A Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, February 3, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,


Grace abound to you.


Last year I asked you to share with me names of members you have not seen in worship since the pandemic, and quite a few of you sent names to me. I wrote to every person whose name I received, letting each know their church family is praying for them and misses them, and we are longing for them to come home. Some have responded, and some have returned, others shared how they were touched by the thought and will return soon. To all who shared those names with me, I want to say thank you. 

The effort to reach out and connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are members of our congregation is the responsibility of each of us. It’s what we are to do as family. It shows our love for them, and it expresses our care for those who are not present with us, for whatever the reason may be. This is the kind of love Jesus instructs us to have for each other, and to care for others as we would want others to care for us. 


I want us now to go a little further in our love and care. I encourage and ask each of you to call a member you have not seen in worship for at least two weeks. If there is a member you usually sit beside, or would greet, or would be in the choir, or across the aisle, and you have not seen that person since January 15, pick up the phone and call. You can also write a note or an email, but reach out, make the effort. Let that member know you care and want to ensure all is well, and how the church can help if needed. If the member is just away because of vacation or work-related trip, you can simply ask how can we pray for them.


It will certainly take more than the staff to ensure no member is left along the way, or lose the connection with their church family. I am reminded of Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep, and the owner’s effort to find that sheep and bring it home. Yes, Jesus is the good Shepherd, but we are all our brother’s and sister’s keeper, and have a responsibility to care for them in ways that will help to guide them home, whether they have been away for two weeks or two years. 


Let’s us lovingly and graciously show care for our Saint Mark family in all the ways we can.


I want to take this time to share that Rev. Josh will be leaving Saint Mark, venturing onto a new path he believes God is calling him.


Rev. Josh is one of those persons God sends our way to enrich our journey of faith, and over the years we have been blessed not only by his ministry, but also by his friendship.


Sunday, March 5th, we will have the opportunity to celebrate Rev. Josh’s ministry at Saint Mark. It will be his last Sunday with us, and he will be preaching at both the 9am and 11am services. There will be a reception for him in Wade Hall from 9:45-10:45am. Please come on out to hear Rev. Josh and to celebrate him.


Finally, in anticipation of getting access to our long-awaited parking deck, (and somewhere here I am shouting hallelujah, you just cannot physically hear me) the driveway immediately behind the church offices and to the small parking garage will be closed to all vehicular and foot traffic, for paving and surfacing, beginning today, February 3rd. Please do not park or walk in that area.  The construction crew needs to get going immediately, so they can expedite the process for us to access our new parking deck. It is very important that we adhere to this directive, so there will not be a delay in getting parking. 


Continue praying for Saint Mark, and for God’s guidance in blessings as we move forward in rebuilding and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.


God’s goodness and mercy,

Pastor Carolyn.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

5th Sunday after Epiphany

(Re)Building a Legacy: Ignoring the Critics

Nehemiah 4:1-6

Rev. Carolyn Stephens, Preaching

Saint Mark United Methodist Church

Rev. Carolyn Stephens, Senior Pastor

781 Peachtree St NE

Atlanta GA 30308-1205



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