St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

March 17, 2023

St. Bernard's has Talent!

Maggie and Jayla shared their gift of song.

Linh's piano skills are amazing!

Belle performed a piece from the Nutcracker.

Monday, March 20th is a teacher work day so

we will have no school.

The end of the 3rd quarter is today!

Grades will be available through

TeacherEase at the end of next week.

Crusader Corral Tickets!

Purchase your tickets now for the 2023 St. Bernard's Academy Fundraiser - Crusader Corral! The event, taking place April 21 in the SBA Gymnasium, features live and silent auctions, catered dinner, full bar and casino-style gaming. Tickets are $100 and must be purchased in advance. This is a 21+ event.

Purchase Tickets Here!

Last Call for Business Sponsorships

Our annual fundraiser would not be possible without the support of our local business community. Business sponsorships of $2000 receive a table for 8 at the event and a company banner in the SB gymnasium year-round. The deadline to secure a Crusader Corral business sponsorship is March 21.  

Contact or Sarah Shanahan @ 707-499-7136 for more information.

Donations Needed for Crusader Corral

It’s that time of year when planning for our annual fundraiser is in high gear! We need your help. The Crusader Corral Committee is seeking donations for our live and silent auctions. We need donation items for the silent auction—gift baskets, gift cards, etc. We also need large items for the live auction such as romantic getaways, hunting trips, fishing trips, and weekend timeshares. We also need empty baskets for auction items. There are lots of opportunities to help. 

Connect with me for pick up, or drop off your donations in the office.

Thank you,

Holly Costa

Upcoming Events

Monday, March 20th - Teacher Workday - No School

Friday, March 31st & Saturday, April 1st - Mouse Trap, School Play, 7:00 pm

Monday, April 3rd - Winter Sports Awards, 6:30 pm, Please bring a dessert to share.

Friday, April 7 - Sunday, April 16th - Easter Break - No school

Monday, April 17th - Alumni Association Meeting, 5:30 pm Mac Lab

Friday, April 21st - Wild West: Crusader Corral - Our annual school dinner and auction fundraiser 

Click for school calendar

High School Sports Update

Friday, March 17th - Saturday, March 18th

V Baseball at Fort Bragg

V Softball at Cloverdale

Monday, March 20th

4:00 JV Baseball vs Fortuna

Wednesday, March 22nd

4:00 V Baseball vs Del Norte

Friday, March 24th

4:00 V Softball vs Arcata at Bear River

Friday, March 24th - Saturday, March 25th

JV Baseball Arcata Tournament

Saturday, March 26th

11:00 V Baseball at South Fork

11:00 V Softball at Trinity

Students in Action

Congratulations to Jamarious, Grant and Tucker for committing to play football at the college level.

Our relay team came in 2nd place this week!

Congratulations to Alyssa! She has been accepted to Purdue University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Washington, UC Davis, and California Institute of Technology!

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we had Lucky Charms for breakfast today!

It's a bird, it's a plane....

It's Lucky Charms Man!

Mystery Liquid Lab in physical science! Students obtained the mass and volume of each liquid and used the density to determine what it was!

Congratulations to Shaya! She has been accepted to California State University, Sacramento, California State University, Chico, Sonoma State University, and Cal Poly Humboldt.

Earth Science students built structures and then tested them on the earthquake table to determine what structure was the safest.

Varsity Softball started off this weekend's tournament with a win against Upper Lake.

NHS volunteered at the preschool this week.

Ways to Support our Students

Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)

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