CIF investor accounts, modern access

CIF app on Android and iPhone

Have an investor account with us or are you or your church a current client? You can try the CIF app on your Android, iPhone or tablet.

With biometric security, there's real-time access to eligible account balances and transactions, similar to CIF's Online Services.

Click below to install on Android or Apple devices. Or, you can search for Christian Investors Financial in your phone app installer.

If you’d like more information on how you can put your money to work for the Kingdom, start your investment journey here and connect with one of our specialists.

What partnership really means - watch

CIF shares church's Kingdom focus - at your side, rather than "across the table." Pastor Alberto Malisani -watch-

Pastor Alberto Malisani with Grace Church in Desert Hot Springs, Calif. is a Bible teacher and worship leader. He knows that money is part of ministry, a tool God uses to accomplish His work through the local church. But ministry is his expertise, not finance.

“I am not very often with loans and documentation, numbers and so on,” said Pastor Alberto. CIF came alongside the pastor and his church to help with a loans and details for a construction project.

“It was the human relationship, a long process, but in every stage . . . when we finally finished with the person on the other side, they (CIF) were very kind to help us to understand,” pastor said. -more-

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Q&A knowledge builder

Question: Can you tell us the main difference between a nonprofit and for-profit financial institution?

Answer: Like many things in life, it all comes down to values. As a faith-based nonprofit financial institution, CIF solely exists to fulfill a mission- Providing faith-based financial solutions that serve Kingdom expansion. For-profit financial institutions, such as banks, brokerage firms or mortgage companies exist to maximize financial return for their shareholders.

It can be as simple as asking: “Who do you lend to?” At CIF, we only lend to further ministry and expand the Kingdom, with a portion of the interest paid on loans going to back to CIF investors. That’s why we say our investments are impactful. They make ministry happen.

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