Program Highlights
Computer Engineering climbs three steps to #10 public and #15 overall and our Electrical Engineering program ranks #10 public and #19 overall.
"AI Discovery and Sensing for Biomarkers of Chronic Pain” will help unlock the interactions within the body that produce chronic pain.
Quantum News
The University of Maryland Quantum Technology Center invites applications for multiple faculty positions at all levels in the interdisciplinary field of applied quantum science and technology.

Learn more at:
Faculty News
Research aims to identify the nature and role of acoustic representations in guiding perception and behavior in humans, animals, and models.
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland.

Responsibilities include leadership of a highly research-active department, program
development with industrial partners, and stewardship of strong academic programs.

Alumni News
Faghih Joins NYU Faculty
Alumna Rose Faghih ('08, electrical engineering) has joined New York University’s (NYU) Department of Biomedical Engineering as an associate professor and director of the Computational Medicine Laboratory.
In Brief
Upcoming Events

The Clark School and the Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering will be hosting a CMSE Brunch on Saturday, April 23 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in Clark Hall as part of the University of Maryland's Black Alumni Weekend festivities.


The Electrical and Computer Engineering Distinguished Colloquium Series hosted by Booz Allen Hamilton features distinguished speakers from across the nation and around the globe, and also provides venues in which ECE faculty can showcase their research to a broad audience of their colleagues and students, as well as friends of the university.