November 2023

Mail Services Drives Benefit Those in Need

It's easy to make the holidays brighter for those in need. Simply place non-perishable food items in your outgoing campus or Health mail and Mail Services will collect the donations. The food drive continues through Friday, Nov. 17.

Donations will go to the ASUCD Food Pantry or The Pantry at UC Davis Health.

And mark your calendars, Campus Mail Services will team up again with the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program to benefit children in Yolo County. The Mail Services Toy Drive will be held Nov. 27-Dec. 15.

Get the Food Drive Details

Cutover is Here!

As we approach the launch of Aggie Enterprise in January 2024, some of Supply Chain Management's systems and processes are being halted to prepare for go-live.

The last day to create new Requisitions and Purchase Agreements in the Kuali Financial System (KFS) is November 22, 2023. The last day to create and approve new AggieBuy Requisitions is December 8, 2023. If your department utilizes a pre-purchasing system or process, please allow extra time for completing those steps in order to meet these deadlines.

Please prepare for these deadlines by ordering only the good and services your department needs from now until Aggie Enterprise becomes operational on Jan. 4, 2024.

Our Procurement and Contracting Services Team is working hard to fulfill requests before the KFS shutdown, but have received a significant number in recent weeks. All requests will be processed in the order received. Any requests that the team is unable to process before the shutdown will have to be resubmitted by the Requestor into Aggie Enterprise in January.

Don't forget that our AggieSupply Stores stock many of the items you may need. You can continue to shop in-store during the cutover period or use the AggieLogistics Special Order form to place an order from the stores.

There is a process in place if a request of an emergency or business-continuity critical nature becomes necessary during the cutover period. The first option is to use a Procurement Card (P-Card) if possible. If a P-Card can not be used, requests can be submitted through the Cutover Emergency Purchase Order Request Form.

Cutover Dates

Next Aggie Enterprise

Town Hall is December 6

Join the Aggie Enterprise team for a Pre-Go-Live Town Hall!

Learn about the resources and support available to future Aggie Enterprise users and what to expect when the system goes live in January 2024.

Register Now

Changes Coming to AggieExpense Allocation

As part of the UC Chart of Accounts implementation, all AggieExpense users will be required to enter the new chart strings starting in January.

Davis campus, Agriculture and Natural Resources, School of Medicine and School of Nursing employees should work with their fiscal approver and/or business office to determine the new UC Chart of Accounts charge string(s) that apply to to their organizational unit/department.

UC Davis Hospital employees will enter the values found on the allocation webpage below.

Complete instructions on how to enter new accounting information in AggieExpense beginning in January 2024 can be found on our Common Chart of Accounts Allocation Process webpage.

New Rates for Distribution & Logistics

Rate changes took effect Nov. 1, 2023, for several Distribution & Logistics services, including Special Services, Mail Services, Microscope Services, cylinder rentals, document storage and document shredding.

Winter Holiday Closures

The holidays are quickly approaching!

Find all the information about Supply Chain holiday closures on our Winter 2023 Holiday Schedule webpage.

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