St. John's Lutheran School

The Wings Newsletter


Hebrews 12:1-3

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Volume 49, Issue 11

A Message from the Lead Team

  A child will fulfill whatever labels are placed on them, so give them a positive label to fulfill and be sincere.  Use the words “I appreciate the way you . . .” and finish the sentence with an honest and encouraging observation you have made.  This is especially powerful after you’ve had to give your child a difficult correction or after they’ve had a bad day.  Remember, it’s important to build a strong relationship with your child.  (parenting tips from Dr. Randy Schroeder) 

We are the Eagles,

Mrs. Hackelberg and Mrs. Hull

Eagles in Action

First Grade Eagles in Action

Our chapel offerings in November will help the People’s Resource Center in Westmont. Since 1975, the PRC has been bringing neighbors together to respond to hunger and poverty in DuPage County. On Wednesday, November 20, we’re asking everyone to bring an unwrapped toy for a child who might not get any other gift this year. The First Grade will deliver them in time for their “Share the Spirit” event in December. Please click on the logo for more information about the PRC.

Praise God! 

Our chapel offerings on the first day of school were ear-marked for Good Shepherd Lutheran School in Downers Grove to help them after a fire burned their school down and damaged their church in August. A $100 check has been mailed to Good Shepherd along with our prayers and encouragement while they endure the weeks and months ahead of rebuilding. Thank you!


Parent/Teacher Conferences

You should have received an email from each student's teacher with a signup genius link for parent/teacher conferences. If you did not receive an email, email the teacher directly. Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 7th, and Friday, November 8th.

Important Upcoming Dates

October 31 - Wear Pink or Red

November 7 & 8 - NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 16 - 7:00pm - St. John's Family Night Wolves Game

November 17 - 7th/8th grade Bake Sale between worship services

November 17 - 8:00am Worship - 1st-3rd grades sing

Reminder: Shorts will no longer be allowed after October 31.

Outerwear: As the temperatures drop, please remember to send warm coats, hats, and mittens or gloves for the children to wear outside at recess.

So Kids, Sew!

(Open to students in Grades 6, 7, and 8)

When: We will meet from 3:00 - 4:30 

Mondays: Nov. 4, 11, 18, and Dec. 2

We will be sewing pillowcases for kids in the hospital using fun fabrics picked with them in mind. The pillowcase will be donated to Ryan’s Case for Smiles.  A big thank you to our anonymous donor for funding this project.

Mrs. Willig and Mrs. Contraveos will be the adult leaders. Forms are available from your homeroom teacher (grades 6-8) and must be turned in to the office to reserve your place (limit 6). 

Contact Mrs. Hackelberg with any questions:


Parents, Teachers, and Students are all important parts of our school family, and we wouldn't be successful if we didn't work together. To that end, all families are expected to complete five (5) hours of volunteer service. Any family receiving financial assistance from St. John's Lutheran School will be required to complete ten (10) hours of volunteer service. Those families not completing their hours by May 12, 2025 will be charged a fee of $250.00.

Suggested ways to volunteer (not an all-inclusive list)

  • Any PTO event (i.e. Trunk or Treat, Secret Santa, Sock Hop, Fun Lunches)
  • Teacher task: cutting, labeling, etc.
  • FUNdraiser auction
  • Classroom parties and field trips are excluded

Other opportunities will arise throughout the year and will be posted in Wings or your classroom newsletter.

Charleston Wrap Fundraiser

Orders Due Today!

Chicago Wolves Game



St. John's Spirit Wear

Holiday Sale Starts Next Week!

  • Sale Dates: 11/4/2024 - 12/10/2024
  • 25% off all merchandise
  • Free shipping on orders over $75
  • Guaranteed delivery by Dec. 23rd

Shop 24/7:

Board of Education Members

Michelle Maxant

Jennifer Moy

Art Schroeder

Desiree Trapp

You may contact the Board of Education at the following email address:  

PTO Board Members

President - Jennifer Moy 

Vice President - Tammy Roberson

Treasurer - Nancy Razzano

Secretary - Stephanie Muratalla

You can contact them at:

QR Code for Donations

Looking for an easy way to contribute to the Mission of St. John's Lutheran Church and School? Use this QR Code to be able to give a one-time or recurring donation to the fund of your choice, by credit/debit card, or checking account. 

Calendar for 2024-25 School Year

2024-25 School Calendar

St. John's Ministries

Find more information about exciting ministries and events by accessing the church ministries email via the button below:

St. John's Ministries

Please help us fill boxes for Operation Christmas Child!

Pick up a box and fill it to bring JOY and Christmas cheer to children all over the world.  

Join us for our annual Operation Christmas Child Packing Party on Sunday, November 17th during the Sunday School hour! Over the years we have found that the following items are popular and easy to pack. Please consider donating the items listed below.

 Empty shoe boxes (not boot boxes)

 Toy cars, small balls, flashlight, sunglasses, drawstring bags, fidget toys, small stuffed animals, plastic animals, water bottles, hats, small notebooks, pencils, pencil sharpeners, colored pencils or crayons, toothbrush, washcloth or comb, small puzzles, paint sets.

 Wal-Mart, Dollar Store gift cards and monetary donations are greatly appreciated!

 Drop off gift cards and monetary donations by November 10 th in the church or school offices marked Operation Christmas Child and/or drop off items in the boxes labeled in the narthex.

Tuition Reduction Incentive Program!
Earn money to reduce next year's tuition! And support our school!

Use the RaiseRight app now! Whether you are starting your Thanksgiving Day shopping, or stocking up for the winter season, don’t forget to order your TRIP cards! Take time to evaluate your shopping needs and get motivated and in the habit to start earning on your everyday purchases with TRIP cards.

Upcoming order dates:

  • November 11th
  • November 18th
  • December 2nd
  • December 9th

Please text me (Amy Buonassissi) if you have an order & are coming 630-290-0268

   OR if you would like to connect with me somewhere before the order is due.

Online sales are convenient for your busy family. Earn right from home on the website or on-the-go with the RaiseRight app. In the drive-thru line at Starbucks, or the checkout line at Mariano's, or on a Target run? Order an eGift card and it will be downloaded and ready in your scripwallet by the time you are ready to pay or use in the store! Learn more about the RaiseRight app hereRaiseRight App

To obtain your personal user login and password, contact Amy Buonassisi:

TRIP Information November

Community News

Presentation on Vaping - Sponsored by the Coalition for a Safe and Healthy Lyons Township 

Join us on November 6th at LT’s South Campus Library for a FREE presentation from Dr. Aaron Weiner, PHD about vaping. The presentation will begin at 6:30 with Mr. Scott Eggerding sharing some local data with attendees. Dr. Weiner’s presentation will follow.   

Please review the flier for specific information and use the QR code or this link to pre-register for the event. Pre-registration is preferred, but walk-in attendees are welcome. 

Parking is available in the South Lot and entry is at the Library located right off the parking lot. 

I am also including some resources for parents/guardians.  It is important that we partner in educating students about the dangers of vaping

How to Talk to Kids About Vaping

How to Talk to Kids About Vaping (Spanish)

Vaping Resource Tips for Teens

Vaping Resource Tips for Teens (Spanish)

Vaping Misperceptions 

Vaping Misperceptions (Spanish)

Also, here is the link to the FDA Vaping Prevention and Education Resource Center. This video shows how to use the website which has links and resources for teachers, parents, and students.

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