Please help us fill boxes for Operation Christmas Child!
Pick up a box and fill it to bring JOY and Christmas cheer to children all over the world.
Join us for our annual Operation Christmas Child Packing Party on Sunday, November 17th during the Sunday School hour! Over the years we have found that the following items are popular and easy to pack. Please consider donating the items listed below.
Empty shoe boxes (not boot boxes)
Toy cars, small balls, flashlight, sunglasses, drawstring bags, fidget toys, small stuffed animals, plastic animals, water bottles, hats, small notebooks, pencils, pencil sharpeners, colored pencils or crayons, toothbrush, washcloth or comb, small puzzles, paint sets.
Wal-Mart, Dollar Store gift cards and monetary donations are greatly appreciated!
Drop off gift cards and monetary donations by November 10 th in the church or school offices marked Operation Christmas Child and/or drop off items in the boxes labeled in the narthex.