Cores Newsletter April 2023


DNA Technologies & Expression Analysis Core

Two new sequencers have been installed: PacBio REVIO long-read sequencer and Element Biosciences AVITI short-read sequencer.

The PacBio REVIO reduces sequencing cost by two-thirds and increases the HiFi long-read sequencing capacity 7.5 times compared to its two predecessors. The Element Biosciences AVITI sequencer improves on the read qualities provided by Illumina sequencers.

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Metabolomics Core

Bits & Bites #03

Mass Spectrometry Imaging 101: Sample Preparation

April 27, 9 am-12 pm 

In this short course, we'll cover mass spectrometry imaging analysis sample preparation basics, from tissue to data acquisition. We'll use videos, PowerPoint, and group discussions. You'll have enough knowledge to start your own mass spectrometry imaging journey.


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Bioinformatics Core

Single Cell RNA-Seq Analysis

June 20-22, 9 am-5 pm 

This three-day workshop covers experimental design, data generation, and analysis of single cell RNA sequencing data. Participants will explore a single cell experiment using the command line and R, create and modify workflows, and diagnose and treat problematic data utilizing high performance computing services.


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Bioinformatics Core

Advanced Topics in Single Cell RNA-Seq

June 23, 9 am-5 pm 

This one-day workshop is an in-depth look at VDJ analysis with single cell RNA-Seq data using an example dataset generated on the 10X Chromium platform. Participants should already be familiar with single cell RNA-Seq analysis, the basics of which will not be covered in this course. Visit the course website for more information.


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West Coast Metabolomics Center

We are here to assist with your metabolomic analysis. We offer a number of untargeted and targeted assays to match your interest and are able to accept a wide range of sample types. We are happy to engage in project specific method development and implementation.

We hold a series of training courses throughout the year for professional researchers, staff, and scientists. One-week or two-week courses are offered to participants, in which they receive training on the fundamental principles and practical applications of metabolomics. The training includes the use of experimental data sets, problems, and software. We also offer short courses in our online Bits & Bites series. Join us on our upcoming "Bites" on April 27 and May 25.

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Proteomics Core

We are here to assist you with your proteomics needs. We offer a semi-automated system for sample digestion in a 96-well plate format using our new Tecan A200 platform. Decreasing variability in your sample preparation is key for extracting informative data and we can help.

We also have annual classes here in the summer where we spend an entire week training participants in our proteomics workflow. We will cover proteomics sample preparation from tissue, data acquisition, and data analysis with the software we use in the core and free alternatives.

Keep an eye out on our website, Twitter (@UCDProteomics), or fill out this form to be notified about upcoming dates. We look forward to working with you.

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Yeast One Hybrid Services Core

We have updated our service rates and our website. We continue to provide a screening service between promoters and collections of Arabidopsis, Maize, or Sorghum transcription factors. Please check out our website and the latest publications from research produced in our core facility (see PDF). If you have any further questions, please contact Siobhan Brady or Anne-Maarit Bagman.

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DNA Technologies & Expression Analysis Core

The DNA Technologies and Expression Analysis Core at the Genome Center offers high-throughput sequencing, genotyping, single-cell RNA-seq and multi-omics, and microarray services, as well as training and consultation.

We offer all important sequencing technologies: Illumina and Element Biosciences short-read sequencing, PacBio and Nanopore long-read sequencing together with a wide range of library preparation services for these platforms.

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Bioinformatics Core

We offer a variety of workshops to help you with your bioinformatics journey. We cover topics ranging from introduction to R for bioinformatics to more advanced topics such as single cell RNA-Seq analysis. Please check our registration page for upcoming workshops. We look forward to seeing you.

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With the advent of CRISPR-Cas9 targeted mutagenesis, amplicon TILLING has become less attractive and customer numbers are now too low for us to continue this service. 

On the other hand, we have several TILLING populations (tomato, tetraploid A. thaliana, Camelina sativa, and rice) that are available as seeds. These resources can be shared through collaboration or contracts. Additionally, we have experience with custom mutation-detection projects and can offer support in the form of bioinformatic advice and analysis for crop functional genomic projects. You can email us for inquiries.

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