & Margaret Raynor) Jock Barnes, Mary Felton, Carole Sanders, Jared Sanders, Joan Long, Charlotte Heonis, Maryn O'Neill, Jo Brooks, Mitchell Bennett, Dana Engelhart, Effie Hamilton, George Ellis, Jack Montgomery, Annie Ford (Gayle Hines' mom), and Caregivers.   

The altar flowers Sunday will be given to the glory of God and in celebration of Barbara and Bill Goodwin's 35th wedding anniversary, who were married on March 26.

Holy Java will be open this Sunday from 9:15am-10:40am. Come and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and fellowship!

Have a few minutes to serve in your church each month? We need greeters for the 10:30 and 11:00 services and ushers for 11:00 worship. Greeting only requires about 15-20 minutes before worship begins and ushering even less time! Now that the offertory has resumed and we are "passing the plates," we need 1 additional usher each week. Please contact Tracey Singleton to become a greeter and Gra Singleton if you are able to help usher. ( Thank you!

You are invited to enjoy light refreshments and coffee in the Christian Life Center on Palm Sunday (April 2) from 10- 10:45 am prior to our combined worship service in the Sanctuary.  We look forward to fellowship with our brothers and sisters!

April 2, Palm Sunday


Combined Worship, Sanctuary

April 6, Maundy Thursday


Maundy Thursday Service, Sanctuary

April 7, Good Friday


Good Friday Service, Sanctuary

April 9, Easter Sunday


Combined Worship, Sanctuary

We are half way through our 6-week Lenten bible study (Luke by Adam Hamilton) lead by Pastor Joe every Wednesday night thru April 5 at 6:30pm in the CLC. We would love for you to join us the remaining 3 weeks. Dinner will be served prior to the study at 5:30pm. Chef Rick is preparing the next meal of chicken pot pie, fresh apple sauce, and cherry cheese delight.

One mission Garner UMC supports is Garner Area Ministries (GAM). GAM was started in 1981 by local churches who wanted to do more to help their neighbors. GAM's purpose is to serve as a central location for people who cannot afford to pay rent, utilities and/or buy prescription medications. They also provide food and clothes for families in need. They rely on donations of clothes, home goods, and non-perishable food to support their clients.  A list of items needed is posted at the end of this email.

Garner Relay for Life will be held Saturday April 29 from 1pm-9m at Lake Benson Park Garner, 921 Buffaloe Road, Garner 27529. Team Captain Marilee Rose. There will be a lot of activities going on throughout the event. If you are a survivor and would like to attend the survivor lunch held at noon, please contact Marilee Rose or for any other information about the event, subject Garner Relay 2023. We hope you can join her team, Paws for the Cause - Putting a Lid on Cancer. Listed below is a link to donate either to her personal page or to the team page. If you would prefer to pay by check, please make the check payable to the American Cancer Society and put Team Paws for the Cause, Garner Relay in a note. Marilee will turn in all checks at the end of Relay. Thanks very much for your support. Listed below are the websites for additional information and to donate:

NAMI Wake will be held Saturday May 20 from 9am-1pm at Perimeter Park 3015 Carrington Mills Road, Morrisville 27560. The team is Garner United Methodist Church, Marilee Rose Captain. For additional info about the walk, follow this link:

To donate on line the link is: Anyone wishing to donate via check can do so by making the check payable to NAMI and giving it to Marilee Rose and she will bring the check to the walk. Please contact Marilee Rose more information at subject NAMI Walk 2023. 

This year's Garner blood drive will be the Garner Civitan and Garner Women's Club Blood Drive. The Garner United Methodist Church will also be with the Blood Drive. The donation bus will be at the Civitan building, 1005 Poole Drive, Garner, NC. The exact times of the donations are listed on the Red Cross’ web site. The drive will be with the Red Cross.


To schedule an appointment, from your computer for Select Select Give Blood. Select Find A Blood Drive. Enter 27529 for zip code. Select Find a Drive. Select Distance. Select Garner Civitan Club. Select Time for your donation.


If you are a member of Red Cross, sign in. If you are new to Red Cross, select “Set Up Account” and proceed.


If you need assistance, contact Floyd Wiggins 919-772-3292.

If you would like to place flowers on the altar in honor or memory of someone, please contact the church office.

Tithes may be submitted in the following manner:


1. Online: (Click A New way to give).


2. By mail:  

GUMC, PO Box 2179, Garner, NC 27529            

Attendance for March 19, 2023: 117

General Budget Giving 03/19/2023: $13,552

General Budget Giving received year-to-date:  $114,159

Parsonage Rental & Bldg. Use Fees y-t-d:  $23,368

All General Budget Income year to date:  $137,527

Over/(Under) Working General Budget:  $(57,256)

Faith Promise received 3/19/2023:  $851

Faith Promise received project-to -date:  $319,507

Faith Promise Acts 1:8 Program 23-24:  $3,561

March 28

Joan Long

Teresa Pearl

Gibson Trulinger

March 31

William Stephnson

April 1

Bill McClure, Jr.

If your name is not listed, we do not have your date of birth on file.  Please contact the church office.

March 26, Sunday


Youth, CLC

March 27, Monday


Boy Scouts, 2nd Floor


Cub Scouts, 1st Floor

March 28, Tuesday


Praise Band, CLC


Women's Bible Study, Room 155

March 29 Wednesday 


Men of Faith Bible Study, Library  


Lenten Dinner, CLC


Lenten Bible Study, CLC


Hand Bells, Room 220


Design for Living (AA), Fellowship Hall


Choir, Sanctuary

March 30, Thursday


Read and Feed, CLC


Men's Basketball, CLC

April 1, Saturday 


Hope Ministries, Fellowship Hall

Please remember to check our website to stay current on things happening at Garner United Methodist Church.

1 Thessalonians 5:25

Brothers and sisters, pray for us.


Barbara Barmes

Mrs. Jane Benfield

Carolyn Brown

Betty Burns

Jean Collie

Charlotte Heonis

Vearl Johnson

Jane Lands

Hazel Lee

Annaionette Lilly

Joan Long

 Mac Mackintosh

Janie Sutton

Mildred West

 Bessie Williams


There are bins next to the elevator for the following items:

POP TABS will be taken to Ronald McDonald House in Durham

EYE GLASSES will be sent to Liberia

Global Outreach Team (MISSIONS)

Supported through Faith Promise


New or gently used coats

heavy sweatshirts





Regular Size not Large Economy Size

peanut butter, jelly, boxed meals,

canned pasta,

canned tomatoes, canned meats.


cleaning supplies, non-perishable food items

household items

paper goods, toilet paper

used/reusable shopping bags,

gift cards & financial aide

 Additional information: Call 919-233-8010 

Hours: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. 

Closed Thursday & Sunday

Garner United Methodist Church

Phone: (919) 772-2042
