"To know Christ and to make Him known . . . " | |
The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church | |
I Once was Blind, but now I See – God’s Amazing Grace
The lectionary this week is filled with images of seeing, vision, light. The irony of seeing but not perceiving. I see! I get it! We come to learn that seeing, grasping, understanding from our human individual perspective has limits. Lent offers us a time to slow down, to journey with others in community and to look more deeply into our own hearts – to see, share, learn, and perhaps to heal.
It is not unusual to view things differently when we gather in community. Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors thought the world was flat – simply because flatness was what was in front of them. In time, we learned otherwise, but most of us have not had the opportunity to journey into outer space to see firsthand the glorious roundness of the earth, our island home.
After morning prayer coffee hour takes us into conversation about what we see. Shared from our varied perspectives we discover a bigger picture of what we face each day. The rain is preventing me from going out. The rain is flooding our streets. The rain is watering our earth.
Last week, we enjoyed a perspective of “seeing” from Fr. Chavez, Canon for Border Ministries in the Diocese of Arizona. Borders are all around us – do we see them? How does being here - in my own little space - impact my consideration of a deeper, universal truth? We all stand together on our earthly home. Why borders? What do they teach us if we are willing to risk grappling with the larger view? How does engaging in relationship with those we “see” as “others” help our hearts to change?
In our Old Testament reading, the Lord sends Samuel to locate a new king. Samuel, with grieving heart and eyes, is unable to see anything new or transformative in his immediate surroundings. But the Lord sends Samuel. Go, look, and trust that I will help you see. “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature… for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
The Gospel this week is filled images of seeing and not seeing. When our eyes are opened by Jesus, we are offered the gift of transformation – but often, like the Pharisees, we don’t trust our own eyes – we don’t want to see what is in front of us as we reject God’s gift. We are not ready and so we choose not to receive God’s unconditional love and mercy. We get swept away with a group mentality that tells us “What you think you see – in front of you -- is not real – not truth.” So we miss a deeper healing of our hearts and a bigger picture of what God’s love and mercy truly is.
As we continue our Lenten journey together, I challenge us all to open our hearts, minds, and eyes. Allow ourselves to receive and to notice things with new eyes – with the healed vision Jesus offers. Steve Garnaas-Holmes encourages us to “Loosen your grip. Stop trying to make things be what you want.” May we open our eyes, receive, and be healed. Maybe, just maybe, we will see, enjoy, and grow together in love as we accept and welcome the incredible beauty, richness and deep truths that surround us.
Journeying with you towards healing, clearer vision, and deeper love,
Deacon Claire
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The Fourth Sunday in Lent
1 Samuel 16:1-13
Ephesians 5:8-14
John 9:1-41
Psalm 23
Lessons in Spanish
Join us for Sunday Worship at 8:00 am and 10:00 am in the church or remotely on Zoom and Facebook.
8:00 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83803451202
Facebook Live Stream: https://www.facebook.com/stjohns1745/live_videos/
Bulletin: Rite I Lent
9:45 am - Sunday School meets in the Canterbury Corner
2022-23 Sunday School Calendar
10:00 am – Rite II Choral Eucharist
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86739553648
Facebook Live Stream: https://www.facebook.com/stjohns1745/live_videos
Bulletin: Rite II Baptism English/Spanish
Opening: 7 Christ whose glory fills the skies
Sequence Hymn: 490 I want to walk as a child of the light
Offertory Anthem: "In His Presence" by Bonnie Masi
Communion Hymn: "Pescador de hombres"
Recessional Hymn: 690 Guide me though o great Jehovah
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"A Lenten Journey: A Christian Pilgrimage toward New Life" - This small collection of Lenten meditations was composed by now Bishop Allen Shin when he was rector of St. Johns as an offering to the members of St. John’s. There are are several hard copies available at the back of the church.
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On Tuesdays in Lent, all are welcome to join us in the Great Hall or on Zoom for 2023 Lenten Series, Listen, Love, Learn: How Being Present Changes Lives. Arizona missioners will share their mission experience at the borders of our world.
