Associate Professor Hong Vu’s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Journalism Studies. The paper, “The Gap Between What They Say and What They Do: Journalists’ Role Conception and Role Performance in Socialist-Communist Context,” is the result of a collaborative project with researchers from several universities in Vietnam.
Associate Professor Hong Vu, doctoral student Jun Pei and master's student Manzur Maswood's study titled "Hoax, Fraud, Scam, or Lie: A Corpus Analysis of Strategies Used by Fox News to Dismiss Climate Change in the Last Two Decades" has been accepted by International Communication Association (ICA) conference. The study analyzed Fox News' content on climate change to understand the strategies the network adopted to dismiss climate change. The co-author of the study is doctoral student Yiwen Wu.
Two papers from studies performed at CEHCUP’s Experimental Research Media Laboratory and led by Associate Professor Mugur Geana have been accepted for plenary presentation at the 73rd ICA Conference May 25-29, 2023, in Toronto, Canada. “Enhancer or Distractor? A Pilot Study on the Impact of AR Engagement on Information Retention in a Mediated Learning Environment” explores the value of augmented reality as a didactic information delivery tool. The study was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Dan Cernusca from North Dakota State University and Dr. Pan Liu from Marian University. “Should we go digital? A comparative study of virtualized versus hardware-based Real-Time-Response measurement for studies using mediated content” provides evidence on the value and validity of virtualized RTR data collection methods for mass communication and political sciences studies. The project was developed in collaboration with Dr. Ioan Ionas from IGI Research.
Calling all experimental researchers! If you are interested in conducting or learning about experimental research on media effects through psychophysiology, eye tracking, facial emotion recognition, augmented reality and virtual reality, or online experiments, you are invited to join the Experimental Research Group (ERG) at its first meeting of the year on Thursday, Jan. 19, at 7 pm. This first meeting will discuss the plans for the semester, present the facilities available at CEHCUP’s Experimental Research Media Laboratory, and establish a timeline for the meetings of the group. Faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students are welcome to attend. Group members will receive know-how support and lab time for developing projects and data collection. The meeting will be hosted by Dr. Mugur Geana at CECHUP (2001 Dole Center for Human Development). Contact Geana if you have any questions about ERG or about the meeting.
Members from the Science Communication Research Group have had three papers accepted for presentation at the 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association in Toronto, Canada, in 2023. They include: “Hoax, Fraud, Scam, or Lie: A Corpus Analysis of Strategies Used by Fox News to Dismiss Climate Change in the Last Two Decades,” “Examining Practices of Transparency and Accessibility by International Fact-Checking Networks on COVID-19,” and “When the Media Goes to War: How Russian News Media Defend the Country’s Image during the Conflict with Ukraine.” The papers are led or co-authored by Jun Pei, Manzur Maswood, Nhung Nguyen, Frank Ding, Pamela Peters, and Hong Vu.
Associate Professor Mugur Geana has been appointed to the RADx-UP Publication and Dissemination Committee. RADx® Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) is a consortium of more than 125 research projects studying COVID-19 testing patterns and testing interventions in communities across the United States and its territories as well as Tribal Nations. Dr. Geana is the co-principal investigator (with Dr. Megha Ramaswamy) on one of these research projects. Learn more about the RADx programs.
Stephen Wolgast attended a conference in Miami of two dozen Knight Chair professors from around the country last week. The Knight Foundation sponsored the meeting, which featured presentations from the chairs and a look toward the year ahead.
Associate Professor Carol Holstead judged the design category of National Magazine Awards at Columbia University in New York City on Jan. 12. Judges are invited. The National Magazine Awards are the most prestigious awards in American magazines and are sponsored by the American Society of Magazine Editors. Holstead also is an honorary member of ASME.
Assistant Professor Jeff Conlin hosted a workshop Jan. 11 about communicating science and research, cultivating media relationships and honing messages with KU Ph.D. students in engineering, biological and physical sciences who are affiliated with the Self Graduate Fellowship. The Self Graduate Fellowship provides professional skills development and general education in areas of communication, management, innovation and leadership.
Assistant Professor Melissa Greene-Blye and Associate Professor Teri Finneman had their paper, “The Influence of Indigenous Standpoint: Examining Indian Country Press Portrayals of Native Women in Politics,” accepted by Newspaper Research Journal.
Associate Professor Teri Finneman's first (in a series) paper with co-authors Patrick Ferrucci and Nick Mathews examining new business model potential for weekly newspapers was accepted for presentation by the International Communication Association. The project is funded by a J-School innovation grant. Finneman also will be a panelist during a session about women and the White House at the White House Historical Association in March.
Professor Hyunjin Seo, Assistant Professors Yuchen Liu (Cleveland State University), Husain Ebrahim (Kuwait University) and Muhammad Ittefaq (James Madison University), and Postdoctoral Researcher Donghwa Chung (Shanghai University) are co-authors of a manuscript, “The COVID-19 pandemic and international students: A mixed-methods approach to relationships between social media use, social support, and mental health,” which has been accepted for publication in the journal First Monday.
J-School professors and a student participated last week in the KU Summit on Community-Engaged Learning and Scholarship.
Professor of the Practice Angie Hendershot: Scholarship in Action: Involving Students in Service Learning and Community-Engaged Scholarship
Professor Yvonnes Chen: Community-Engaged Scholarship: Supporting Collaboration and Participation with Communities Through Research
Matthew Petillo: Promoting Civic Action Across the Campus Community