March 21 - Learn: "Here we Wait -- Walls and/or Gates" Presented by Jan Stebbins and Kailee Sievers
March 28 - Love: "Where Love May Take Us -- Where Will Love Take Us" Presented by Ken Denker, Paula Dodge, Stephanie West
- 6:00 pm: Stations of the Cross in the Sanctuary (In person)
- 6:30 pm: Light Supper in the Great Hall (In person)
- 7:00 pm: Program (In person & on Zoom)
- 8:00 pm: Closing Prayer
Lenten Suppers - We are so excited to be able to come together again for supper before each program. Each week different St. John's groups will provide the meal. Click on the following link to see the schedule:
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Bible Study meets regularly Mondays at 6:30 pm and on Tuesdays at 11:00 am on Zoom. In Lent we are studying Were You There: Lenten Reflections on the Spirituals by Luke A. Powery.
Monday Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83373971746
Tuesday Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82553627635
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The Thrift Shop is open regularly on Tuesday, Thursdays & Saturdays, 12 - 3 pm.
To volunteer or find our more, please contact Mary Beth Dieterle, (631) 427-1752, ext 106.
Donations welcome. We accept donations of new or gently used clothing, accessories, and household items. Please no books, furniture, out-dated electronics, or damaged items.
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Pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona, Scotland
September 29-October 8, 2023
IONA WELCOMES ALL! Come you of great faith and you who struggle with faith; you who believe and you who doubt; explorers and questioners, adventures and contemplatives! Experience Iona without expectation. Let the sacred isle uncover what you need to see and reveal what you need to hear!
For more information or questions please contact the Pilgrimage Leader, Leslie Valentine: Phone: (516) 815-1169; Email: leslieval@aol.com.
Iona 2023 Brochure
Iona 2023 Registration Form
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Invite your friends and family to join us for Holy Week at St. John's!
Palm Sunday – April 2nd
8:00 am – Rite I Holy Eucharist with the Passion
10:00 am – Rite II Choral Eucharist with the Passion by St. John’s Youth
Morning Prayer
Monday - Friday at 9:00 am on Zoom
Maundy Thursday – April 6th
5:30 pm – Christian Seder
7:30 pm – Maundy Thursday Choral Eucharist with Foot Washing
Good Friday – April 7th
7:00 pm – Stations of the Cross
7:30 pm – Good Friday Holy Eucharist
Easter Sunday – April 9th
7: 30 am – Rite I Sunrise Holy Eucharist
9:00 am – Rite II Family Eucharist
10:15 am – Easter Egg Hunt in the Garden of Blessings
11:00 am – Rite II Choral Eucharist
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All are welcome at Morning Prayer. We meet Monday through Friday at 9:00 am via Zoom.
Our short prayer service is followed by some fellowship and discussion. Feel free to join us occasionally to listen and pray, or come more often to participate as a leader or reader, and to start your day with your focus on Christ and a deeper connection with your friends at St. John's.
Join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86041146543
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Prayer Shawl Ministry - 1st Thursday of each month at 6 pm in the Guild Room. Contact Noelle DeLoreno or Lynn Hansen.
Spirituality Group - NO Meeting in March. 2nd Thursday of each month at 5 pm in the Guild Room. Contact Patti Aliperti.
Racial Reconcilitation & Social Justice Minsitry - 4th Wednesday of each month on Zoom. Contact Heather Kress. In March, RR&SJM will meet on the last Wednesday, March 29th.
St. Hilda's Guild (Sewing & Crafting) - Weekly on Tuesdays, 12:30 - 3 pm in the Guild Room. Contact Sue Hartman.
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To help beautify St. John’s Altar at Easter we ask for your donation for Easter Flowers to remember your deceased Loved Ones, or in Thanksgiving for your blessings.
If you wish to have your dedication listed in the Easter Bulletin, please complete and return this form to the Parish Office by the DEADLINE of Wednesday, March 29th .
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We pray for Richard, Barbara, Edward, Christine, Fred, Ana, Patti, Luke, Cassandra, Valarie, Danielle, Amy, Kate, Cheryl, Anne, Carmen, Lou, Mary Beth, Daniel, Pedro, Anita, Chaya, Valerie, Hal, Sue, Hortense, Louise, Angela, Brooke, Caitlin, Chris, Dana, Bill, Greg, Eric, Sandra, Sally
Recently departed: Jean Giacomini
The Perpetual Light is given in loving memory of Walter McCarthy by his wife, Evelyn McCarthy.
The Perpetual Light is a gift of Dave and Nelly Lasek in loving memory of Natividad and Modesto Roman, and Bertha, Frank and John Lasek.
We will begin a new prayer list in Easter. Please send your prayers or updates to prayers@stjohns1745.org or call Coral in the Parish Office, 631-427-1752, ext. 101.
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St. John's Episcopal Church
12 Prospect Street
Huntington, New York 11743
(631) 427-1752
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